(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 2501 到 2600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Foreign body in esophagus 食管內異物
Foreign body in heart 心內異物
Foreign body in intestine 腸內異物
Foreign body in larynx 喉內異物
Foreign body in lung 肺內異物
Foreign body in nose 鼻腔異物
Foreign body in pharynx 咽部異物
Foreign body in rectum 直腸內異物
Foreign body in salivary glands 涎腺(內)異物
Foreign body in stomach 胃內異物
Foreign body in trachea 氣管異物
Foreign body in uterus 子宮內異物
Foreign body in vagina 陰道內異物
Foreign body stone 異物結石; 異物核結石
Formaldehyde poisoning; Methanal poisoning 甲醛中毒; 蟻醛中毒
Formaline poisoning 甲醛液中毒
Formation of allotriolith 異位結石病
Formation of brain-stones 腦石形成; 腦石病
Formation of callosity 胼胝形成
Formation of chalazion 瞼板腺囊腫病; 霰粒腫病
Formation of concrement; Calculi formation; Lithogeny 結石; 結石形成
Formation of condyloma; Condylomatous disease 濕疣病
Formation of cryptoliths 腺隱窩結石形成
Formation of cystihepatoliths 膽囊肝石病
Formation of gallstone 膽石病
Formation of gastroliths 胃石病
Formation of hepatoliths 肝石病
Formation of intestinal calculus 腸石病
Formation of melanoma 黑瘤病
Formation of multiple myomas 肌瘤病
Formation of osteophyte 骨贅形成
Formation of phleboliths 靜脈石病
Formation of pneumolite 肺石病
Formation of tartar 齒石結成
Formation of uterine concretion 子宮石病; 子宮石結成
Formic acid poisoning 蟻酸中毒
Formless monster; Shapeless monster 不成形寄生胎; 無體形畸胎
Fothergill's disease; Anginous scarlet fever 咽峽炎猩紅熱
Foudroyant typhoid fever 暴發性傷寒
Fracture 骨折
Fracture by contrecoup 對衝骨折; 對抗骨折
Fracture by crushing off 壓碎骨折
Fracture by tearing off; Avulsion fracture; Sprain fracture 肌縮性骨折; 腱裂性骨折
Fracture of calcis; Calcis fracture 跟骨骨折
Fracture of carpus; Wrist fracture; Carpal fracture 腕骨骨折
Fracture of cartilage 軟骨骨折
Fracture of coccyx; Coccygeal fracture 尾椎骨折
Fracture of costal cartilage; Costal cartilage fracture 肋軟骨骨折
Fracture of cranial base 顱底骨折
Fracture of cranial vault; Pot-lid fracture 顱穹骨折; 顱蓋骨折
Fracture of cricoid; Cricoid fracture 環狀軟骨骨折
Fracture of cuboid bone; Cuboid fracture 骰骨骨折
Fracture of elbow; Cubital fracture 肘骨折
Fracture of external condyle; External condylus fracture 外髁骨折
Fracture of femur 股骨折
Fracture of fibula; Fibula fracture 腓骨骨折
Fracture of forearm; Antebrachium fracture 前臂骨折
Fracture of head of radius 橈頭骨折
Fracture of humerus 肱骨骨折
Fracture of ilium 髂骨折; 腸骨骨折
Fracture of internal condyle; Internal condylus fracture 內髁骨折
Fracture of ischium 坐骨骨折
Fracture of larynx; Laryngeal fracture 喉軟骨骨折
Fracture of lower leg; Crural fracture; Leg fracture 小腿骨折
Fracture of malleolus; Malleolar fracture 髁骨骨折
Fracture of metacarpus; Metacarpus fracture 掌骨骨折
Fracture of metatarsus; Metatarsus fracture 蹠骨骨折
Fracture of neck of femur 股骨頸骨折
Fracture of neck of humerus 肱骨頸骨折
Fracture of neck of radius 橈頸骨折
Fracture of olecranon; Condylointercondylar fracture 髁及髁間骨折
Fracture of os innominatum 髖骨折
Fracture of patella; Patellar fracture 膝蓋骨折; 髕骨折
Fracture of pelvis 骨盆骨折
Fracture of penis; Penis fracture 陰莖折傷
Fracture of petrous portion of temporal bone 顳骨岩部骨折
Fracture of phalanx 趾(指)骨骨折
Fracture of radius 橈骨骨折
Fracture of rib; Costal fracture 肋骨骨折
Fracture of sacrum; Sacral fracture ?椎骨折
Fracture of scaphoid bone; Scaphoid fracture 舟骨骨折
Fracture of spinal column; Spine fracture 脊柱骨折
Fracture of sternum; Sternal fracture 胸骨骨折
Fracture of talus; Talus fracture 距骨骨折
Fracture of tarsus; Tarsus fracture 跗骨骨折
Fracture of tibia; Tibia fracture 脛骨骨折
Fracture of trachea; Tracheal fracture 氣管軟骨骨折
Fracture of ulna; Ulnar fracture 尺骨骨折
Fracture of Vertebra body 椎體骨折
Fracture of vertebra; Vertebra fracture 椎骨骨折
Fracture osteoma; Callus tumor 骨折骨瘤
Fragility of blood 血球易碎病; 脆血球病
Fragmentation of erythrocyt 赤血球破碎
Frambesia; Yaws; Crab-yaws; Pian; Breda's disease; Coko-disease; Charlouis's disease; Boubas; Bubas; Frambesial sore 雅司; 熱帶性類梅毒; 楊梅瘡; 印度病; 熱帶多發乳頭狀瘤
Frambesial granuloma 雅司肉芽腫
Frambesioma 雅司首發病; 雅司腫
Framboesiform lupus 雅司樣狼瘡
Framboesiform syphilide 雅司樣梅毒疹
Free doble monsters; Twins 一卵雙胎; 雙胎
French crown; Veneral crown; Frontal syphilide 額(部)梅毒疹; 花柳冠