(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 2401 到 2500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Femoral sarcoma 股骨肉瘤
Festoon 齒頸齦腫
Fetal disease; Intrauterine disease 胎兒病; 胎病
Fetal inclusion; Endocymic monster 體腔內寄生胎; 套?胎; 胎內胎; 隱聯胎
Fetal rickets; Achondroplasty; Diaphyseal aclasis; Multiple exostosis; Ollier's disease 胎兒佝僂病; 胎兒軟骨榮養不良
Fetal syphilis 胎兒梅毒
Fetal tuberculosis 胎兒結核病
Fetal-membrane calcification 胎膜石灰化
Fewness of teeth; Dental rarity 生齒稀少
Fibrillar neuroma 神經纖維瘤
Fibrillary astrocytoma 原纖維性星形細胞瘤
Fibrine deposition; Febrine accumulation 纖維素沉?
Fibrinous calculus; Fibrin calculus 纖維素結石
Fibrinous polyp 纖維素性息肉
Fibrocyst 纖維囊瘤; 纖維囊腫
Fibroepithelial tumor 纖維上皮瘤
Fibroepithelioma of renal pelvis 腎盂纖維上皮瘤
Fibroid heart; Cardiac fibroid degeneration 纖維變性心
Fibroid pulmonary tuberculosis 纖維性肺結核
Fibroid tumor 類纖維瘤
Fibromatous chondroma 纖維軟骨瘤
Fibromatous glioma 纖維神經膠瘤
Fibromatous myoma 纖維肌瘤
Fibromatous myxosarcoma 纖維黏液肉瘤
Fibromatous neuroma 纖維神經瘤; 神經纖維瘤
Fibromatous nevus 纖維瘤痣
Fibromatous papilloma 纖維性乳頭狀瘤
Fibromedullary cancer 纖維髓質癌
Fibromyxochondroosteolipomatous epithelioma 纖維黏液軟骨骨脂上皮瘤
Fibromyxomatous chondroma 纖維黏液軟骨瘤
Fibronucleated tumor; Nucleated fibroma 核性纖維瘤
Fibroplastic diathesis 產纖維素質
Fibrous adenoma 纖維腺瘤
Fibrous angioma 纖維血管瘤
Fibrous concretion; Inolith 纖維結石
Fibrous elephantiasis 纖維性象皮病
Fibrous endothelioma 纖維內皮瘤
Fibrous goiter 纖維性甲狀腺腫
Fibrous liomyoma 纖維平滑肌瘤
Fibrous myxoma 纖維黏液瘤
Fibrous odontoma 纖維齒瘤
Fibrous osteodystrophy 纖維性骨榮養障礙; 纖維性骨炎
Fibrous polypus; Hard polypus; Fibroid polypus 纖維性息肉; 硬息肉
Fibrous psammoma 纖維腦砂瘤
Fibrous rhabdomyoma 纖維橫紋肌瘤
Graphopathology 書法病理學
Fibrous sarcoma; Fibroplastic sarcoma 纖維肉瘤
Fibrous tubercle 纖維性結核節
Fibrous tuberculosis 硬變結核病; 纖維性結核病
Fibrous tumor; Fibroid tumor; Fibrous newgrowth; Desmoneoplasm; Fibrocytic tumor; Fibroblastic tumor; Fibrocellular tumor 纖維瘤; 結締織瘤; 纖維胚細胞瘤; 纖維髓質瘤
Fifth disease; Sticker's disease 傳染性紅疹; Sticker氏病; 第五發疹病
Fig tumor 無花果狀瘤
Filarial disease 絲蟲病
Filarial elephantiasis 絲蟲象皮病
Filecutter's phthisis; Buffer's consumption; Steelgrinder's phthisis; File-cutter's disease; Siderotic pneumoconiosis 肺鐵末沉?病; 鐵塵肺; 銼刀匠(肺)病
Filiform wart 絲狀疣
Filth-disease ?穢病; 不潔病
Finger injury; Injury of finger 指損傷
Finger thickening; Pachydactyly 指(趾)肥厚; 皮膚肥厚
Finger-joint rheumatism; Heberden's rheumatism 指關節風濕; Heberden氏風濕
Finger-like wart; Finger-like excrescence 指樣疣
Fish poisoning; Ichthyism; Ichthyotoxism 魚中毒
Fish-scale gall-bladder; Multiple cholecystic cyst 多發膽囊囊腫; 魚鱗樣膽囊
Fissural angioma 胚裂血管瘤
Fissuration; Formation of fissures 裂隙形成; 裂開
Fissure of clitoris 陰蒂裂(創)
Fissure of tooth; Odontoschism 齒裂隙
Fissure of vertebral arch 裂椎弓(畸形); 椎弓裂
Fissured fracture; Fissure fracture 圻裂骨折
Flagellate disease 鞭毛蟲病
Flagellate dysentery 鞭毛蟲痢疾
Flap-wound 瓣狀創傷; 瓣狀傷口
Flat condyloma; Syphilitic condyloma; Mucous plaques; Mucous patch; Mucous papule 扁頭濕疣; 梅毒濕疣; 濕爛性丘疹
Flat cutaneous cancer 扁平皮癌
Flat nevus; Flat mole 扁平痣
Flat osteoma; Dressler's bone 扁平骨瘤
Flat tortoise-shaped tumor 龜狀瘤
Flat wart 扁平疣
Flat xanthoma 扁平黃瘤; 斑黃瘤
Flat-worm disease 扁蠕蟲病
Flax-dresser's disease; Flax-dresser's phthisis 麻匠肺病
Fleshworm disease; Trichinization 旋毛蟲病
Fleshwound; Muscle wound 肌創傷
Fleshy pterygium 肉性翼狀?肉
Fleshy spongioma; Fleshy fungous growth 肉樣海綿腫
Flexner's dysentery Flexner氏菌痢疾
Fluid infiltration 液體浸潤
Fluoric cachexia; Chronic fluorine poisoning 氟毒惡病質; 慢性氟中毒
Foamy liver 泡沫肝
Focal infection 病灶傳染
Focal lesion 局?性損傷
Focal nephropathy 局灶性腎病
Focal tuberculosis 局?結核病
Follicle atresia 卵泡閉鎖
Follicle fibroacanthoma 毛囊纖維棘皮瘤
Follicular adenoma 濾泡性腺瘤
Follicular cancer 毛囊癌
Follicular cancroid 濾泡角化癌
Follicular chancroid 毛囊?下疳; 粟粒性?下疳
Follicular cyst 毛囊囊腫; 濾泡性囊腫