(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 2101 到 2200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Encephatotyphoid; Cerebral typhoid fever 腦傷寒; 譫妄性傷寒
Enchondral tumor 內生軟骨瘤; 軟骨瘤
Encysted tumor 包囊性腫瘤
Endemic disease 地方病; 地域病
Endemic disease 地方病
Endemic dysentery; Amebic dysentery; Intestinal amebiasis 溶組織變形蟲病; 地方性痢疾; 變形蟲痢疾; 熱帶痢疾; 腸變形蟲病
Endemic ergotism 地方性麥角中毒
Endemic goiter 地方性甲狀腺腫
Endemic granuloma; Dermal leishmaniasis 地方性肉芽腫
Endemic poisoning 地方性中毒
Endemic syphilis; Halstern's disease 地方性梅毒
Endemiology 地方病學; 風土病學
Endoblastic tumor 內皮胚細胞瘤; 內皮胚瘤
Endocardial calcification 心內膜石灰化
Endocrine fracture 內分泌原骨折
Endocrinide 內分泌疹
Endocrinology; Hemadenology; Hormonology; Incretology 內分泌學
Endocrinopathy; Endocrinism; Endocrine disorder; Incretopathy; Disease of internal secretions 內分泌系病; 內分泌腺病; 內分泌病
Endodermal trichophytosis 內皮癬菌病; 內皮癬
Endogenic glioma 內發神經膠瘤
Endogenic poisoning; Endointoxication; Endotoxin poisoning 內發中毒; 內毒素中毒; 自體中毒
Endogenous autointoxication 內發自體中毒
Endogenous infection 內原傳染
Endogenous pigmentation 內發色素沉?
Endopathy 內因病
Endopathy 內因病
Endosteal chondroma 骨內軟骨瘤; 骨髓軟骨瘤
Endosteal tumor; Central osteoma 內生骨瘤; 中央骨瘤
Endothelial carcinoma; Endothelial cancer 內皮細胞癌
Endothelial cyst 內皮細胞囊腫
Endothelial fibroma 內皮細胞纖維瘤
Endothelial hyperplasy; Hyperplasia of endothelium 內皮細胞增殖
Endothelial lepidoma 內皮細胞皮質瘤
Endothelial liomyoma 內皮細胞平滑肌瘤; 肌肉瘤
Endothelial myxoma 內皮細胞黏液瘤
Endothelial rhobdomyoma 內皮細胞橫紋肌瘤
Endothelial sarcoma 內皮細胞肉瘤; 血管內膜肉瘤
Endothelioma of lymphatics 淋巴管內皮瘤
Endothelioma of scalp; Turban tumor 多發頭皮內皮瘤; Spiegler氏內皮瘤
Endotheliomatous myoma 內皮細胞肌瘤
Endothric trichophytia 髮內(髮)癬菌病; 髮內癬
Endotoxemia 內發毒血症
Energetopathology 能力病理學
English cholera; European cholera; Bilious cholera; Summer cholera; Cholera morbus 假霍亂; 歐洲霍亂
English sweating sickness; English sweat; Picardy sweat; Miliary fever; Anglicus sudor; English sweating fever 流行性粟粒疹病; 英國發汗病
Enlargement of eye; Largeness of eyes 巨大眼球; 巨眼球(畸形)
Enlargement of liver and spleen 肝脾增大
Enormous goiter; Giant goiter 巨大甲狀腺腫
Enteroadenology; Enteradenology 腸腺學
Enterocyst 腸囊腫; 腸囊瘤
Enterogenic tuberculosis 腸原結核病
Enteropathy; Disease of intestine; Intestinal disease 腸病
Enteroptotic habit; Stiller's sign 腸下垂體型; 麻痺體型
Enterotoxication; Enterotoxism 腸原中毒
Enterouterine anus 腸子宮肛門
Enterovaginal fissure 小腸陰道破裂
Enteryperpathy 重腸病
Enterypopathy 輕腸病
Enthelial tumor 黏膜上皮瘤
Entoptics 內眼學
Entostal spongioma; Entostal fungous growth 骨內海綿腫
Entozootic disease 體內寄生蟲病
Enzootic disease 地方性動物傳染病
Eosinophil diathesis 嗜伊紅血球素質
Epedermic cryptococcosis 表皮囊球菌病
Epeiratoxine poisoning 園蛛中毒; 園蛛毒素中毒
Ependopathy; Disease of ependyma 腦室膜病
Ependymal cyst 腦室膜囊腫
Ependymal glioma 腦室膜神經膠瘤
Ependymal-cell tumor; Ependymocytic tumor 腦室膜瘤
Ependymoblastic tumor 腦室膜胚細胞瘤
Ephebology 成人論; 成人病學
Epiblastic hyloma 上胚葉髓質瘤
Epiblastic lepidoma 上胚葉皮質瘤
Epibulbar carcinoma 眼球面癌
Epicome; Epicomous monster 髮部不全寄生胎
Epicondylar fracture 上髁骨折
Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis; Stiff-neck fever; Malignant purpura; Petechial typhus; Spotted fever; Cerebrospinal fever 流行性腦脊髓膜炎
Epidemic disease; Fashionate disease; Precalent disease; Pestilence 流行病
Epidemic encephalitis 流行性腦炎; 地方性腦炎; 流行性腦脊灰質炎
Epidemic roseola; German measle; French measle; Trousseau's roseola; Bastard measles 薔薇色疹; 流行性薔薇疹; 風疹
Epidemiography 流行病論
Epidemiology 流行病學
Epidermic dysplasia; Epidermic ateliosis 表皮發育不全
Epidermic thickening 表皮肥厚
Epidermic tumor 表皮腫瘤
Epidermoid carcinoma 表皮樣癌
Epidermoid cyst 表皮樣囊腫
Epidermopathy; Affection of epidermic 表皮病
Epididymal contusion 附睾挫傷
Epididymal injury; Injury of epididymis 附睾損傷
Epididymal tuberculosis 附睾結核
Epididymic tumor 附睾腫瘤
Epiglossal parasite 舌上寄生胎
Epiglottic cyst 會壓囊腫
Epignathic parasite; Epignathy 上頜寄生胎
Epileptic bite wound 癲?性咬傷
Epileptology; Study of epilepsy 癲癇病學
Epiphyseal fracture ?離骨折; ?部骨折
Epiphyseopathy; Disease of pineal gland; Penealopathy 松果體病