(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 3201 到 3300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Hypertrophy of thyroid gland; Thyroid hypertrophy; Macrothyry 甲狀腺肥大
Hypertrophy of tonsil; Tonsillar hypertrophy 扁桃體肥大
Hypertrophy of upper lip; Anochily 上脣肥大
Hypertrophy of uterine cervix 子宮頸肥大
Hypertrophy of uterus; Uterine hypertrophy; Metrohypertrophy 子宮肥大
Hypertrophy; Overgrowth 肥大
Hypnosophy; Study of sleep 睡夢學
Hypnotic typhoid fever; Stuporous typhoid 昏迷性傷寒
Hypoalimentation; Undernutrition; Subalimentation; Imperfect nourishment; Insufficient nourishment 滋養不足病; 榮養不足
Hypobaropathy 低氣壓病; 高空病
Hypoblastic hyloma 下胚葉髓質瘤
Hypoblastic lepidoma 下胚葉皮質瘤
Hypochromaffin constitution 嗜銘系無能性體質
Hypoevolutism; Backward development 發育遲鈍; 發育落後
Hypogastric fissure 裂下腹(畸形)
Hypogastrodidymy 下腹聯胎
Hypogastropathy 下腹病
Hypognathic parasite; Hypognathy 下頜寄生胎
Hypomineralization 礦質過少
Hyponanosomy 輕度矮小(畸形)
Hypopathy; Miner ailment 輕症
Hypophalangy; Hypophalangism 指骨缺少; 缺指骨(畸形)
Hypophyseal cachexia; Pituitary cachexia; Simmond's disease 垂體性惡病質
Hypophyseal dysostosis 垂體性骨發育不全
Hypophyseal dystrophy; Hypopituitarism 垂體榮養障礙; 垂體機能減退
Hypophyseal giantism 垂體性巨大發育
Hypophyseal infantilism 垂體性幼稚型
Hypophyseal syphilis 垂體梅毒
Hypophysemia 血中氣體過少
Hypophyseopathy 垂體病
Hypophyseoprivic cachexia 垂體截除性惡病質
Hypoplastic chondrodystrophy 發育不全性軟骨榮養障礙
Hypoplastic constitution 發育不全性體質
Hypoplastic status 發育不全表象
Hypospadias 下裂尿道(畸形); 尿道下裂
Hypospadias in glans penis 龜頭部下裂尿道(畸形); 龜頭下裂
Hypothyreotic dwarf 甲狀腺機能減退性矮小
Hypotrichy; Oligotrichy; Hyperplasy of hair 毛髮少; 稀髮
Hysteric diathesis; Hysteric tendency; Hysterism ?病素質
Hysteric meteorism ?病鼓脹
Hysterology 子宮學
Ichoremia; Ichorrhemia 腐膿毒血症
Ichthyotic xeroderma 鱗癬性乾皮病
Icing heart; Sugar-coated heart 糖衣心
Icing liver; Frosted liver; Sugar-coated liver 糖衣肝; 結霜樣肝
Icteric encephalotyphoid 黃疸腦傷寒
Icteric malaria; Bilious remittent fever 黃疸瘧
Icteric phthisis 黃疸肺結核
Idiopathic cardiac hypertrophy 自發心肥大
Idiopathic disease of muscle; Idiopathic myopathy 自發肌病
Idiopathic erysipelas; True erysipelas 發疹性丹毒; 自發丹毒; ?丹毒
Idiopathic hypertrophy 自發肥大
Idiopathic infantilism 自發性幼稚型
Idiopathic joint disease; Idiopathic arthrosis 自發關節病
Idiopathic multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma; Kaposi's sarcoma 自發多發出血性肉瘤; Kaposi氏肉瘤
Idiopathic nosogeny 自發病
Idiopathic osteopsathyrosis 自發脆骨症
Idiopathic splenomegaly; Gaucher's disease; Gaucher's splenomegalia 自發脾增大; 大細胞脾增大; Gaucher氏病
Idiopathic tetanus; Medical tetanus; Rheumatic tetanus 自發破傷風; 風濕破傷風
Idiopathy; Autopathy 特發病; 自發病; 本體病
Idiosyncrasy; Idiocrasy 特應性
Ileocecal tumor 迴結腸腫瘤
Ileocolotyphoid fever 迴結腸傷寒
Ileodidymous teratism; Ileopagy 腸骨聯胎
Ileothoracopagy 腸骨胸骨聯胎
Ileotyphoid fever 迴腸傷寒
Ileovaginal anus; Preternatural ileovaginal anus 迴腸陰道肛門
Ileoxiphopagy 腸骨劍突聯胎
Iliacal anus 腸骨部肛門
Imago myiasis 蠅病
Imcomplete closed bifid spine 隱性不全裂脊柱(畸形)
Imcomplete double uterus 半雙子宮(畸形); 不全雙子宮
Immunology; Science of immunity 免疫學
Impacted fracture 嵌入骨折
Imperfect double monster 不全對稱雙畸胎; 旁側雙畸胎; 平行雙畸胎
Imperfect nourishment 養料不足
Impetiginous syphilide; Syphilitic impetigo 膿皰梅毒疹; 梅毒性膿皰病
Implantation cyst 植入性囊腫
Implantation dermoid 植入性皮樣囊瘤
Impressed knee 縮膝畸形; 膝後退
Inactive tuberculosis 靜休性結核病
Incarcerated calculus; Encysted calculus; Pocketed calculus 箝嵌性結石
Incarnation; Incarnification 肉化
Incipient tuberculosis; Pretuberculosis 前驅肺結核; 肺癆開端
Incised injury 刀傷; 切割傷
Incised wound 切創
Inclusion cyst 包含囊腫
Incomplete cleft palate 輕度裂?
Incomplete fracture; Pratial fracture 不完全骨折
Incomplete regeneration 不全再生
Incomplete uterine rupture 子宮不全破裂
Incudiform uterus 砧形子宮(畸形)
Incurable tuberculosis; Hopeless tuberculosis 絕望性肺結核
Indentation fracture ?口形骨折
India cannabis poisoning; Cannabism 印度大麻中毒
Indian relapsing fever 印度回歸熱; Carter氏螺旋體病
Indian trichosporosis 印度毛芽胞菌病; 印度結石髮病; 陰部毛芽胞菌病
Indigo stone; Indigo calculus 靛青結石
Indirect autointoxication 間接性自體中毒
Indirect fracture 間接骨折