(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 4001 到 4100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Medullary exostosis 髓樣外生骨贅
Medullary exostosis 髓樣外生骨瘤
Medullary infiltration 髓樣浸潤
Medullary myxoma 髓樣黏液瘤
Medullary osteoma; Soft osteoma 軟性骨瘤; 髓樣骨瘤
Medullary spongioma; Medullary cancer; Encephaloid cancer 髓樣海綿腫; 髓樣癌
Medullary tetanus 脊髓破傷風
Medullary tuberculosis 骨髓結核
Medullosuprarenal tumor; Medullary suprarenal goiter 腎上體髓質瘤
Megakaryotic toxicosis; Megacaryotic poisoning 巨細胞核素中毒
Megalocephaly; Macrocephaly; Megacephaly 巨頭(畸形)
Megalosyndactyly 巨指(趾)黏連(畸形)
Megasomy; Hypogiantism 輕度巨大發育
Meibomian calculus 瞼板腺石
Melancholic temperament; Nervous temperament; Atrabilious temperament 神經質
Melanine epithelioma 黑色素上皮瘤
Melanine fibroma 黑纖維瘤
Melanotic cancer; Melanotic carcinoma; Black cancer 黑癌
Melanotic sarcoma; Black sarcoma; Pigmentary sarcoma 黑肉瘤; 色素肉瘤
Melanotic scirrhus 黑硬病
Melanotic tumor; Melanoblastic tumor; Pigmented growth 黑瘤; 黑胚細胞瘤
Melodidymous monster 二重寄生肢; 複肢畸胎
Melomelic monster 肢部寄生肢; 贅肢畸胎; 複肢畸胎
Melotic monstrosity; Meloty 頰耳畸形
Melotridymous monster 三重寄生肢; 三複肢畸胎
Membranous dysentery 膜性痢疾
Membranous pterygium 膜性翼狀?肉
Meningeal fibroma; Arachnoid fibroblastoma 腦膜纖維瘤
Meningeal melanoblastoma 腦膜胚細胞瘤
Meningeal spongioma 腦膜海綿腫
Meningeal syphilis; Meningeal neurosyphilis 腦膜梅毒
Meningeal thickening 腦膜肥厚
Meningeal tubercle 腦膜結核節
Meningeal tuberculosis 腦膜結核
Meningeal tumor 腦脊髓膜腫瘤
Meningococcemia 腦膜炎球菌血症
Meningopathy; Disease of meninges 腦膜病
Meningotyphoid 腦膜炎性傷寒
Meningovascular neurosyphilis 腦膜血管性神經系梅毒
Menology 月經論
Menstrual eruption 月經疹
Menstrual intoxication 月經中毒
Menstrual toxemia 經期毒血症
Mephitic poisoning; Foul odor poisoning 穢氣中毒; 霉蒸氣中毒
Mercurial cachexia; Chronic mercurial poisoning 汞毒惡病質; 慢性汞中毒
Mercurial poisoning; Mercurial rash; Mercurialism; Hydrargyrism 汞中毒; 水銀中毒
Mercury rash 汞疹
Meroacranial monstrosity; Meroacrany 部份無顱(畸形)
Mesenchymal hyloma 間葉髓質瘤
Mesenterial tuberculosis 腸系膜結核; 腸系膜淋巴腺結核; 腸系膜癆
Mesenterial tumor 腸系膜腫瘤
Mesenteric calculus 腸系膜石
Mesenteric cystic lymphangioma 腸系膜囊狀淋巴管瘤
Mesenteric lymphadenopathy 腸系膜腺病
Mesodermogenic neurosyphilis 中胚葉神經系梅毒
Mesopharyngopathy 咽中部病
Mesothelial hyloma 間皮髓質瘤; 間皮瘤
Mesothelial lepidoma 間皮皮質瘤
Metabolic intoxication; Metabolic toxicosis 新陳代謝性自體中毒
Metabolopathology 新陳代謝病理學
Metadinitrobenzol poisoning 間二硝基苯中毒
Metadiphtheritic scarlet fever 變性白喉類猩紅熱
Metadysentery 後痢疾
Metal dust disease 金屬末沉?病; 金屬(肺)癆
Metal fume fever; Zinc chills; Braziers chills; Brassfounder's ague 熔鋅工人病
Metallic poisoning 金屬中毒
Metallic salts poisoning 金屬鹽類中毒
Metalloid poisoning 非金屬中毒
Metallotoxemia 金屬性毒血症
Metamorphotic urolith 變形尿石
Metastatic calcification 分徙性石灰沉?
Metastatic carcinoma 分徙癌
Metastatic deposition 分徙性沉?
Metastatic tumor; Migratory tumor; Migrated tumor 分徙腫瘤
Meteorism; Flatulence 胃腸積氣
Meteorism; Tympany; Distention of abdomen 腹中積氣; 鼓脹
Meteoropathology 氣候病理學
Methane poisoning 甲烷中毒
Methyl alcohol poisoning; Methylism 甲醇中毒
Methyl bromide poisoning 溴甲烷中毒
Methyl chloride poisoning 氯甲烷中毒
Metopism ?門不閉
Metropathy; Hysteropathy; Uterine affection; Uterine disease; Uterine disorder 子宮病
Metryperpathy 劇性子宮病
Mezereine poisoning; Poisoning by daphne mezereum; Daphnism 白瑞香中毒
Miasmatology 瘴氣論
Micrangiopathy; Disease of capillaries; Capillaropathy 毛細管病
Microadenopathy 小淋巴腺病
Microbiohemia; Microbemia 微生物血症
Microblephary; Microblepharism; Smallness of eyelids 小眼瞼(畸形)
Microbrachial fetus 臂小畸胎
Microbrachy; Smallness of arms 臂小(畸形)
Microcardial fetus 小心畸胎
Microcardy 小心(畸形)
Microcauly; Smallness of penis 小陰莖(畸形)
Microcellular infiltration 小細胞浸潤
Microcephalic fetus 頭小畸胎
Microcephaly; Microcephalism; Smallness of the head; Nanocephaly 頭小(畸形); 矮頭(畸形)
Microcheily; Smallness of lips 小脣(畸形)
Microchiry 手小(畸形)