(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 4101 到 4200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Microcoly; Smallness of colon 腸小(畸形); 小結腸(畸形)
Microcory; Smallness of pupil 小瞳孔(畸形)
Microcosmology 小宇宙論; 人體論
Microdactyly; Smallness of digits 指(趾)小(畸形)
Microdontism; Microdentism 小齒(畸形)
Microencephaly; Smallness of brain 腦小(畸形)
Microgastry; Smallness of stomach 胃小(畸形)
Microgenesy; Microplasy 纖小發育
Microgenitalism 小生殖器(畸形)
Microgeny; Smallness of chin 小頦(畸形)
Microglossy; Smallness of tongue 小舌(畸形)
Micrognathy; Smallness of jaws 小頜(畸形)
Microgyry 腦回小(畸形)
Microhepaty; Smallness of liver 肝小(畸形)
Microhystery; Diminutive uterus; Dwarf uterus 小子宮(畸形); 侏儒子宮
Microlith; Microscopic calculus 微細結石
Micromasty 小乳腺(畸形); 乳腺過小
Micromelic dwarfism 小肢性矮小
Micromelic fetus 肢小畸胎
Micromelic rickets 小肢性胎兒佝僂病
Micromely; Smallness of limbs 肢小(畸形); 矮肢(畸形)
Micromyely; Smallness of spinal cord 小脊髓(畸形)
Microorganic disease; Microbism 微生物原病
Micropathology 顯微病理學; 細微病理學
Microphacy; Smallness of lens 小晶狀體(畸形)
Microphthalmic fetus 小眼畸胎
Microphthalmy; Smallness of eyes 小眼(畸形)
Micropody; Smallness of feet 足小(畸形)
Microprosopous fetus 面小畸胎
Microprosopy 面小(畸形)
Microrchy; Small testicle 小睾丸(畸形)
Microrhiny; Smallness of nose 小鼻(畸形)
Microscopic lesion; Histologic lesion; Minute lesion 微細損傷; 顯微的損傷
Microsomic fetus 小軀幹畸胎
Microsomy; Smallness of body 小軀幹(畸形)
Microsplanchnic type 小臟型
Microspleny; Smallness of spleen 小脾(畸形)
Microspore disease 小芽胞菌病
Microstomy; Smallness of mouth 小口(畸形)
Microtrichy 毛髮纖細
Microtrichy 毛髮纖細
Microty 小耳(畸形)
Middle duplicity 雙中部畸胎
Middle ear disease 中耳病
Middle ear tuberculosis 中耳結核
Migratory pneumonia 遊走性肺炎
Migratory rheumatism 游走風濕
Mild cholera 輕霍亂
Mild glanders 緩和性鼻疽
Mild scarlet fever 輕猩紅熱
Miliary carcinosis 粟粒癌病
Miliary erysipelas 粟粒丹毒
Miliary fibroma 粟粒纖維瘤
Miliary gumma 粟粒梅毒腫
Miliary pulmonary cancer 肺栗粒癌
Miliary pulmonary tuberculosis 粟粒肺結核
Miliary skin-tuberculosis 粟粒皮結核
Miliary syphilide; Acuminate papular syphilide; Follicular syphilide 粟粒梅毒疹; 梅毒苔癬; 梅毒濕疹
Miliary tubercle 粟粒結核節
Miliary tuberculosis 粟粒結核病
Military disease 軍隊病; 陸軍病
Milk infection; Milk-borne infection 乳傳染
Milk poisoning; Galactoxism 乳中毒
Milkborne disease 乳媒病
Mine sickness ?山病
Mine-gas poisoning 礦氣中毒
Mineral acid poisoning 礦物酸中毒
Mite disease 小蜘病; 壁蝨病
Mitigated measles 輕麻疹
Mitigated smallpox; Modified smallpox 輕天花; 變痘; 假天花; 良性天花
Mitral disease 僧帽瓣病
Mitral disposition; Mitralism 僧帽瓣病素因
Mixed celled tumor 混合細胞腫瘤
Mixed chancre; Rollet's chancre 混合下疳; Rollet氏下疳
Mixed chancroid; Mixed chancre; Rollet's chancre 混合下疳
Mixed eruption 混合疹
Mixed gallbladder stone; Combined cholecystolith 膽囊合組石
Mixed infection 混合傳染
Mixed leprosy 混合麻風
Mixed lipoma 混合脂瘤
Mixed odontoma; Composite odontoma 混合齒瘤
Mixed trachoma 尋常顆粒性沙眼; 混合沙眼
Mixed tumor 混合腫瘤
Mixed-cell sarcoma; polymorphous sarcoma; polymorphic-celled sarcoma 混合細胞肉瘤; 多形細胞肉瘤
Mobile goiter; Diving goiter; Plunging goiter; Wandering goiter 活動甲狀腺腫
Modes of infection 傳染方式
Molecular lesion 分子性損傷
Molecular pathology 分子病理說; 分子病原論
Mollusciform nevus 軟疣樣痣
Mollusciform wart 濕疣; 軟疣樣疣
Molluscous sarcoma 軟疣性肉瘤
Monilial disease 串珠菌病
Monobrachial acephalus 單臂無頭畸胎
Monobrachial fetus 單臂畸胎
Monobrachy 單臂(畸形)
Monocervical dicephalus 單頸雙頭畸胎
Monodactyly; Monodactylism 單指(趾)(畸形)
Monoglandular disease 單(內分泌)腺病
Monomphalic monsters 單臍畸胎; 臍部聯胎
Monophasic anaplasia 單形退行發育