(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 101 到 200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Acropathy 肢端病
Acroteriasm 肢端缺損(畸形)
Actinic toxemia; Actinotoxemia 射線性毒血症
Actinomyces tumor 放線菌腫
Active hypertrophy; Hypertrophy from overwork 勞動性肥大; 主動肥大
Active pulmonary tuberculosis 發揚性肺結核
Active tuberculosis 發揚性結核病
Acute articular rheumatism; Acute rheumatic polyarthritis; Inflammatory rheumatism; Rheumatic fever; Acute rheumatic arthritis 急性多關節風濕; 炎性風濕; 急性風濕多關節炎
Acute beriberi; Pernicious beriberi; Cardiovascular beriberi 急性腳氣; 惡性腳氣; 心血管型腳氣
Acute carcinosis 急性癌病
Acute catarrhal fever; Winter grip; Endemic influenza 類流行感冒; 歐洲流行感冒; 地方性感冒
Acute disease 急性病
Acute dysentery 急性痢疾
Acute emphysema 急性肺氣腫
Acute exanthem 急性疹
Acute genorrhea 急性淋病
Acute glanders 急性鼻疽
Acute goiter 急性甲狀腺腫
Acute lead poisoning 急性鉛中毒
Acute lupus 急性狼瘡
Acute mercurial poisoning 急性汞中毒
Acute poisoning 急性中毒
Acute pulmonary tuberculosis; Acute phthisis 急性肺結核
Acute rheumatism 急性風濕
Acute saplessness 急性體液缺乏
Acute splenic hypertropy 急性脾肥大
Acute splenomegaly; Acute splenic tumor 急性脾增大
Acute tuberculosis 急性結核病
Acute typhoidal tuberculosis; Tuberculous typhobacillosis 急性傷寒型結核病
Acutissime disease 最急性病
Acutissime smallpox 最急性天花; 天花紫癜
Acysty 無膀胱(畸形)
Adactyl fetus 無指(趾)畸胎
Adactyly; Adactylism 無指(趾)(畸形)
Adamantine adenoma 牙釉質腺瘤; 牙釉質瘤
Adamantine cancer 牙釉質癌
Adamantine epithelioma 牙釉質上皮瘤; 牙釉質瘤
Adaptive hypertrophy 適應性肥大
Addision-Gull's disease; Rayer's disease; Lipomatous fibroma; Vitiligoid molluscum 黃瘤; 脂瘤性纖維瘤; 白癜樣軟疣
Addison's keloid; Addison's morphae Addison氏瘢痕瘤; 硬斑
Adenal mycosis 腺黴菌病
Adenocyst 腺囊腫; 腺囊瘤
Adenogenous carcinoma 腺性癌; 腺原癌
Adenoid cancer; Tubular cancer; Duct cancer; Adenoid carcinoma; Duct-carcinoma 腺樣癌; 管狀癌; 圓柱瘤
Adenoid habit 腺增殖性體型
Adenoid nevoepithelioma 腺樣上皮痣瘤
Adenoid tumor; Glandular tumor 腺瘤
Adenoid vegetation 腺樣增殖體; 腺樣體增殖
Adenoleiomyomatous fibroma 腺平滑肌纖維瘤
Adenoma of bladder 膀胱腺瘤
Adenoma of mucous glands 黏液腺瘤
Adenoma of prostata 前列腺腺瘤
Adenoma of sweat gland 汗腺瘤; 空洞性囊腺瘤; 空洞性瘤
Adenoma of vaginal portion of uterus 子宮陰道部腺瘤
Adenomatous carcinoma 腺瘤癌; 癌腺瘤
Adenomatous chondroma 腺軟骨瘤
Adenomatous chondrosarcoma 腺軟骨肉瘤
Adenomatous cystoma 腺囊瘤
Adenomatous fibroma 腺纖維瘤
Adenomatous goiter; Papillomatous goiter 腺瘤性甲狀腺腫
Adenomatous lipoma 腺脂瘤
Adenomatous myoma 腺肌瘤
Adenomatous myosarcoma 腺肌肉瘤
Adenomatous myxoma 腺黏液瘤
Adenomatous polypus; Glandular polypus 腺瘤息肉; 腺息肉
Adenomatous sarcoma; Sarcoma of gland 腺肉瘤
Adenomyomatous fibroma 腺肌纖維瘤
Adenopathy; Glandular affection; Glandular disease 腺病
Adenosarcomatous rhabdomyoma 腺肉橫紋肌瘤
Adenotyphoid fever 腺病性傷寒
Adermy; Absence of skin; Defect of skin 無皮(畸形)
Adgenic cyst 下頜骨黏連性皮樣囊腫
Adhesion of cyst 囊腫黏?
Adhesion of limbs; Web-feet 併肢(畸形)
Adhyoid cyst 舌骨黏連性皮樣囊腫
Adiathesy 非素質性疾病
Adiposogenital dystrophy; Froehlich's syndrome 肥胖性生殖無能性榮養障礙
Adipous dyscrasia 脂肪性體液不調; 脂肪惡液質
Adnexal tuberculosis 子宮附件結核
Adnexal tumour; Adnex tumor 子宮附件腫瘤
Adolescent goiter 青年甲狀腺腫
Adolescent rickets 青年佝僂病
Adonidine poisoning; Adonidinism 側金盞花中毒; 側金盞?中毒
Adrenal adenoma 腎上體腺瘤
Adrenal constitution; Adrenotropism 腎上體體質
Adrenal cortex hyperplasy; Interrenalism 腎上體皮質增殖
Adrenal syphilis 腎上體梅毒
Adrenalin poisoning 腎上腺素中毒
Adult rickets 成人佝僂病
Adult scurvy 成人壞血病
Advanced disease 久遠病; 增劇病
Adynamic measles 衰弱性麻疹
Adynamic remittent 衰弱性惡瘧
Adynamic scarlet fever 衰弱性猩紅熱
Aedoeology; Edeology 生殖器學
Aerial infection; Air-borne infection 空氣傳染
Aerocoly; Gas in colon 結腸積氣
Aerogastry; Gastric flatulence; Gas in stomach 胃積氣
Aerogenic tuberculosis 氣原肺結核
Aerolymphogenic tuberculosis 空氣淋巴原肺結核