(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 4201 到 4300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Monopodalic acardius 單足無心寄生胎
Monopodial fetus 單足畸胎
Monopodial scephalus 單足無頭畸胎
Monopodial sympus 單足併腿畸胎; 尾樣足
Monopody 單足(畸形)
Monoprosopic dicephalus 單面雙頭畸胎
Monorchidism 單睪丸(畸形)
Monosomatic monsters; Somatodymy 單軀畸胎
Monosomatic monstrosity 單軀畸形
Monosymmetric aprosopic cephalothoracopagus 無面單對稱頭胸聯胎
Monosymmetric cephalothoracopagus 單對稱頭胸聯胎; 非對稱頭胸聯胎
Monosymmetric cyclopic cephalothoracopagus 併眼單對稱頭胸聯胎
Monosymmetric deradelphous cephalothoracopagus 併頭單對稱頭胸聯胎
Monosymmetric deradelphous prosopothoracopagus 併頸單對稱面胸聯胎
Monosymmetric ischiopagus 單對稱坐骨聯胎
Neonatal goiter 初生兒甲狀腺腫
Monosymmetric synotic cephalothoracopagus 併耳單對稱頭胸聯胎
Monster; Congenitally malformed fetus 畸胎; 怪胎
Monstrosity by excess 過剩畸形
Monstrosity; Congenital deformity; Teratism; Malformation; Sport; Freak of nature 畸胎; 構形錯誤
Moore's fracture Moore氏(橈骨)骨折
Morant-Baker's cyst; Baker's cyst 關節外滑液囊腫; Baker氏囊腫
Polyp 息肉
Morbid change; Pathological depravation; Pathological change 病變
Morchell poisoning 編笠蕈中毒; 編笠菌中毒
Morgagnian cyst; Hydatid of Morgagni Morgagnus氏管囊腫
Moriform hypertrophy 桑葚樣肥大
Morphine poisoning; Morphinism 嗎啡中毒; 嗎啡癮; 嗎啡癖
Morphine rash 嗎啡疹
Morphiococain poisoning 嗎啡古柯鹼中毒
Morquio's disease; Familial symmetrical osteodystrophy Morquio氏病; 家族性對稱性骨榮養不良
Mosaic heredity 分別式遺傳; 鑲嵌式遺傳
Mother cyst; Parent cyst 母包蟲囊; 母包
Moths larva disease 蠋病
Motion sickness; Cinesipathy 動原病; 力原病
Mould-fungi disease 絲菌病
Mountain sickness; Mountain disease; Soroche; Sorrocco; Puna; Acosta's disease; Marei; Altitude sickness 高山病; 山暈
Mouthless monster 無口畸胎
Movable body in joint; Joint-mouse; Loose bodies in joint 關節游體; 關節鼠; 關節內活動小體; 關節內活動物
Mucin toxemia 甲狀腺截除性毒血症
Mucocellular fibrosarcoma; Krukenberg's tumor 黏液細胞癌纖維肉瘤; Krukenberg氏瘤
Mucomembranous calculus 黏膜石
Mucomembranous cancroid 黏膜角化癌; 圓柱癌
Mucomembranous granulation 黏膜肉芽
Mucomembranous injury; Injury of mucous membrane 黏膜損傷
Mucomembranous lupus 黏膜狼瘡
Mucomembranous syphilide 黏膜梅毒疹; 梅毒黏膜疹
Mucormycotic disease 白黴菌病
Mucous cancer; Hyaline carcinoma 黏液癌
Mucous cicatrix 粘膜瘢痕
Mucous cyst 黏液囊腫
Mucous erysipelas; Internal erysipelas 黏膜丹毒; 內丹毒
Mucous glanders 黏液性鼻疽; 鼻疽黏液瘤
Mucous infiltration 黏液浸潤
Mucous pigmentation 黏膜色素沉?
Mucous polypus of uterus 子宮黏膜息肉
Mucous polypus; Cellular polypus; Rund-cell polyp; Spongy polypus; Soft polypus 黏液性息肉; 黏膜息肉; 軟息肉
Mucous sarcoma; Myxomatous sarcoma 黏液肉瘤
Mucous spongioma 黏液海綿腫
Mucous tubercle 黏膜結核節
Mucous tumor 黏液瘤; 黏液胚細胞瘤
Mud fever; Swamp fever 沼地熱; 沼地病
Mueller's steatoma; Fibrous lipoma 纖維脂瘤; Mueller氏脂瘤
Muellerian cyst Mueller氏管囊腫
Muellerian tumor; Tumor of Mueller's duct Mueller氏管病
Mulberry calculus 桑葚形結石
Mulberry nevus 桑葚樣痣
Mulberry tumor 桑葚狀瘤
Mulberry wart 桑葚樣疣
Mule-spinners' cancer 棉紡織工上皮瘤
Multicentric carcinoma 多中心癌
Multiform glioma; Multiform spongioblastoma 多形性神經膠瘤; 多形性神經膠胚細胞瘤
Multilocular cyst; Compound cyst 多房囊腫
Multilocular cystoma 多房囊瘤
Multilocular hydatidoma 多房胞蟲腫
Multilocular ovarian cyst; Rokitansky's tumor 多房卵巢囊腫; Rokitansky氏囊腫
Multiple adenolipoma 多發腺脂瘤
Multiple adenoma; Adenomatous disease 多發腺瘤; 腺瘤病
Multiple adenomyoma 腺肌瘤病; 多發腺肌瘤
Multiple angiomata 多發血管瘤; 血管瘤病
Multiple avitaminosis 多種維生素缺乏病
Multiple benign sarcoid; Miliary lupoid; Boeck's sarcoid 良性多發類肉瘤; 栗粒類狼瘡; Boeck氏類肉瘤
Multiple cancer 多發細胞癌
Multiple chondromata 多發軟骨瘤; 軟骨瘤病
Multiple chondrosarcoma 多發性軟骨肉瘤
Multiple chromaffine tumor; Histochromatous disease 多發嗜鉻組織瘤
Multiple cystic epithelioma; Brooke's tumor; Adenoid cystic epithelioma; Brooke's disease; Multiple benign cystic epithelioma 囊性腺樣上皮瘤; Brooke氏上皮瘤; 囊性腺樣棘皮瘤; 毛囊上皮痣
Multiple cystoma 多發囊瘤
Multiple deciduomas 多發絨毛膜上皮瘤; 多發蛻膜瘤
Multiple exostosis 多發外生骨贅
Multiple exostosis 多發外生骨瘤
Multiple fibroma 纖維瘤病; 多發纖維瘤
Multiple fibrous molluscum 多發纖維軟疣; 多發神經纖維瘤
Multiple fracture 多發骨折
Multiple granuloma 多發肉芽腫; 肉芽腫病
Multiple hamartomata 缺陷瘤病
Multiple keloids 多發瘢痕瘤; 瘢痕瘤病
Multiple leukocytic sarcomas 白血病肉瘤病
Multiple lipomata 多發脂瘤; 脂瘤病
Multiple lymphadenoma; Multiple lymphoma; Malignant lymphoma; Hodgkin's Disease; Adenoid disease 多發淋巴腺瘤; 惡性淋巴瘤; Hodgkin氏病; 單純腺病