(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 4301 到 4400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Multiple lymphoma 多發淋巴瘤; 淋巴瘤病; 淋巴腺瘤病
Multiple lymphosarcoma 多發淋巴肉瘤; 淋巴肉瘤病
Multiple melanosarcoma 多發黑肉瘤; 黑肉瘤病
Multiple myeloblastoma 多發骨髓胚細胞瘤
Multiple myelomas; Kahler's disease; Huppert's disease; Bozzolo's disease; General lymphadenomatosis of bone 多發骨髓瘤; 骨髓瘤病; 骨淋巴腺病; Kahler氏病
Multiple myelosarcomas 多發骨髓肉瘤
Multiple myoma 多發肌瘤
Multiple myxomata 多發黏液瘤; 黏液瘤病
Multiple neurofibroma; Recklinghausen's disease 多發神經纖維瘤; 神經纖維瘤病; Recklinghausen氏病; 多發軟疣性纖維瘤
Multiple neuroma 多發神經瘤; 神經瘤病
Multiple osteoma 多發骨瘤
Multiple osteosarcoma 多發骨肉瘤; 骨肉瘤病
Multiple papilloma 乳頭狀瘤病
Multiple periosteoma 多發骨膜瘤
Multiple sarcoma; Multiple fleshy tumor; Formation of sarcoma 肉瘤病
Multiple tuberous hemangioendothelioma 多發結節血管內皮瘤
Multiple tuberous hidrocystoma 多發結節汗腺囊瘤; 多發結節淋巴管瘤
Multiple tuberous lymphangioma 多發結節淋巴管瘤
Multiple tumor 多發性腫瘤
Multiple uterine myoma 多發子宮肌瘤
Multiple vascular gliomas; Vascular gliosis 血管神經膠瘤病; 多發血管神經膠瘤
Multiple wart 多發性疣; 疣病
Multiple xanthoma 多發黃瘤
Muscarine poisoning 捕蠅蕈中毒; 捕蠅蕈素中毒
Muscular aplasia; Amyoplasy 肌發育不全
Muscular dystrophy; Myodystrophy 肌榮養障礙
Muscular echinococcal disease; Muscular echinococcosis 肌包蟲病
Muscular hypertrophy; Hypermyotrophy; Hypertrophy of muscle 肌肥大; 多肉病
Muscular injury; Injury of muscle 肌損傷
Muscular osteoma 肌骨瘤
Muscular rheumatism 肌風濕; 風濕肌炎; 風濕肌痛
Muscular swelling; Swelling of muscle 肌腫
Muscular thickening 肌肥厚
Muscular tuberculosis 肌結核
Muscular tumor 肌瘤
Muscular type 肌肉系發達型; 肌肉型
Mushroom poisoning; Mycetism 蕈中毒
Musscular syphilis 肌梅毒
Mussel poisoning; Mytilotoxism 蟶中毒; 紫殼菜中毒
Mustard oil poisoning 芥子油中毒
Mustard poisoning 芥中毒
Mustard-gas poisoning; Dichlorethyl sulphide poisoning 芥子氣中毒
Mutational blastoma 突變性胚細胞病
Mutational tumor 突變瘤
Mutilating leprosy; Articular leprosy 殘毀性麻風
Mutilating lupus 毀形性狼瘡
Mutilation; Crippling 殘毀; 摧毀
Mycethemia 黴菌血症
Mycosis of hair 毛髮黴菌病
Mycosis of tympanic membrane ?膜黴菌病
Mycotic dermatosis; Cutaneous mycosis; Skin mycosis; Epidermatic mycosis 皮黴菌病; 皮膚癬菌病; 表皮黴菌病
Mycotic disease 菌原病
Myelately; Atelomyely; Spinal ateliosis 脊髓發育不全
Myelic lymphangioma 骨髓性淋巴管瘤; 象皮病
Myeline tumor 髓素瘤
Myelinic neuroma; Medullated neuroma 有髓鞘神經瘤
Myeloblastic neoplasm; Acute myelocytic leucemia 骨髓胚細胞瘤; 急性骨髓性白血病
Myelocyst 脊髓囊腫
Myelocyst 骨髓囊腫; 髓管囊腫
Myelocytic blastoma; Hemocytoblastoma 骨髓細胞胚細胞瘤
Myelocytic tumor; Chronic myelocytic leucemia 骨髓細胞瘤; 慢性骨髓性白血病
Myeloid sarcoma 髓樣肉瘤
Myelomatous sarcoma 骨髓肉瘤; 骨肉瘤
Myelopathy; Notopathy; Disease of spinal cord 脊髓病
Myelophthisic splenomegaly 髓質萎縮性脾增大
Myeloplax tumor; Osteoclastic tumor 多核骨髓巨細胞瘤
Mylacephalic monstrosity 塊形無頭畸胎
Myoblastic tumor 肌胚細胞瘤
Myocardial calcification 心肌石灰化
Myocardial tumor; Tumor of myocardium 心肌腫瘤
Myocytic tumor 肌細胞瘤
Myogenous meteorism 肌原鼓脹
Myognathic parasite 頜肌寄生胎
Myology; Study of muscle 肌學
Myomagenesy; Production of myomas 肌瘤形成
Myomatous cardiac hypertrophy 子宮肌瘤性心肥大
Myomatous fibroma 肌纖維瘤
Myomatous habit 肌瘤體型
Myomatous lipoma 肌脂瘤
Myomatous neuroma 肌神經瘤
Myomatous polypus 肌瘤性息肉
Myomatous sarcoma 肌肉瘤
Myotonic dystrophy 肌緊張性榮養障礙
Myriapedes poisoning 蜈蚣中毒
Myriapoda disease 多足類昆蟲病
Myxedema heart; Myxedematous cardiac hypertrophy 黏液水腫心肥大
Myxedematous infantilism 黏液水腫幼稚型
Myxochondrofibromatous sarcoma 黏液軟骨纖維肉瘤
Myxoid cystoma 黏液囊瘤
Myxoma of nerve 神經黏液瘤
Myxomatous angiosarcoma 黏液瘤性血管肉瘤
Myxomatous chondroma 黏液軟骨瘤
Myxomatous chondrosarcoma 黏液軟骨肉瘤
Myxomatous cylindroma 黏液圓柱瘤
Myxomatous endothelioma 黏液內皮瘤
Myxomatous epithelioma 黏液上皮瘤
Myxomatous fibroma 黏液纖維瘤
Myxomatous fibrosarcoma; Myxofibromatous sarcoma 黏液纖維肉瘤
Myxomatous glioma 黏液神經膠瘤
Myxomatous lipoma; Colloid lipoma 黏液脂瘤; 膠樣脂瘤