(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 2301 到 2400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Exostosis of external auditory canal 外耳道外生骨瘤
Exotic pathology 異域病理學; 國外病理學
Experimental disease 試驗病
Experimental pathology 實驗病理學
Exploding-gas poisoning 爆炸氣中毒
Explosion fracture 爆炸骨折
Explosion wound 爆炸創
Exspiratory emphysema 呼氣性肺氣腫
Extensive pneumothorax 展張性氣胸
External adenomyosis 子宮外內膜錯位
External bony outgrowth 外生骨贅
External callus; Ensheathing callus 外骨痂
External cause; Exopathic cause; Exanthrop; Exopathy 外因; 外病因
External female hermaphrodism 外部女性?兩性畸形
External female pseudohermaphrodism 外部女性假兩性畸形
External male hermaphrodism 外部男性兩性畸形; 外陽內陰畸形
External male pseudohermaphrodism 外部男性假兩性畸形
External ophthalmopathy 外眼病
External pseudohermaphrodism 外部假兩性畸形; 外部兩性畸形
Extracapsular fracture 關節囊外骨折
Extragenital chancre 生殖器外下疳
Extragenital syphilis 生殖器外梅毒
Extraovarian cystoma 卵巢外囊瘤
Extraperiostal ossification 骨膜外骨化
Extraperiosteal bony growth 骨外骨贅
Exuberant callus 過剩骨痂
Exudat deposition 滲出物沉?
Exudation cyst 滲出性囊腫
Exudative lobular tuberculosis 小葉性滲出性肺結核
Exudative pulmonary tuberculosis 滲出性肺結核; 滲出性肺癆
Exudative tuberculosis 滲出性結核病
Eyeball dryness; Ophthalmic xerosis 眼乾燥
Eyeball rupture 眼球破裂
Eyebrow lousiness 眉蝨病
Face injury; Facial injury 面部損傷
Facetted gallbladder stone; Facetted cholecystoliths 多面形膽囊石
Facial actinomycosis 面放線菌病
Facial ateliosis 面發育不全
Facial cleft 裂面(畸胎)
Facial disseminative miliary lupus 播散性顏面粟粒狼瘡
Facial erysipelas 面部丹毒
Facial frostbite 面部凍瘡
Facial hemihypertrophy; Unilateral facial hypertrophy 半面肥大
Facial lupus 面部狼瘡
Facial malformation 面部畸形
Facial tetanus 面部破傷風
Facial trichophytia; Facial ringworm 面部髮癬菌病
Facial tumor 面腫瘤
Faecal tumor; Fecaloma; Stercoral tumor; Fecal tumor 糞塊
Fall wound 墜傷
Falms fario poisoning 鱒中毒
False beriberi 假(性)腳氣
False chalazion 假性瞼板腺囊腫; 假霰粒腫
False chancre 假性硬下疳
False chondroma 假軟骨瘤
False cyst; Pseudocyst 假囊腫
False diphthery; Epstein's disease 假白喉; Epstein氏病
False emphysema 假氣腫
False exanthema 假疹
False hypertrophy; Pseudohypertrophy 假肥大
False joint; False articulation; New joint; Supplementary articulation 假關節
False malaria 瘧型毒血病; 假性瘧
False myeloma 假骨髓瘤
False myxoma 假黏液瘤
False neuroma 假神經瘤
False rabies; Aujeszky's disease 假瘋犬病
False scarlet fever 假猩紅熱
False tissue tumor 假組織瘤
False trachoma 假沙眼
False tuberculous tumor 假結核菌瘤
False tumor; Phantom tumor 假瘤
False xanthoma 假黃瘤
Familial disposition; Familial tendency 家族素因
Familial heredity 家屬遺傳
Familial hyperplastic periosteal dystrophy 家族性骨膜增生性榮養障礙
Farcy; Skin glanders 皮膚鼻疽; 馬皮疽
Fascial rupture 筋膜破裂
Fascicular neuroma 束性神經瘤; 神經束瘤
Fasciculated fibroma 成束纖維瘤
Fat deficiency 脂肪缺乏
Fat deposition 脂肪沉?
Fat phthisis; Phlegmatic phthisis 肥胖性肺結核
Fat rickets 肥胖性佝僂病
Fatigue fever 疲倦熱
Fatty cardiopathy 脂肪性心病
Fatty elephantiasis; Lipomatous elephantiasis 脂瘤象皮病
Fatty infiltration; Adipose infiltration 脂肪浸潤
Fatty liver 脂肪肝; 肝細胞脂肪浸潤
Fatty pterygium 脂肪性翼狀?肉; 瞼裂斑; 眼球結合膜黃斑
Fatty spongioma 脂海綿腫
Fatty tumor of navel; Umbilical lipoma 臍脂瘤
Fatty tumor; Lardaceous tumor; Lipoblastic tumor; Adipose tumor 脂瘤; 脂胚細胞瘤
Favus of body 軀幹黃癬
Favus of nail; Ungual favus 爪甲黃癬
Favus of scalp 髮部黃癬
Febrile affection 發熱病
Female epispadias 女性上裂尿道(畸形)
Female hermaphrodism; Female pseudohermaphrodism 女性假兩性畸形
Femoral elephantiasis 股象皮病; 大腿象皮病
Femoral injury; Injury of thigh 股部損傷