(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 3701 到 3800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Lipoid hyperplasia 擬脂質增殖
Lipoid splenohepatomegaly; Lipoid histocytosis; Niemann-Pick's disease; Pick's disease; Niemann's disease; Niemann's splenomegaly 擬脂細胞性肝脾增大; Niemann-Pick氏病
Lipoma of bone 骨脂瘤
Lipoma of breast; Mammary lipoma 乳腺脂瘤
Lipoma of lung; Pulmonary lipoma 肺脂瘤
Lipoma of neck 頸部環形脂瘤
Lipomatous angioma 脂肪血管瘤
Lipomatous cancer 脂瘤癌
Lipomatous chondroma 脂肪軟骨瘤
Lipomatous exostosis 脂瘤性外生骨贅
Lipomatous molluscum; Cholesterinic molluscum 脂肪軟疣; 多發黃瘤; 黃瘤
Lipomatous myoma 脂肌瘤
Lipomatous myxoma; Adipous myxoma 脂黏液瘤; 黏液脂瘤
Lipomatous nevus 脂瘤痣
Lipomatous polypus 脂瘤性息肉
Lipomatous sarcoma; Adipose sarcoma 脂肉瘤
Lipophagic granuloma 脂壞死性肉芽腫; 食脂性肉芽腫
Liquor potash poisoning 鉀鹼中毒
Lithangiury 尿通道結石
Litharysm 蜜陀僧中毒; 氧化鉛中毒
Lithic cachexia 結石性惡病質
Lithogenic phthisis 結石性肺結核
Lithokelyphopedion 胎膜胎兒石化
Lithology 結石學; 結石論
Lithopedion; Osteopedion; Stone-child; Fetal calcification; Ossification of fetus 胎兒石化; 石胎
Little's disease; Vogt's disease 紋狀體髓素過多表象
Littoral fever 海濱瘧
Liver-rot; Hepatic distomiasis 肝雙口蛭病
Livid lupus 紫狼瘡
Lobar gliosis 腦業神經膠瘤病
Lobed ovary 分葉卵巢
Lobeline poisoning; Poisoning with lobelia inflata 袪痰菜鹼中毒; 袪痰菜中毒
Lobial diastematy 縱裂脣(畸形); 縱裂脣
Lobstein's cancer; Retroperitoneal sarcoma Lobstein氏癌; 腹膜後肉瘤
Lobstein's disease; Fragility of bone; Brittleness of bone 脆骨症; Lobstein氏病
Lobular fissure 裂耳垂(畸形)
Lobulated kidney 分葉腎
Lobulated liver; Degraded liver 分葉肝
Lobulated spleen 分葉脾
Local alopecia 局部脫髮
Local argyria 局部銀質沉?病
Local cause 局部病因
Local disease; Topical disease 局部病
Local disposition 局部素因
Local hypertrichosis 局部多毛
Local idiosyncrasy 局部特應性
Local infection 局部傳染
Local intoxication; Local poisoning 局部中毒
Local lesion 局部損傷
Local meteorism 局部鼓脹
Local pneumothorax; Loculated pneumothorax; Partial pneumothorax 局部氣胸; 包囊性胸
Local roseola 局部風疹
Local tetanus 局部破傷風
Localized disease; Circumscribed disease; Focal disease; Focal lesion 局?性病
Localized rheumatism 局部風濕
Lochotyphoid 傷寒型產褥熱
Loemology; Loimology 傳染病學
Longitudinal cleft; Diastamaty 縱裂畸形
Longitudinal fracture 縱(行)骨折
Longitudinal rent; Longitudinal rupture; Longitudinal fissure 縱裂
Longitudinal wound 直行創傷; 直傷口
Loose constitution 柔緩性體質
Loosening of finger 指(趾)脫落
Loosening of nail 爪甲脫離; 裂甲病
Loosening of tooth 齒根動搖
Loss of eye-ball 眼球消失
Loss of glands 腺消失
Loss of hair; Baldness; Depilation; Fox evil; Alopecy 禿(髮)病; 脫髮; 毛髮脫落
Loss of nail; Falling off of nail 爪甲脫落
Loss of teeth 齒脫落
Loss; Falling off 脫落; 缺失; 消失
Louse 棘皮瘤
Low-grade infection 輕傳染
Lower jaw cleft 裂下頜(畸形)
Lower jaw fracture 下頜骨折
Lower-lip fissure 裂下脣(畸形)
Lucifer-match disease; Lucifer-match maker's disease 火柴工人病
Luetism 輕梅毒
Lumbar cancer 腰癌
Lumpy jaw; Holdfast; Wooden tongue; Rivalta's disease; Actinomycotic disease; Clyers 放線菌病
Lung-fluke disease; Endemic hemoptysis; Pulmonary distomiasis; Pulmonary paragonimiasis 肺雙口蛭病; 寄生性咯血
Lupiform adenoma; Erythematous lupus 狼瘡樣腺瘤; 紅斑狼瘡
Lupoid 類狼瘡
Lupous cancer; Lupous carcinoma 狼瘡癌
Lupous nevus 狼瘡痣; 匐行血管瘤
Lupous scar 狼瘡瘢痕
Lupous tumor; Lupous nodule 狼瘡腫; 狼瘡結節
Lupus carcinoma 狼瘡癌
Luteinic tumor; Tumor of corpus luteum 黃體瘤
Luxation fracture; Fracture-dislocation 骨折脫骱; 脫臼骨折
Lycopodium granuloma 石松子肉芽腫
Lye poisoning; Alkali poisoning; Alkaline intoxication 鹼中毒
Lyencephaly 無胼胝體(畸形); 腦半球不連畸形
Lymph follicle hyperplasia 濾泡增殖
Lymph-gland tumor; Lymphatic adenoma 淋巴腺瘤
Lymph-scrotum; Nevoid elephantiasis 陰囊淋巴腫; 痣樣象皮病; 乳縻皮
Lymphadenism 淋巴腺瘤病
Lymphadenohypertrophy; Hypertrophy of gland 淋巴腺肥大
Lymphadenoid sarcoma 淋巴腺樣肉瘤
Lymphadenopathy; Disease of lymphatic gland 淋巴腺病; 腺病