(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 2001 到 2100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Dysteleology 殘存器官論; 未完成器官論
Dysthyreoidal infantilism 甲狀腺性幼稚型
Dystrophy of corneal; Epithelium; Corneal epithelial dystrophy 角膜上皮榮養障礙
Ear erysipelas; Auricular erysipelas 耳丹毒
Ear-mould; Aural mycosis 外耳道黴菌病; 耳黴菌病
Ear-tick disease 耳扁蝨病
Earless fetus 無耳畸胎
Early stage of erysipelas 早期丹毒
Early tetanus 早發性破傷風
Earth-quake sickness 地震病
Eburnation; Dentinification 象牙質變性; 骨硬化; 齒質形成
Eburneous osteoma; Compact osteoma; Ivory exostosis; Ivory-like tumor 密質骨瘤; 象牙質骨瘤
Eccentric cardiac hypertrophy 偏心性心肥大
Eccentric hypertrophy 偏心性肥大
Ecchondral tumor 外生軟骨瘤
Eccrinology; Eccrisiology; Eccrisionomy 分泌學
Ecdemic disease 異域病
Echinococcal disease 包蟲病; 蝟囊幼蟲病
Economic syphilis 家庭梅毒
Ecstrophy of bladder; Vesicoabdominal fissure 裂腹膀胱(畸形)
Ectatic scar 擴張瘢痕
Ectodermic disease 外胚葉病
Ectodermogenic neurosyphilis 外胚葉神經系梅毒
Ectoendothric trichophytia 髮內外(髮)癬菌病
Ectogenic teratism; Malformation by defect; Malformation due to arrested development 缺損畸形; 發育障礙性畸形; 外原畸形
Ectogenic teratoma 外生畸胎瘤
Ectogenous pigmentation; Extraneous pigmentation 外原色素沉?
Ectopagy; Ectopagous monstrosity 胸側聯胎
Ectopic teratism; Ectopic teratosis 變位畸形; 部位異常性畸形
Ectostal spongioma; Ectostal fungous growth 骨外海綿腫
Ectothric trichophytia 髮外(髮)癬菌病; 髮外癬
Ectotoxemia 外原性毒血症
Ectrodactyly; Ectrodactylism; Absence of digits 缺指(趾)(畸形)
Ectrogeny; Congenital defect 先天缺損
Ectropody; Ectropodism 無趾畸形
Ectrosyndactyly; Incomplete syndactyly 不全併指(畸形)
Eczematous blastomycosis 濕疹性釀母菌病
Eczematous pannus 濕疹血管翳
Edemamycosis; Edematous mycosis 水腫性黴菌病
Edematous erysipelas; White erysipelas; Edemerysipelas 水腫性丹毒; 白丹毒
Edematous exostosis 積水性外生骨瘤
Edematous infiltration 水腫性浸潤
Edeography 生殖器論
Edocephalus; Edocephalic monster 龜頭樣畸胎
Eeard growth on woman; Bearded woman 婦女生鬚; 有鬚女子
Eel venom poisoning 鰻中毒
Efflorescence; Eruption; Effloration; Exanthem; External rash; Cutaneous eruption; Scar 疹; 皮膚疹
Effusional skin-disease 滲透性皮病
Eichstedt's disease; Versicolor microsporosis 變色小芽胞菌病; 色癬菌病; 變色糠疹; 斑點黴菌病; 褐黃斑; 糠?樣皮黴菌病
Eiloid tumor 腸蟠樣腫瘤
Elastic filariasis; Elastic helminthiasis 彈性腫瘤絲蟲病
Elastic nevus 彈性痣; 彈性假黃瘤
Elastic pseudoxanthoma 彈性假黃瘤; 彈性痣; 彈性瘤
Elastic skin; India-rubber skin; Hyperplasia of elastica 彈力層增殖; 橡皮皮病
Elastica hypertrophy 彈性組織肥大
Elbow-joint tuberculosis 肘關節結核
Elbow-joint tumor; Tumor of elbow-joint 肘關節腫瘤
Electrical burn 電灼傷
Electropathology 電流病理學
Elephantiasic angioma 象皮病血管瘤
Elephantiasic disease; Pachydermic elephantiasis; Fibroareolar Spargosis 象皮病; 纖維蜂窩織象皮病; 多肉病
Endothelial tumor 內皮瘤; 內皮細胞瘤
Elephantiasis of hand; Manual elephantiasis 手象皮病
Elephantiasis of leg; Barbados leg; Cochin-leg; Crural elephantiasis 小腿象皮病; 足象皮病; 象足
Elephantiasis of mamma; Mammary elephantiasis 乳腺象皮病; 間質性乳腺炎
Elephantiasis of penis 陰莖象皮病
Elephantiasis of scrotum; Scrotal elephantiasis 陰囊象皮病
Elephantoid lupus; Sclerous lupus; Sclerotic lupus 象皮病樣狼瘡; 硬化性狼瘡
Elevated chancroid 隆起性?下疳
Elevated hard ulcer 隆起性硬下疳
Elimination 物質損失
Elongation 展長; 伸長
Elongation of cervix uteri 子宮頸展長
Elongation of ligament 韌帶展長
Elongation of uvula; Elongated uvula; Falling palate 懸雍垂展長
Embolic carcinoma 栓塞癌
Embryo dwarf 侏儒胎
Embryoma of kidney; Wilms' tumor 腎畸胎瘤; Wilms氏瘤
Embryonal adenosarcoma 胎性腺肉瘤
Embryonal dysplasia 胎兒發育障礙
Embryonic blastoma; Embryoplastic tumor 胚性瘤
Embryonic cystoma 胚囊瘤
Embryonic teratoma; Teratic blastoma 胚性畸胎瘤; 胚細胞畸胎瘤
Embryonic tumor; Teratic tumor 畸胎瘤
Embryopathology; Embryonal pathology 胚胎病理學
Emphysema from anthrax 炭疽性氣腫
Emphysema of antrum; Highmore 上頜竇氣腫
Emphysematous anthrax 氣腫性炭疽
Emphysematous habit (肺)氣腫體型
Emphysematous smallpox 空皰天花; 空皰變痘
Emprosthotony 前弓性破傷風; 前弓反張
Enamel tumor; Emailloid 牙釉質瘤; 牙釉質囊腺瘤; 牙釉質上皮瘤; 牙釉質胚細胞瘤
Enanthem; Endanthem; Internal rash; Mucomembranous rash 內疹; 黏膜疹
Enanthematous disease; Formation of enanthem 黏膜疹病; 內疹病
Enantiopathy; Antagonistic disease 對抗病
Enantiothamnus disease 對簇黴菌病
Encephalic angioma 腦血管瘤
Encephalology 腦學
Encephalomyelopathy 腦脊髓病
Encephalopathy by Addison's disease 腎上體性腦病