(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 2601 到 2700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Fracture of tarsus; Tarsus fracture 跗骨骨折
Fracture of tibia; Tibia fracture 脛骨骨折
Fracture of trachea; Tracheal fracture 氣管軟骨骨折
Fracture of ulna; Ulnar fracture 尺骨骨折
Fracture of Vertebra body 椎體骨折
Fracture of vertebra; Vertebra fracture 椎骨骨折
Fracture osteoma; Callus tumor 骨折骨瘤
Fragility of blood 血球易碎病; 脆血球病
Fragmentation of erythrocyt 赤血球破碎
Frambesia; Yaws; Crab-yaws; Pian; Breda's disease; Coko-disease; Charlouis's disease; Boubas; Bubas; Frambesial sore 雅司; 熱帶性類梅毒; 楊梅瘡; 印度病; 熱帶多發乳頭狀瘤
Frambesial granuloma 雅司肉芽腫
Frambesioma 雅司首發病; 雅司腫
Framboesiform lupus 雅司樣狼瘡
Framboesiform syphilide 雅司樣梅毒疹
Free doble monsters; Twins 一卵雙胎; 雙胎
French crown; Veneral crown; Frontal syphilide 額(部)梅毒疹; 花柳冠
Frontal craniopagus; Metopagy 額部聯胎
Frontal lobe tumor; Frontal tumor 額葉腫瘤
Frontal wart 額疣
Frost-bite; Chilblain; Climation; Perfrigeration 凍瘃; 凍瘡
Frostbite granuloma 凍瘡狀肉芽腫
Fuchs' coloboma Fuchs氏裂脈絡膜(畸形)
Fuctional disease 官能病
Fugitive wart 易消性疣
Fuller's asthma 襤褸者氣喘
Fulminant tetanus 暴發性破傷風
Fulminant typhus 暴發性斑傷寒
Fulminating diphthery; Fulminant diphthery 暴發性白喉; 最重症白喉
Fulminating plague; Siderating plague 暴發性鼠疫
Fulminating scarlet fever; Fulminant scarlatina 暴發性猩紅熱
Functional disturbance 官能障礙
Functional hypertrophy 官能性肥大
Functional lesion; Functional disturbance 官能損害; 官能障礙
Fungating chancroid; Fungating sore 蕈狀肉芽性?下疳
Fungious exostosis 海綿狀外生骨瘤
Fungoid granuloma; Alibert's dermatosis; Inflammatory fungoid; neoplasm; Ulcerative scrofuloderma; Auspitz's dermatosis; Fungating tumor; Withering sarcoma 蕈狀肉芽腫; 蕈狀黴菌病; 普汎肉瘤病; 肉瘤肉芽腫; 瘰?皮病濕疹; 結節濕疹
Fungoid growth; Fungoid tumor; Fungous growth; Spongy tumor; Sponge 海綿腫
Fungoid lupus 蕈樣狼瘡; 海綿樣狼瘡
Fungoid skin-tuberculosis 蕈樣皮結核
Fungosity 海綿腫發生
Fungous disease; Mycotic disease 黴菌病; ?菌病
Fungous exostosis 海綿樣外生骨贅
Fungous granulation; Exuberant granulation; Proud flesh 蕈狀肉芽; 浮肉; 贅肉
Funnelshaped wound 漏斗形創傷; 漏斗形傷口
Furfuraceous alopecia; Dandruff 糠?性脫髮
Furred nevus 獸皮樣痣; 生毛巨痣
Furuncular diathesis 瘡癤素質
Furunculous cowpox 癤樣牛痘
Fusible calculus 可溶性結石
Fusion of lips; Synchily 併脣(畸形); 口脣黏連
Fusostreptococcic disease 梭菌鏈球菌病
Galcium hunger 缺鈣表象
Galenism; Gelen's doctrine Galen氏學說
Gallbladder perforation 膽囊穿破
Galloping phthisis; Florid phthisis; Galloping consumption 奔馬性肺癆; 急性乾酪性肺結核; 紅顏肺癆
Gallosity of knee; Genual callosity 膝部胼胝; 膝墊
Gallstone; Biliary calculus; Chololith; Cholelith 膽石
Ganglion cyst 腱鞘囊腫
Ganglion of wrist 腕腱鞘囊腫
Ganglionar glioneuroma 神經節神經膠神經瘤
Ganglionar neuroblastoma 節性神經胚細胞瘤
Ganglionar neuroma; Ganglionated neuroma; Ganglionic neuroma 節性神經瘤; 神經節細胞瘤; 神經節瘤
Ganglionic glioma; Ganglionar glioma 神經節神經膠瘤
Ganglionic goiter 結節肥大性甲狀腺腫
Ganglionic tumor 神經節瘤
Gangliopathy 神經節病
Gangrenous chicken-pox 壞疽性水痘; 小兒壞疽性皮炎
Gangrenous dysentery 壞疽性痢疾
Gangrenous emphysema 壞疽性氣腫
Gangrenous ergotism 壞疽性麥角中毒
Gangrenous erysipelas 壞疽性丹毒
Gangrenous perniciosa 壞疽型惡瘧
Ganister disease 矽酸巖礦工病
Garage poisoning; Poisoning by automobile gas 汽車煙中毒; 石油致死
Gartnerian cyst 卵巢冠縱管囊腫; Gartner氏管囊腫
Gas cyst 氣囊腫
Gas in joint 關節積氣
Gas in spinel canal 椎管積氣
Gas poisoning 氣體中毒; 毒氣中毒
Gastric anadenia 胃腺消失; 胃癆; 胃液缺乏
Gastric atresis 胃腔閉鎖
Gastric cancer; Cancer of stomach 胃癌
Gastric cardiopathy 胃性心病
Gastric concretion; Gastrolith; Stomachic calculus 胃石
Gastric disease; Gastric affection; Gastropathy; Stomach trouble; Gastric disorder; Gastricism 胃病
Gastric injury; Injury of stomach 胃損傷
Gastric mycosis 胃黴菌病
Gastric myeloma; Myeloma of stomach 胃軟肉瘤; 胃骨髓瘤
Gastric papilloma 胃乳頭狀瘤
Gastric pernicious malaria; Gastric remittent 胃痛型惡瘧
Gastric plague; Gastric pest 胃鼠疫
Gastric polyposis 胃息肉病
Gastric polypus 胃息肉
Gastric sarcoma 胃肉瘤
Gastric scarlet fever 胃炎性猩紅熱
Gastric scirrhus 胃硬癌
Gastric spirochetosis; Belyando spruw; Grass-sickness 胃螺旋體病
Gastric spongioma 胃海綿腫
Gastric syphilis 胃梅毒
Gastric tuberculosis 胃結核