(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 2201 到 2300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Epiphyseopathy; Epiphysiopathy ?病
Epispadias 上裂尿道(畸形); 尿道上裂
Epithalaxy; Desquamation of epithelium 上皮脫落
Epithelial cancer; Cancer of epidermis; Epidermal cancer 類上皮癌; 上皮瘤
Epithelial cancer; Epithelial tumor; Cancer of epidermis 上皮瘤; 上皮樣癌
Epithelial cyst 上皮性囊腫
Epithelial odontoma 上皮性齒瘤
Epithelial tumor; Epithelial neoplasm 上皮性瘤
Epitheliomatous lupus 上皮瘤樣狼瘡
Epitheliomatous nevus 上皮瘤痣; Spiegler氏內皮瘤
Epitheloid sarcoma 類上皮細胞肉瘤
Epituberculous infiltration 結核周浸潤
Epizoology; Epizootiology 動物流行病學; 獸疫學
Epizootic disease 流行性動物傳染病; 獸疫
Epizootic disease 體外寄生蟲病
Equal giant pelvis 均大骨盆
Equal twins 同形雙胎; 對稱雙胎; 絨毛膜血管胎
Erethic scrofulosis 敏感性腺病質
Erethistic granulation; Erethitic granulation 敏感性肉芽
Erethistic habit 敏感性體型
Ergot poisoning; Ergotism 麥角鹼中毒; 麥角中毒
Erosive chancre 糜爛性下疳
Error of development; Heteroplastic teratism 構造異常性畸形
Error of development; Paraplasy 發育錯誤
Eruption due to bathing 浴疹
Eruption of glanders 馬鼻疽疹
Erysipelas after vaccination; Inoculated erysipelas 種痘後丹毒; 接種性丹毒
Erysipelous cowpox; Erysipelatous vaccina 丹毒樣牛痘
Erythematous combustion 紅斑性灼傷; 第一期灼傷; 灼傷紅斑
Erythematous erysipelas 紅斑丹毒
Erythematous frost-bite; Frosted erythema 紅斑性凍瘡; 凍瘡紅斑; (第一期凍瘃)
Erythematous leprosy; Red leprosy 紅麻風; 紅斑麻風
Erythematous rash 紅疹
Erythroblastic myeloma 有核赤血球瘤; 未熱赤血球瘤
Erythrocyt thickening 赤血球肥厚
Erythropathy 赤血球病
Escharotic frostbite 焦痂性凍瘃; 凍瘃焦痂; (第三期凍瘃)
Esophageal atresia 咽門閉鎖; 食管閉鎖
Esophageal cancer; Cancer of esophagus 食管癌
Esophageal fibroma 食管纖維瘤
Esophageal injury; Injury of esophagus 食管損傷
Esophageal mycosis 食管黴菌病; 食管細菌病
Esophageal polypus 食管息肉
Esophageal sarcoma 食管肉瘤
Esophageal syphilis 食管梅毒
Esophageal tuberculosis 食管結核
Esophageal tumor; Tumor of esophagus 食管腫瘤
Esophageal wart 食管疣
Esophageal wound 食管創傷
Esophagopathy; Oesophagopathy; Esophageal disease 食管病
Esophagostomiasis 食管口圓蟲病
Esophagus perforation 食管穿破
Essence of disease 病之要義
Essential calculus 本質性結石
Essential cause; Efficient cause 自發因
Essential xanthoma; Primary xanthoma 本質性黃瘤
Esthesioneuroblastoma 敏感性神經胚細胞瘤
Estivoautumnal malarial fever; Aestivoautumnal fever; Estivoautumnal malaria 夏秋瘧; 早秋瘧
Estriasis; Gad-fly myiasis 牛蠅蛆病; 牛蠅蛆庖
Ether poisoning; Etherism 醚中毒
Ethmocephalic monster 篩形頭畸胎
Ethmocephalic monstrosity 篩形頭畸形
Ethyl alcohol poisoning; Ethylism 乙醇中毒
Ethyldichlorarsin poisoning 二氯乙胂中毒; 乙二氯胂中毒
Ethyliodoacetate poisoning 碘醋酸乙酯中毒; 碘乙酸乙酯中毒
Eucalyptus oil poisoning 桉葉油中毒
Eukodal poisoning; Eukalalism 優可達中毒; 二氫一氧可待因酮中毒
Eunuchoid giantism 宦官型巨大發育
Eupatorin poisoning; Snakeroot poisoning; Trembles; Milk sickness; Slows; Milk sick 馬兜鈴?中毒; 馬兜鈴根中毒; 蛇根中毒; 乳病; 馬兜鈴毒乳中毒
Euphorbium poisoning 大戟乳脂中毒; 大戟中毒
European relapsing fever; Cosmopolitan relapsing fever 歐洲回歸熱; Obermeier氏螺旋體
European telangiectatic granuloma 歐洲毛細管擴張性肉芽腫
Eutrophy 榮養良佳
Eversion fracture 外旋性髁骨骨折
Examthematous infectious disease 發疹性傳染病
Exanthem zootrophotoxism 發疹性動物性食品中毒
Exanthematology 發疹病學
Exanthematous disease; Exanthematous skin-disease 發疹病; 發疹皮病
Exarthromatology 脫骱學
Excessive callus formation 骨痂形成過多
Excessive cardiac enlargement; Buvine heart; Bulloch's heart 牛樣心; 心極度增大
Excessive enlargement 過度增大
Excessive enlargement of spleen 極度脾增大
Excessive swelling 過度腫脹
Excessive tallness 高大(畸形)
Exciting cause 誘因
Excoriation 表皮脫落
Excretion disease 排泄系病
Exencephalic monster 露腦畸胎
Exencephalic monstrosity; Exencephaly 露腦畸形
Exercise bone 軍操骨
Exfoliative keratolysis 落屑性角層分離
Exfoliative lupus 剝脫性狼瘡
Exogenic glioma 外發神經膠瘤
Exogenic poisoning; Ectotoxin poisoning 外原中毒; 外毒素中毒
Exogenous autointoxication 外原性自體中毒
Exopathy 外因病
Exopathy 外因病
Exophthalmic goiter; Toxic goiter; Flajani's disease; Graves' disease; Parry's disease; Basedow's disease; Hyperthyroidism; Beglie's disease; Marsh's disease; Paxson's disease; Basedowified goiter 突眼性甲狀腺腫; 中毒性甲狀腺腫; Basedow氏病
Exormy; Papular skin disease 丘疹性皮病; 隆凸性皮病