(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 3301 到 3400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Indirect heredity; Mediate heredity 間接遺傳
Indirect infection 間接傳染
Indirect lesion 間接傷
Indiscriminate lesion; Mixed lesion 複雜損傷
Individual disposition 個人素因
Individual heredity 個體遺傳
Induced disease 感應病; 假病
Industrial disease 工業病
Industrial poisoning 工業中毒; 工廠中毒
Industrial skin-disease 工業皮病
Inequal twins 不同形雙胎; 非對稱雙胎; 寄生性絨毛膜血管聯胎
Infantile arthrocace; Infantile joint tuberculosis 小兒關節結核
Infantile beriberi 初生兒腳氣; 乳兒腳氣
Infantile cholera 嬰兒吐瀉病; 嬰兒假霍亂
Infantile dwarf 嬰兒樣矮小; 幼稚型
Infantile giantism 嬰兒期巨大發育
Infantile habit 幼稚(性體)型
Infantile hypotrophy 小兒輕性茁壯障礙; 小兒養料不足
Infantile Kala-azar; Mediterranean Kala-azar; Infantile leishmaniasis 嬰兒黑熱病; 嬰兒Leishman氏蟲病; 嬰兒脾腫; 地中海黑熱病; 嬰兒脾腫大
Infantile muscular dystrophy; Infantile myodystrophy 嬰兒肌榮養障礙
Infantile rheumatic disease 小兒風濕
Infantile roseola 猝發疹; 嬰兒風疹
Infantile scurvy; Moeller-Barlow's disease; Cheadle's scurvy; Acute rickets; Subperiosteal hematoma in rickets; Hemorrhagic rickets; Scurvy-rickets 嬰兒壞血病; Barlow氏病; Cheadle氏病; Moeller-Barlow氏病; 出血性骨病; 出血性佝僂病; 出血性骨膜炎; 嬰兒骨髓萎縮
Infantile splenomegaly 嬰兒脾增大
Infantile syphilis 嬰兒梅毒
Infantile tuberculosis 兒童結核病
Infantilism 幼稚型; 全身發育停頓
Infantilism of thorax; Arrested thoracal development 胸發育停頓; 幼稚型胸
Infantilism of uterus; Infantilile uterus 子宮發育停頓; 子宮幼稚型
Infected wound; Poisoned wound; Septic wound 染毒創傷; 染毒傷口
Infection 傳染
Infection atrium 傳染入口
Infection through insects 昆蟲傳染
Infection through soil 土壤傳染
Infectious angioma; Hutchinson's disease; Infective angioma 匐行血管瘤; 傳染性血管瘤; Hutchinson氏病
Infectious disease; Communicable disease; Enthetic disease 傳染病
Infectious emphysema 傳染性氣腫
Infectious granuloma; Infective granulation tumor 傳染性肉芽腫
Infectious jaundice; Weil's disease; Mathieu's disease; Wassilieff's disease; Landouzy's disease; Lancereaux-Mathieu's disease; Griesinger's disease; Fiedler's disease; Icterogenic spirochetosis; Mediterranean yellow fever; Acute febrile jaundice; Acute i 傳染性黃疸; Weil氏病; 黃疸出血性螺旋體病; 重症黃疸
Infectious papilloma 傳染性乳頭狀瘤
Infective sarcoma 傳染性肉瘤
Infective splenomegaly; Infectious splenomegaly 傳染性脾增大
Inferior degeneracy 精神微弱性衰頹病
Infestation with loa loa; Loa filariasis 眼絲蟲病
Infiltrating tumor 浸潤性腫瘤
Infiltration 浸潤
Inflammatory calculus 炎性結石
Inflammatory diathesis; Catarrhal diathesis; Exudative diathesis; Czerny's diathesis 炎性素質; 多泌炎素質; 滲出素質
Inflammatory fracture 炎性骨折
Inflammatory goiter 炎性甲狀腺腫
Inflammatory gonorrhea 炎性淋病
Inflammatory hypertrophy 炎性肥大
Inflammatory infiltration 炎性浸潤
Inflammatory regeneration 炎性再生
Inflammatory scarlet fever 炎性猩紅熱
Infraction; Greenstick fracture; Bending fracture; Willow-fracture; Interperiosteal fracture; Hickory-stick fracture; Infracture 屈曲骨折; 凸出骨折
Infraglottic polypus 聲帶下部息肉
Infraomphalodymy 臍下部聯胎
Inguinal epidermophytia; Inguinal trichophytosis; Inguinal ringworm 腹股溝髮癬菌病; 腹股溝表皮癬菌病; 鼠蹊部表皮癬; 腹股溝癬
Inguinal granuloma; Veneral granuloma; Pudendal granuloma; Pudendal ulcer; Ulcerating granuloma of pudenda 腹股溝肉芽腫; 花柳肉芽腫; 陰部肉芽腫
Inguinal lymphogranuloma; Pudendal ulcerating granuloma; Venereal granuloma; Pudendal ulcer 腹股溝淋巴肉芽腫; 腹股溝肉芽腫; 花柳性肉芽腫
Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis; Frei's disease; Nicolas-Favre disease; Fifth veneral disease; Pudendal ulcer; Climatic bubo; Tropical bubo; Fourth venercal disease; Venereal lymphogranuloma; Durand-Nicolar-Favre disease; Benign lympho-granulomatosis; Ingui 腹股溝腺肉芽腫病; 良性淋巴腺肉芽腫病; 花柳性淋巴病; 亞急性腹股溝淋巴腺炎; 歐洲孔隙性腺炎; 孔隙性淋巴腺炎; 流行性腹股溝淋巴腺病
Inhalation disease 吸入性病
Inhalation poisoning; Inhaling poisoning 吸入性中毒
Inhalation tuberculosis 吸入性肺結核
Inhaling anthrax 吸入性炭疽
Iniopic monster 枕眼畸形
Initial affection 初期病
Initial exanthem 初疹
Initial tuberculosis 原發結核病
Injection cocainism 注射性古柯鹼中毒
Injury due to electric current 強電流性損傷; 強電流傷
Injury due to lightning; Lightning lesion 電擊性損傷; 電擊受傷
Injury of cornea 角膜損傷
Injury of foot 足部損傷
Injury of jugular vein 頸靜脈損傷
Injury of lymphatic vessel 淋巴管損傷
Injury of parturient canal 產道損傷
Injury of thoracic duct 胸(淋巴)導管損傷
Injury of thymus gland 胸腺損傷
Injury of thyroid gland 甲狀腺損傷
Injury of umbilical cord 臍帶損傷
Injury to auricle 耳郭損傷
Injury to dental enamel 琺瑯質損傷
Injury to eye 眼損傷
Injury to frontal sinus 額竇損傷
Injury to internal ear 內耳損傷; 迷路損傷
Injury to medulla oblongata 延髓損傷
Injury to nasal sinuses 鼻副竇損傷
Injury to salivary gland 涎腺損傷
Injury to venous sinus 靜脈竇損傷
Innocent syphilis 無辜梅毒; 非花柳性梅毒
Inoccipity 無枕葉(畸形)
Inoculated anthrax 接種性炭疽
Inoculated glanders 接種性鼻疽
Inoculated tetanus 注射後破傷風
Inoculated tubercle 接種性結核節
Inoculated tuberculosis 接種性結核病
Inoculation chancre 接種下疳
Inoculation smallpox; Inoculation variola 接種痘; 接種天花