(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 3801 到 3900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Lymphangial endothelioblastoma 淋巴管內皮胚細胞瘤
Lymphangial fibroma 淋巴管纖維瘤
Lymphangial sarcoma 淋巴管肉瘤
Lymphangial tumor 淋巴管瘤; 淋巴管胚細胞瘤
Lymphangiectatic elephantiasis 淋巴管擴張性象皮病
Lymphangiectatic fibroma 淋巴管擴張性纖維瘤
Lymphangiectatic myoma 淋巴管擴張性肌瘤
Lymphangiomatous myoma 淋巴管肌瘤
Lymphangiopathy 淋巴管病
Lymphatic cachexia; Hodgkin's disease 淋巴性惡病質; Hodgkin氏病
Lymphatic constitution 淋巴體質
Lymphatic cyst 淋巴囊腫
Lymphatic cyst 淋巴管囊腫
Lymphatic diathesis; Lymphitism; Lymphoidotoxemia 淋巴素質
Lymphatic infantilism 淋巴素質性幼稚型; 淋巴性幼稚型
Lymphatic lupus; Circumscribed lymphangioma 淋巴性狼瘡; 限局性淋巴管瘤
Lymphatic nevus 淋巴管痣; 血管淋巴管痣
Lymphatic pannus 淋巴性血管翳
Lymphatic sarcoma 淋巴肉瘤
Lymphatic status; Lymphatism; Lymphatic dyscrasia 淋巴質表象; 淋巴織特型
Lymphatic tumor; Lymphadenic tumor 淋巴瘤; 淋巴腺瘤
Lymphoblastic tumor 淋巴胚細胞瘤
Lymphocytic tumor 淋巴細胞瘤
Lymphogenous renal tuberculosis 淋巴原腎結核
Lymphogenous tuberculosis 淋巴原結核病
Lymphoglandular cyst 淋巴腺囊腫
Lymphoglandular leprosy 淋巴腺麻風
Lymphoid epithelioma 淋巴上皮瘤
Lymphomatous goiter; Hashimoto's disease 淋巴瘤性甲狀腺腫
Lymphomatous myxoma 淋巴黏液瘤
Lymphopathy 淋巴病
Lymphosporidium disease 淋巴芽胞蟲病
Lymphotoxemia; Lymphoidotoxemia 淋巴毒血症
Lysis of erythrocyt; Plasmorrhexy 赤血球漿迸出
Machinery injury 機器致傷; 機器傷
MacLeod's capsular rheumatism 關節囊風濕; Macleod氏關節風濕
Macroarthry Arthromegaly 巨關節(畸形)
Macrobrachy 巨臂(畸形)
Macrocardiac monster 巨心畸胎
Macrocellular alveolar sarcoma 大細胞泡形肉瘤
Macrocephalic fetus 巨頭畸胎
Macrochiry; Cheiromegaly; Chiromegaly 巨手(畸形)
Malignant neuroma 惡性神經瘤
Macrodactyly; Macrodactylism; Dactylomegaly; Megalodactylism 巨指(趾)(畸形)
Macrodontism; Largeness of teeth 巨齒(畸形)
Macrogenesy; Macroplasy; Macroplasty 巨大發育
Macrogenitosomy 巨陰巨軀(畸形)
Macrognathic fetus 巨頜畸胎
Macrognathy; Enlargement of jaw 巨頜(畸形)
Macromasty 巨乳腺(畸形); 乳腺巨大; 乳房過度擴張
Macromelic fetus 巨肢畸胎
Macromely; Largeness of limbs 巨肢(畸形)
Macronychy 巨爪(畸形)
Macropathology; Nonmicroscopical pathology 肉眼病理學; 大體病理學
Macropody; Podomegaly 巨足(畸形)
Macroprosopous fetus 巨面畸胎
Macroprosopy; Prosopectasy; Oversize of face 巨面(畸形)
Macrorrhiny; Excessive size of nose 巨鼻(畸形)
Macroscely 巨腿(畸形); 巨指(趾)(畸形)
Macroscopic lesion; Coarse lesion; Molar lesion; Gross lesion 大體損傷; 肉眼的損傷
Macrosplanchnic type 巨臟型
Macrostomy; Largeness of mouth 巨口(畸形)
Macroty 巨耳郭(畸形)
Macula of palpebral fissure 臉裂斑
Macular eruption 斑疹
Macular leprosy 斑點麻風
Macular lupus 斑點狼瘡
Macular ringworm of scalp; Macular trichophytia 斑形禿髮癬
Macular syphilide; Syphilitic roseola; Erythematous syphilide 斑點梅毒疹; 梅毒斑; 梅毒風疹; 梅毒紅斑
Maculoanesthetic leprosy 麻木性斑點麻風
Maculopapular syphilide 斑丘疹梅毒疹
Madelung's fat-neck 頸部對稱性脂瘤病; Madelung氏脂頸
Madura foot; Fungus foot (of india); Ballingal's disease; Actinomycosis of foot 鏈絲菌足腫病; 重症潰瘍; 假放線菌病
Maggots disease; Larvae disease 蠅蛆病
Maize poisoning; Zeism 玉蜀黍中毒
Malacic chondrodystrophy 軟化性軟骨榮養障礙
Malarial cachexia; Paludal cachexia; Chronic malaria; Limnemia 瘧疾惡病質
Malarial dysentery 瘧疾性痢疾
Malarial eruption; Paludide 瘧疹
Malarial fever; Intermittent fever; Periodic fever; Ague; Algid fever; Congestive fever; Paludal fever; Paludism; Marsh fever; Miasmatic fever; Vernal fever; Swamp fever; Cameroon fever; Chills and fever 瘧; 瘧疾; 瘧熱; 冷熱; 間歇熱; 熱狂; 熱譫妄
Malarial granuloma 瘧疾肉芽腫
Malarial splenomegaly 瘧疾脾增大
Malariology 瘧學
Maldevelopment of ovary 卵巢發育停頓
Male fern poisoning 綿馬中毒
Male hermaphrodism 男性兩性畸形
Malformation 畸形
Malformation by defect 缺損畸形
Malformation by perversion; Heteromorphous teratism 變形畸形; 形態異常性畸形
Malformation of internal organ 內臟畸形
Malformation of lower limb 下肢畸形
Malformation of upper limb 上肢畸形
Malignant adenoma 惡性腺瘤; 腺癌
Malignant alopecia 惡性脫髮
Malignant anthrax 惡性炭疽; 炭疽膿皰
Malignant chorionepithelioma; Malignant syncytioma 惡性絨毛膜上皮瘤; 惡性蛻膜瘤; 惡性融合細胞瘤; 蛻膜細胞肉瘤
Malignant diophthery; Septic diphthery 惡性白喉; 膿毒性白喉; 壞疽性白喉
Malignant dysentery 惡性痢疾
Malignant epithelioma 惡性上皮瘤; 上皮細胞瘤
Malignant epulis; Giant-cell sarcoma of jaw 大細胞性頜肉瘤; 惡性齦瘤