(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 1901 到 2000 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Disposition; Tendency toward certain disease; Perdisposition 素因
Dissected fever 間斷瘧; 久歇瘧
Dissection wound; Dissecting room wound 解剖創傷
Disseminated lupus; Discrete lupus 播散性狼瘡; 稀疏狼瘡
Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis 播散性肺結核
Disseminated tuberculosis 廣散性結核病; 稀疏結核病
Disseminative follicular lupus; Acneiform lupus; Miliary lupus; Lupus-like acne; Teleangiected acne 播散性毛囊狼瘡; 痤瘡性狼瘡; 狼瘡痤瘡; 毛細管擴張性痤瘡; 粟粒狼瘡
Dissolution of vertebra 脊椎骨脫離
Distention cyst; Dilatation cyst 擴張囊腫
Distoma infestation; Distoma disease 雙口蛭病
Distomous diprosopus 雙口雙面畸胎; 雙口畸胎
Disturbance of development; Interruption of development; Maldevelopment 發育障礙; 發育不良
Disturbance of nutrition by albumin 蛋白質致害
Disturbance of nutrition by fat 脂肪致害;
Disturbance of nutrition by milk 乳汁致害
Disturbance of nutrition in new-born infant 養料致害; 初生兒養料不宜病
Disunited fracture 複雜骨折
Disymmetric cephalothoracopagus 雙對稱頭胸聯胎; 雙面聯胎
Disymmetric ischiopagus 雙對稱坐骨聯胎
Diurnal filariasis 晝現幼絲蟲病
Diver's paralysis 潛水夫麻痺
Division of intestine 腸切離; 腸分離
Dog bite; Rabid dog bite 瘈咬傷; 瘋犬咬傷
Domestic disease 家庭傳染病
Domestic poisoning 家庭中毒
Dominant heredity 強性遺傳; 顯性遺傳
Dor's sporotrichosis Dor氏胞子絲菌病
Double bladder 雙膀胱(畸形)
Double bodied monsters; Diplosomatic monsters 雙軀畸胎
Double cancer 二型細胞癌
Double esophagus; Diesophagus 雙食管(畸形)
Double eyebrow; Distichy 雙列睫(畸形)
Double fracture 兩處骨折; 雙骨折
Double hand 複手(畸形)
Double hare-lip 重複兔脣
Double jaw; Dignathy 雙下頜畸胎
Double kidney; Duplication of kidney 複腎(畸形)
Double lip 複脣(畸形)
Double malaria 複瘧
Double mouth; Distomous monstrosity 雙口畸形
Double nephropathy 兩側腎病
Double nose; Bifid nose 雙鼻(畸形)
Double parasitic monsters; Asymmetric duplicity 非對稱聯胎; 寄生聯胎
Double penis 雙陰莖(畸形)
Double pneumonia 雙肺炎
Double pupil 重瞳(畸形)
Double quartan; Double quartan malaria; Double quartan malarial fever 複三日瘧
Double quotidian malaria 複日發瘧; 半日瘧; 日二發瘧
Double renal pelvis; Duplication of renal pelvis 複腎盂(畸形)
Double spinal cord 雙脊髓(畸形)
Double tertian malaria 複間日瘧; 間日瘧性日發瘧
Double tongue; Bifid tongue 雙舌(畸形)
Double tooth 複齒列(畸形)
Double ureter 複輸尿管(畸形)
Double uterus 雙子宮(畸形)
Double vagina 雙陰道(畸形)
Dressler bone Dressler氏骨; 平骨瘤
Droplet infection 飛沫傳染
Dropsical nephropathy; Hypochloruric nephropathy 少鹽尿性腎病; 水腫性腎病
Drug disease; Medicinal disease 藥劑病
Drug poisoning 生藥中毒; 藥用植物中毒
Drug poisoning 藥物中毒
Drug rash; Medicinal rash; Drug eruption; Medicinal eruption 藥物疹
Drum membrane compression ?膜受壓
Dry beriberi 乾性腳氣; 萎縮性腳氣
Dry gonorrhea 乾淋病
Dry leprosy 乾麻風
Dry mouth; Oral dryness 口腔乾燥
Dry pannus 乾性血管翳
Dry scabies; Dry itch 乾疥瘡
Dryness of hair 毛髮乾燥
Dryness of skin; Parchment skin; Paper skin; Dermal xerosis 皮膚乾燥病; 乾皮病
Ducto-acinar carcinoma 管腺泡癌
Duodenal cancer 十二指腸癌
Duplication; Double formation 重複畸形
Dupuytren's fracture Dupuytren氏骨折
Dural endothelioma 硬腦膜內皮瘤
Dural sarcoma 硬腦膜肉瘤
Dural spongioma 硬腦膜海綿腫
Dust disease 塵埃沉?病; 積塵病
Dust infection; Infection through dust 塵埃傳染
Duverney's fracture Duverney氏骨折; 髂前上棘部骨折
Dwarf 侏儒; 矮小畸胎
Dwarf pelvis 矮小骨盆
Dynamic alopecia 動力性脫髮
Dynamic myocardiosis 動力性心肌病
Dynamism 動力說; 動力病原論
Dyphtheritic dysenter; Diphtheric dysentery 固膜性痢疾
Dyscerebral dwarf 腦病性矮小
Dyscrasia of drunkards; Alcoholic dyscrasia 醇毒性惡液質
Dyscrasic fracture 惡病質骨折
Dyscrasy 惡液質體液不調
Dyscratic autointoxication 惡病質性自體中毒
Dysenteric pernicious malaria; Dysenteric remittent 痢型惡瘧
Dysentery 痢疾
Dysgenopathy; Disorder of bodily development 發育病; 發育障礙病
Dysontology 異常發生學
Dysplastic type 發育不良型
Dysrhaphy; Dystecty 神經管閉合不全
Dysstichy; Disstichiasis; Dysplasy of eyelashes 睫毛發育不良