(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 301 到 400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Amyloid infiltration 擬澱粉浸潤
Amyotrophic spinal syphilis 肌萎縮性脊髓梅毒
Anacatadidymous teratism 中腰聯胎; 中部聯胎
Anadidymous teratism 單上身聯胎; (雙下身畸胎)
Anal atresia; Imperforate anus; Atretoprocty; Proctatresy 肛門閉鎖(畸形); 鎖肛
Anal cancer; Cancer of anus 肛門癌
Anal chancroid 肛門?下疳
Anal condyloma 肛門濕疣
Anal crack 肛門皸裂
Anal cystoma 肛門囊瘤
Anal fissure 裂肛(畸形)
Anal fissure; Anal tear; Allingham's painful ulcer 肛門裂(創)
Anal gonorrhea 肛門淋病
Anal polypus 肛門息肉
Anal scirrhus 肛門硬癌
Anal tuberculosis 肛門結核
Anal tumor 肛門腫瘤
Anamel cystadenoma 牙釉質囊腺瘤
Anandry 男徵缺失
Anangioplasy; Anangioplasm; Imperfect vascular development 血管發育不全
Anasomatic monstrosity 肢軀黏?畸形
Anatomical wart; Postmortem wart; Necrogenic wart; Postmortem tubercle; Anatomic tubercle; Dissection tubercle; Dissecting-porter's wart; Warty tubercle 屍毒疣; 解剖疣; 疣性結核; 屍原結核
Ance keloid 痤瘡瘢痕瘤; 髮部乳頭狀皮炎
Andes disease; Monge's disease Andes山病; Monge氏病
Androgyny; Androgynism; Androgyneity 男性女子
Andrology 男科學
Andropathy 男子病
Androphany; Virilism 女子男徵
Androsymphysy 男聯胎
Anelytry; Absence of vagina 無陰道(畸形)
Anemic scurvy 貧血壞血病
Anemone poisoning; Anemonism 白頭翁中毒
Anencephalic monster 無腦畸胎
Anencephaly; Absence of brain 無腦(畸形)
Anesthetic leprosy; Danielssen's disease; Celsus vitiligo 麻木性麻風; 麻木性象皮病; Danielssen氏病
Anesthetic skin-disease; Esthesiodermia 麻木性皮病
Aneurysmal diathesis 動脈瘤素質
Aneurysmatic goiter 動脈瘤性甲狀腺腫; 搏動性甲狀腺腫
Angibromic adenia 消化系淋巴腺腫
Anginous disposition 咽峽炎素因
Angioblastic meningioma 腦膜血管胚細胞瘤
Angiobromic adenopathy; Angiobromic adenias 消化道腺病
Angiocardiopathy 血管心病
Angiolith; Vascular calculus 血管石
Angiolithic sarcoma; Psammomatous sarcoma 血管結石性肉瘤; 砂肉瘤
Angiology 血管學
Angiomatous chondroma 血管軟骨瘤
Angiomatous elephantiasis 血管瘤象皮病; 血管象皮病
Angiomatous myosarcoma 血管肌肉瘤
Angiomatous polypus; Vascular polypus 血管息肉; 血管瘤性息肉
Angiomatous sarcoma; Hemangiosarcoma; Angiouic sarcoma; Hemangiomatous sarcoma 血管肉瘤
Angiomyopathy 血管肌病
Angioneurotic skin-disease 血管神經性皮病
Angiopathic nephropathy 血管性腎病; 腎血管病
Angiopathology 血管病理學
Angioplastic infantilism; Anangioplastic infantilism 血管不全性幼稚型
Angioplastic sarcoma 血管形成性肉瘤
Angiospastic constitution 血管痙攣性體質
Angiospastic type 血管痙攣型
Angle of wound 傷口角部
Anilin cancer; Dye workers' cancer 苯胺癌
Aniline poisoning; Anilism 苯胺中毒
Animal pathology; Zoopathology 動物病理學
Animal toxin poisoning; Zootoxic poisoning 動物毒素中毒
Animism 靈氣說; 靈氣病原論
Aniridy; Aniridism 無虹膜(畸形)
Anlage 遺傳單位; 始基
Annular foetal rickets; Annular rickets 胎兒環形佝僂病; 胎兒長骨環形增殖
Annular granuloma 環形肉芽腫; 環形苔癬
Annular lupus 環形狼瘡
Annular syphilide 環形梅毒疹
Anodonty; Absence of teeth 無齒(畸形)
Anomalology; Anomalogy 異常學
Anomalonomy 異常論
Anomalotrophy; Abnormity of nutrition 榮養異常
Anonychy 無爪(畸形)
Anophthalmic monster; Eyeless fetus 無眼畸胎
Anophthalmy 無眼(畸形); 無眼球(畸形)
Anorchic fetus 無睪丸畸胎
Anorchy; Anorchism; Absence of testicle; Congenital eunuch 無睪丸(畸形)
Anorectal atresia 肛門直腸閉鎖
Anorectal syphiloma 肛門直腸梅毒腫
Anosy; Without disease 無病
Anoty; Earlessness 無耳(畸形)
Ant bite disease 蟻科昆蟲病; 蟻咬皮病
Ant poisoning 蟻中毒
Ant wart 蟻疣
Anteponing malaria 移前瘧
Anterior dichotomy; Superior duplicity 雙上身畸胎
Anterior urethral gonorrhea; Anterior gonorrhea 前尿道淋病
Anthorism; Diffuse swelling 瀰漫性腫脹
Anthracemia 炭疽菌血(症)
Anthracotic tuberculosis; Black phthisis; Miner's phthisis 炭末吸入性肺結核; 黑肺癆; 礦工癆
Anthracotyphoid fever 炭疽性傷寒
Anthroponosology 人體病論; 人類病學
Antifebrin poisoning; Acetanilid poisoning 乙醯氨基苯中毒
Antimon poisoning; Stibialism 銻中毒
Antipyrine poisoning 安替比林中毒; 安替比林癖
Antipyrine rash 安替比林疹
Antitoxin rash 抗毒素疹