(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 2701 到 2800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Gastric tumor; Tumor of stomach 胃腫瘤
Gastric tympanites; Gastric flatulence 胃積氣; 鼓胃; 胃鼓脹
Gastric typhoid 胃病性傷寒
Gastric zootrophotoxism 胃病性動物性食品中毒
Gastroduodenotyphoid 胃十二指腸傷寒
Gastroenterology 胃腸學
Gastroenteropathy; Gastrointestinal affection 胃腸病
Gastrohyperpathy 重胃病
Gastrointestinal grip 胃腸炎型流行感冒
Gastrology 胃學
Gastropagy; Gastrodymy 腹部聯胎; 腹聯胎
Gastrothoracopagy 腹胸聯胎
Gastrypopathy 輕胃病
Gelatinous infiltration 膠質浸潤
Gelatinous myxoma 膠狀黏液瘤
Gelatinous polyp 膠樣息肉; 黏液瘤
Gelsemine poisoning; Poisoning by gelsemium; Gelsemiumism 黃素馨鹼中毒; 黃素馨中毒
General calcification 普遍石灰沉?
General carcinosis 全身癌病
General contusion 全身挫傷
General disease; Wide-spread disease 全身病; 普汛病
General disposition 一般素因
General giantism 全身巨大發育
General infection 全身傳染
General lymphadenomatosis 普汛性淋巴腺瘤病
General malformation 全部畸形
General pathology 病理學通論; 病理學總論
General tetanus; Generalized tetanus 全身破傷風
General tuberculosis 全身結核病
Generalized cowpox 汎發性牛痘
Generalized tuberculosis 普汎化結核病
Genetopathy; Disorder of reproductive function 生育機能病
Genital atresia 生殖器閉鎖
Genital elephantiasis 生殖器象皮病
Genital erysipelas 生殖器丹毒
Genital hyperplasy; Hypergenitalism 生殖器發育過度
Genital tuberculosis 生殖器結核
Genitoanorectal elephantiasis 生殖器肛門直腸象皮病
Genual malformation 膝關節畸形
Genual sponge 膝關節海綿腫
Geographical pathology; Chthononosology; Choronosology; Nosochthonography; Nosogeography; Medical geography 地域病理學; 疾病地理學
Geratology; Gerontology; Nostology; Gereology; Geriatrics 老人論; 老人病學; 衰退論
Germ of tumor 腫瘤芽
Germ-cell cancer 種子細胞癌
Germinal infection 芽胞傳染
Geumatics 味覺學
Geustics 味官學
Giant cell myeloma 骨髓巨細胞瘤
Giant nevus 巨痣
Giant pelvis 巨骨盆
Giant-cell sarcoma 巨細胞肉瘤
Giant-cell tubercle 巨細胞結核節
Giant-cell tumor of testis 巨細胞性睾丸瘤
Giant-celled cancer 巨細胞癌
Giant-celled fibrosarcoma; Giant-cell tumor 巨細胞纖維肉瘤
Giantism; Giant growth; Abnormal greatness of size; Macrogenesy; Somatomegaly; Gigantism; Excessive size 巨大畸形; 巨體(畸形); 巨大發育
Gingival cancer; Carcinoma of gums 齒齦癌
Gingival fibroma 齒齦纖維瘤
Gingival neuroma 齦神經瘤
Gingival sarcoma 齦瘤性肉瘤
Gland-celled carcinoma 腺細胞癌
Glanders-like disease; Stanton's disease; Whitmore's disease 類鼻疽; 肺腸炎(獸); 假霍亂
Glanders; Morve (馬)鼻疽; 馬鼻液漏
Glandular affection of iris 虹膜腺病
Glandular calculus 腺石
Glandular cancer 腺角化癌; 腺棘皮瘤
Glandular cancer; Proligerous cyst 腺癌
Glandular chancre 腺下疳
Glandular epithelioma 腺性上皮瘤
Glandular fever; Pfeiffer's disease; Infectious mononucleosis 淋巴腺熱
Glandular tuberculosis; Glandular phthisis 淋巴腺結核; 腺結核; 腺癆
Glandular tumor; Enlargement of gland 腺腫瘤; 腺腫
Glassblowers' tumor 吹玻璃工腮腺腫
Glaucomatous habit 青光眼體型
Glaucomatous pannus 青光眼血管翳
Glenospore disease 蜂窩芽胞黴菌病
Glioblastic sarcoma 神經膠質肉瘤
Glioblastic tumor; Embryonal glioma 神經膠胚細胞瘤
Gliom of brain; Cerebral glioma 腦神經膠瘤
Gliomatous disease; Multiple gliomas 神經膠瘤病; 多發神經膠瘤
Gliomatous myoma 神經膠質肌瘤
Gliomatous myxoma 神經膠質黏液瘤
Gliomatous neuroepithelioma 神經膠質神經上皮瘤
Gliomatous neuroma 神經膠質神經瘤
Globular amorphus 球狀寄生胎; 球形畸胎; 球形無體形畸胎
Globular tumor; Spheroma 球狀瘤
Glomerulotubular nephropathy 腎小管血管球病
Glomus tumor 痛性球形腫
Glossolith; Tongue stone 舌石
Glossopathy; Disease of tongue 舌病
Glottic polypus; Polypus of the vocal cord 聲帶息肉
Glottology; Glossology 舌科學; 舌學
Glucoside poisoning 糖?類中毒; ?類中毒
Gluteal blastomycosis 臀部釀母菌病
Gluteal callosity 臀部胼胝
Glycogenic deposition 甘醣沉?
Gynecological pathology 婦科病理學
Glycogenic infiltration; Glycogenous infiltration 甘醣浸潤
Gnathic diastematia 縱裂頜(畸形)
Gnathocephalic monster 無頭有頜畸胎