(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 3501 到 3600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Inverted epicanthus 內翻性內眥贅皮
Inveterate disease; Protracted disease 痼疾; 不愈症
Involution cyst 退化性囊腫
Iodine poisoning; Iodism 碘中毒
Iodine rash 碘疹
Iodoform poisoning 碘仿中毒
Iodoform rash 碘仿疹
Ipecac poisoning; Ipecacuanha poisoning 吐根鹼中毒; 吐根中毒
Iridology; Study of iris 虹膜學
Iridopathy; Affection of iris 虹膜病
Iris coloboma 裂虹膜(畸形)
Iris detachment 虹膜脫離; 虹膜鬆搖
Iris granuloma 虹膜肉芽腫
Iris melanoma 虹膜黑瘤
Iron deficiency 鐵缺乏
Iron-dust disease 鐵末沉?病
Irregular malaria 不規則瘧
Irregular wound 不規則創傷; 不規則傷口
Irritant gas poisoning 刺激毒氣中毒
Irritative hypertrichosis 刺激性多毛
Irritative lesion 刺激性損害
Isambert's disease; Miliary pharyngo-laryngophthisis Isambert氏病; 喉咽粟粒結核
Ischiopagy 坐骨聯胎
Ischiothoracopagy 坐骨胸部聯胎; 胸部坐骨聯胎
Islet adenoma; Langerhansian adenoma 胰島腺瘤
Isodidymous teratism 完全對稱淺雙畸胎
Isolated fracture 分離骨折
Isolated lymphadenoma 分隔性淋巴腺瘤
Isthmic gonorrhea 輸卵管峽淋病
Isthmic polypus 咽峽息肉
Isthmopathy 咽峽病
Isthmotyphoid 咽峽炎性傷寒
Ivory exostosis 象牙質外生骨瘤
Ivory exostosis 象牙質外生骨贅
Ivory pseudarthrosis 象牙樣假關節
Ivyclad poisoning 常春藤中毒
Japanese river fever; Island disease; Tsutsugamushi fever; Tsutsugamushi disease; Akamushi disease; Shimamushi disease; Kendani disease; Yochubio; Shashitsu; Flood fever; (Rheumatic fever); Island fever; Inundation fever 恙蟲病; 日本河熱病; 日本秋?病
Jaquirity poisoning; Abrism 相思豆中毒; 相思豆毒素中毒
Jejunotyphoid fever 空腸傷寒
Joint disease; Articular disease; Arthropathy 關節病
Joint dysplasy 關節發育不良
Joint emphysema 關節氣腫
Joint injury 關節損傷
Juvenile arcus 青年弓; 青年角膜弓
Juvenile osteodystrophy 青年性骨榮養障礙
Juvenile wart 青年疣
Juvenilism; Reversive infantilism; Tardy infantilism 遲發幼稚型; 成年期發育停頓
Juxta-articular nodule; Jeanselme's nodule; Steiner's tumor 關節部土壤絲菌結節
Kangri cancer; Kangri bone cancer 薰藍性上皮瘤
Kaposi's disease; Pigmentary xeroderma ?色性乾皮病; ?色性皮萎縮; Kaposi氏皮膚病
Katayama disease; Asiatic schistosomiasis; Eastern bilharziasis 亞洲裂體蛭病; 日本裂體蛭病
Keloid disposition 瘢痕瘤素因
Kenotoxin poisoning 疲倦毒素中毒; 疲倦中毒
Keratinizing syphilide; Horny syphilide 角化性梅毒疹; 梅毒雞眼
Kick 踢; 踢傷
Knee injury; Injury of knee 膝部損傷
Knee-joint emphysema 膝關節氣腫
Knee-joint tumor; Tumor of knee 膝關節腫瘤
Korteweg's fever; Inoculated malaria 接種瘧; Korteweg氏熱
Kundrat's lymphosarcoma Kundrat氏淋巴肉瘤
Kymoparalytic muscular hypertrophy 電波麻痺性肌肥大
Labial atresia; Imperforte mouth 口竅閉鎖; 脣閉鎖; 併脣
Labial cancer 脣癌
Labial chancre 陰脣下疳
Labial injury; Injury of lip 脣損傷
Labial mycosis 脣黴菌病
Labial sponge 脣海綿腫
Labial syphilis 脣梅毒
Labial thickening; Pachychily 脣肥厚
Labial tumor; Labial swelling 脣腫瘤; 脣腫
Labyrinth syphilis 迷路梅毒
Labyrinthine concussion 迷路震盪
Lacerated wound 裂創; 撕裂創; 扯創
Laceration of brain; Cerebral rupture 腦破裂
Laceration of omentum 網膜破裂
Laceration of vagina; Tear of vagina; Vaginal rupture 陰道破裂
Laceration of vitreous; Vitreous body rupture 玻璃狀體破裂
Lacrimal cyst 淚囊腫
Lacrimal lithiasis 淚管石形成; 淚石病
Lacrimating gas poisoning; Tear gas poisoning 催淚毒中毒
Lacteal idiosyncrasy; Milk idiosyncrasy 牛乳特應性
Lacunar status 腦皮質陷凹化表象
Lagocephalic monster 兔頭畸胎
Lalopathology 言語病理學
Lamblia infestation Lambl氏蟲病; Lambl氏鞭毛蟲病; Giard氏蟲病
Lamellar fibroma 分層纖維瘤
Laminated calculus 分層結石
Laminated sarcoma 分層肉瘤
Land-scurvy 陸地壞血病
Large round-cell sarcoma 大圓細胞肉瘤
Large-celled sarcoma; Giant cell sarcoma 大細胞肉瘤; 髓細胞瘤; 髓質瘤
Largeness of penis 巨陰莖(畸形)
Larval nephrosis 隱性腎病
Larval plague; Ambulatory plague; Ambulant pestis; Mild plague; Ambulant plague 輕鼠疫; 小鼠疫; 逍遙性鼠疫
Larval scarlet fever 潛伏性猩紅熱
Larvate malaria; Larvatate intermittent malarial fever; Dumb ague; Dead ague; Masked ague; Latent ague; Larval paludism 潛伏瘧; 隱瘧
Larvated glioma 隱藏性神經膠瘤
Larvated tuberculosis 隱蔽性結核病
Laryngeal diphthery 喉白喉
Laryngeal disease; Laryngopathy 喉病