(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 3601 到 3700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Laryngeal erysipelas 喉丹毒
Laryngeal injury; Injury to throat 喉損傷
Laryngeal leprosy 喉麻風
Laryngeal lupus 喉狼瘡
Laryngeal pachydermia 喉厚皮病
Laryngeal papilloma 喉乳頭狀瘤
Laryngeal polypus 喉部息肉
Laryngeal syphilis 喉梅毒
Laryngeal tubercle 喉結核節
Laryngeal tuberculosis; Laryngeal phthisis 喉結核; 喉病
Laryngeal tumor 喉腫瘤
Laryngeal xerosis; Throat dryness 喉頭乾燥
Laryngology 喉科學
Laryngotyphoid 喉病性傷寒
Late giantism 晚期巨大發育
Late stage of erysipelas 晚期丹毒
Latent cancer 潛伏癌
Latent diphthery; Nonmembranous diphthery 潛伏性白喉; 無膜性白喉
Latent gallstone 潛伏性膽石
Latent microbism 隱性微生物原病
Latent pulmonary tuberculosis 潛伏性肺結核
Latent syphilis 潛伏性梅毒
Latent tetanus 潛伏性破傷風
Latent tuberculosis 潛伏性結核病
Lateral cervical cyst 側部頸囊腫
Lateral cleft of upper lip; Lateral harelip 側裂脣; 尋常兔脣
Lateral facial cleft 側裂面(畸形)
Lateral hermaphrodism; Dimediate hermaphrodism 中分性?兩性畸形
Lateral meteorism 腹側鼓脹
Laughing gas poisoning; Nitrogen monoxide poisoning 笑氣中毒; 一氣化二氮中毒
Lead poisoning; Saturnism; Plumbism; Leading 鉛中毒; 鉛毒病
Lead sugar poisoning 鉛糖中毒
Lead-encephalopathy; Molybdence-phalopathy; Saturnine encephalopathy 鉛毒腦病
Lipomatous fibroma 脂纖維瘤
Leaking cicatrix; Filtering cicatrix 漏液瘢痕
Lean rickets; Famine rickets 萎縮性佝僂病
Leech disease 水蛭病
Leiomyomatous fibroma 平滑肌纖維瘤
Leishmania disease Leishman氏蟲病
Leloir's lupus 紅斑樣尋常狼瘡; Leloir氏狼瘡
Lemography; Description of plague 疫論; 傳染病論
Lens capsule rupture 晶狀體囊破裂
Lens coloboma 裂晶狀體(畸形)
Lenticular carcinoma; Lenticular cancer 豆狀癌
Lenticular concussion 晶狀體震盪
Lenticular regeneration 晶狀體再生
Lenticular syphilide; Flat papular syphilide 豆狀梅毒疹; 豆狀丘疹梅毒
Lenticular tumor 晶狀體腫瘤
Lepidic tumor; Rind tumor 皮質瘤; 裹膜瘤
Leprology 麻風學
Leprosy of accessory sinuses; Leprosy of paranasal sinus 鼻副竇麻風
Leprosy of peripheral nerve 末梢神經麻風
Leprosy; Hansen's disease; St. Giles' disease 麻風; 希臘象皮病
Leprous eruption 麻風疹; 麻風皮病
Leprous nodule 麻風腫; 麻風結節
Leprous primary affection 麻風首發病
Leptosomatic habit 瘦削體型; 輕體型
Leptosome type; Slender type 瘦長型
Leptospira disease ?端螺旋體病
Leptothricial disease 纖毛菌病
Lerain's disease; Dystrophic infantilism 營養不良性幼稚型; Lerain氏病
Lesion of continuation; Absence of continuity of structure; Desintegration 聯繫損傷
Lesion; Injury; Offension; Disturbance 損傷; 傷; 受傷
Lethargic encephalitis; Sleeping sickness; Nona 昏睡性腦炎
Lettuce poisoning 臭萵苣中毒
Leucemic hyperplasia of thymus 白血病胸腺增殖
Leukemic adenia 白血病淋巴腺腫
Leukemic lymphadenoma 白血病淋巴瘤
Leukemic splenomegaly 白血病脾增大
Leukoblastic tumor 白血球胚細胞瘤
Leukocytic sarcoma; Leukemic sarcoma; Colorless sarcoma 白血病肉瘤; 白色肉瘤
Leukocytic toxicosis; Leukomyelic poisoning 脊髓白質中毒
Leukocytic tumor 白血球瘤
Leukomyelopathy; Leucomyelopathy 脊白質病
Levicellular myoma 平滑肌瘤
Lewisite poisoning; Poisoning with dich-lorobetachloro-vinylarsine Lewisite氏氣中毒
Light-injury 光射損傷(眼)
Lightning stroke 觸電; 電擊
Lindau's disease; Cerebelloretinal angioma 神經系血管瘤; 小腦視網膜血管瘤; Lindau氏病
Linear fracture 線狀骨折
Linear nevus; Neurotic nevus 線狀痣; 一側痣; 神經性痣
Linear papilloma; Linear ichthyosis 線狀乳頭狀瘤
Lingual actinomycosis 舌放線菌病
Lingual anthrax 舌炭疽
Lingual cancer; Cancer of tongue 舌癌
Lingual cyst 舌根囊腫
Lingual diastematy 縱裂舌(畸形)
Lingual goiter 舌底甲狀腺管腫
Lingual hypertrophy; Hypertrophy of tongue; Macroglossy; Megaloglossy 舌肥大; 巨舌
Lingual injury; Injury of tongue 舌損傷
Lingual malformation 舌畸形
Lingual syphilis 舌梅毒
Lingual tuberculosis 舌結核
Linseed poisoning; Linseed oil poisoning 亞麻仁中毒; 亞麻仁油中毒
Lip of wound; Margin of wound 傷口邊緣
Lipobrachial fetus 缺臂畸胎
Lipobrachy 缺臂(畸形)
Lipoid arcus 擬脂?膜弓
Lipoid corneal arcus 擬脂性角膜弓
Lipoid granuloma; Lipoid granulomatosis 擬脂肉芽腫病; 黃瘤病