(計算時間: 0.028秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 3101 到 3200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Hungier's disease; Esthiomene of vulva; Esthiomene 陰門狼瘡
Husky desquamation 莢殼樣脫皮
Hutchinson's patch 梅毒角膜斑; Hutchinson氏斑
Hyaline deposition 透明素沉?
Hyaline enchondroma 透明軟骨瘤
Hyaline endothelioma 透明內皮瘤
Hyaline myxoma 透明黏液瘤
Hyaline outgrowth; Hyaline excrescence 透明贅疣
Hybrid 雜種; 混合種
Hydatid cyst; Echinococcal cyst 包蟲囊
Hydatid disease; Echinococcus-cyst disease; Infestation with echinococcus 包蟲囊病; 蝟囊幼蟲病
Hydatid mold; Multiple Choriomyxoma 多發絨毛膜黏液瘤; 葡萄胎塊
Hydatid polypus 囊樣息肉; 水泡狀息肉; 水泡樣息肉
Hydatid toxemia 包囊蟲毒血症
Hydatid tumor 包蟲腫
Hydnocarpus poisoning; Chaulmoogra oil poisoning 大風子中毒; 大風子油中毒
Hydrangiography; Description of lymphatic vessels 淋巴管論
Hydrangiology; Lymphangiology 淋巴管學
Hydrocarbon poisoning; Hydrocarbonism 碳氫化物中毒
Hydrochloric acid poisoning 鹽酸中毒
Hydrocyanic acid poisoning; Hydrocyanism 氰酸中毒; 氫氰酸中毒
Hydrogen phosphide poisoning 磷化氫中毒
Hydrogen sulphide poisoning 硫化氫中毒
Hydropneumothorax 水氣胸
Hygrom of cavum Retzii Retzius氏腔水囊腫
Hygroma of bursa mucosa 黏液囊水囊腫
Hylic tumor; Pulp tumor 髓質瘤
Hylopathism 物質病原論
Hymenal atresia; Atretohymeny 處女膜閉鎖; 處女膜凝合
Hymenal polypus 處女膜息肉
Hymenolepis disease 包膜絛蟲病
Hymenopterism 膜翅昆蟲中毒
Hyoid-bone fracture 舌骨骨折
Hypazoturic nephropathy 少氮尿性腎病
Hyperalimentation; Overfeeding; Superalimentation; Excessive nourishment 滋養過度病; 榮養過度
Hyperemic skin disease; Engorgement dermatosis 充血性皮病
Hyperencephalic monster 裂頂露腦畸胎; 露頂腦畸形
Hypergenetic Teratism; Hypergenetic teratosis; Malformation by excess 發育過度性畸形; 過剩畸形
Hypergiantism 極度巨大發育
Hyperkeratic mycosis 角化性黴菌病
Hyperkinetic encephalitis 過動性腦炎
Hypermineralization 礦質過多
Hypernanosomy 極度矮小(畸形)
Hyperorthognathy 極度方頜畸形; 銳角頜
Hyperosteopathy 重骨病; 劇性骨病
Hyperpathy 重病
Hyperphysemia 血中氣體過多
Hyperplasia of mammary acini; Mastoplasty; Hyperplasia of breast tissue 乳腺泡增殖
Hyperplasia of thymus 胸腺增殖
Hyperplastic chondro dystrophy 增生性軟骨榮養障礙
Hyperplastic goiter 增殖性甲狀腺腫
Hyperplastic skin disease 成形性皮病
Hyperplasy of prickle cell layer 棘皮層增殖
Hyperplasy; Numerical hypertrophy; Quantitative hypertrophy 增殖; 數量性肥大
Hyperpyrexial insolation 高熱性日射病
Hyperregeneration 過度再生
Hypertensive encephalopathy 血壓過高性腦病
Hypertrichophridy 長眉
Hypertrophic angioma 肥大性血管瘤
Hypertrophic cicatrix; Exuberant cicatrix; Keloid cicatrix 肥大性瘢痕; 瘢痕瘤性瘢痕
Hypertrophic emphysema; Large-lunged emphysema; Ectatic emphysema 肥大性肺氣腫; 擴張性肺氣腫
Hypertrophic hypertrichosis 肥大性多毛
Hypertrophic lupus 肥大性狼瘡; 濕性狼瘡; 結節狼瘡
Hypertrophic lymphangioma 肥大性淋巴管瘤
Hypertrophic lymphoma 肥大性淋巴瘤
Hypertrophic nodular gliosis; Tuberose gliosis 結節性神經膠瘤病
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy 肥大性骨關節病
Hypertrophic pneumic osteoarthropathy; Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoartropathy; Osteopulmonary arthropathy; Pulmonary osteoarthropathy; Toxicogenic osteoperiostitis ossificans; Bamberger-Marie disease 肺性骨關節病; 中毒骨化性骨膜炎; Bamberger-Marie氏病
Hypertrophic ringworm; Trichophytic granuloma 毛髮癬菌肉芽腫
Hypertrophy of adipose tissue 脂肪織肥大
Hypertrophy of arteries 動脈肥大
Hypertrophy of bladder; Vesical hypertrophy 膀胱肥大
Hypertrophy of bone; Osteal hypertrophy 骨肥大
Hypertrophy of brain; Cerebral hypertrophy; Macroencephaly; Macrencephaly 腦肥大; 巨腦
Hypertrophy of capsular ligament 關節囊肥大
Hypertrophy of cartilage; Cartilaginous hypertropy 軟骨肥大; 軟骨增生
Hypertrophy of clitoris; Clitoridean hypertrophy; Clitorism 陰蒂肥大; 巨陰蒂
Hypertrophy of conjunctiva 結合膜肥大
Hypertrophy of connective tissue 結締織肥大
Hypertrophy of corium ?皮肥厚; ?皮增殖
Hypertrophy of epithelium; Epithelial hyperplasy 上皮增殖; ?皮增殖
Hypertrophy of genital; Genital hypertrophy; Edeauxe 生殖器肥大
Hypertrophy of intestines; Enteromegaly; Enlargement of intestine; Intestinal hypertrophy 腸肥大; 巨腸
Hypertrophy of kidney; Nephrohypertrophy; Hypernephrotrophy; Nephromegaly; Renal hypertrophy 腎肥大
Hypertrophy of labia; Pudendal hypertrophy 陰脣肥大
Hypertrophy of ligament ?帶肥大
Hypertrophy of lingual tonsilla 舌扁桃體肥大
Hypertrophy of lips; Labial hypertrophy; Macrochily 脣肥大
Hypertrophy of liver; Enlargement of liver; Hepatomegaly; Hepatic hypertrophy 肝肥大; 巨肝; 肝過度擴張
Hypertrophy of ovary; Oariypertrophy; Ovarian hypertrophy 卵巢肥大; 卵巢過度擴張
Hypertrophy of palatine tonsilla ?扁桃體肥大
Hypertrophy of periosteum; Periosteal hypertrophy 骨膜肥大
Hypertrophy of pharyngeal tonsilla; Adenoide 咽扁桃體肥大
Hypertrophy of placenta; Placental hypertrophy 胎盤肥大
Hypertrophy of prostate; Prostatomegaly; Prostatic hypertrophy 前列腺肥大; 前列腺過度擴張
Hypertrophy of rhinencephalon; Hyperrhinencephaly; Rhinencephalic hypertrophy 嗅腦肥大
Hypertrophy of sebaceous gland 皮脂腺肥大
Hypertrophy of stomach; Gastric hypertrophy 胃肥大
Hypertrophy of testicle; Testicular hypertrophy 睾丸肥大
Hypertrophy of thymus 胸腺肥大