(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 4401 到 4500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Myxomatous myeloma 黏液骨髓瘤
Myxomatous myoma 黏液肌瘤
Myxomatous neuroma 黏液神經瘤
Myxomatous papilloma 黏液乳頭狀瘤
Myxomatous papilloma of pia mater 黏液瘤性軟腦膜乳頭狀瘤
Nabothian cysts; Nabothian ovules 子宮頸腺囊腫
Nanosomy; Nanism; Dwarfishness; Dwarfism 矮小畸形; 侏儒
Naphthol cancer ?酚癌
Naphthol poisoning; Naphtholism ?酚中毒
Narcissus poisoning 水仙中毒
Nasal adenoma 鼻部腺瘤
Nasal angioma 鼻血管瘤
Nasal argyria 鼻銀質沉?病
Nasal aspergillosis 鼻麴菌病
Nasal atresia; Atresia of nose 鼻竅閉鎖
Nasal calculus; Rhinolith; Rhinolite; Nasal stone 鼻石
Nasal carcinoma; Cancer of nose 鼻癌
Nasal chondroma 鼻軟骨瘤
Nasal diastematy; Bull-dog-nose; Snub nose; Pug-nose 縱裂鼻(畸形); 哈叭狗樣鼻
Nasal diphthery 鼻白喉
Nasal erysipelas 鼻丹毒
Nasal fibroma 鼻纖維瘤
Nasal glanders 鼻疽; 鼻部鼻疽
Nasal glioma 鼻神經膠瘤
Nasal hypertrophy; Hypertrophy of nose 鼻肥大
Nasal injury; Injury of nose; Injury in nose 鼻損傷
Nasal leprosy 鼻麻風
Nasal lipoma 鼻脂瘤
Nasal lupus 鼻狼瘡
Nasal malformation 鼻畸形
Nasal mycosis 鼻黴菌病
Nasal myiasis; Peenash 鼻蛆病
Nasal osteoma 鼻骨瘤
Nasal papilloma; Hoffmann's papilloma 鼻乳頭狀瘤
Nasal polypus; Hofmann's polypus 鼻息肉
Nasal sarcoma 鼻肉瘤
Nasal syphilis 鼻梅毒
Nasal tuberculosis 鼻結核
Nasal tumor 鼻腫瘤
Nasobuccal cleft 裂鼻頰(畸形)
Nasopharyngeal aerocele 鼻咽腔氣腫瘤
Nasopharyngeal fibroma 鼻咽纖維瘤
Nasopharyngeal leishmaniasis; Nasooral leishmaniasis; Breda's disease; Uta; Forest yaws; Bosch yaws; Bouba; Oronasal leishmaniasis 鼻咽部Leishman氏蟲病
Nasopharyngeal polypus 鼻咽息肉
Nasopharyngeal tumor 鼻咽腫瘤
Nasoseptal polypus 鼻中隔息肉
Natural disposition 自然素因
Necrophenomenology 屍體現象學
Necrotic cyst; Softening cyst 壞死性囊腫; 軟化性囊腫
Necrotic erysipelas 壞死性丹毒
Necrotic tuberculosis 壞死性結核病
Nelaton's dermoid; Nelaton's tumor 腹部皮樣囊瘤
Nelaton's tumor; Desmoid tumor of abdominal wall 腹壁纖維瘤; Nelaton氏瘤
Neonatal corneal arcus 初生兒角膜弓
Neonatal erysipelas; Dental erysipelas 初生兒丹毒; 生齒期丹毒
Neonatal hemophilia 初生兒血友病
Neonatal syphilis 初生兒梅毒; 乳兒梅毒
Neonatal tetanus; Umbilical tetanus 初生兒破傷風; 臍破傷風
Neonatal tuberculosis 乳兒結核病
Neopathy; New disease 新病
Neoplasm; New growth; Tumour 瘤; 腫瘤; 贅瘤; 新生物
Neoplastic fracture 贅瘤性骨折
Neoplastic ossification 新生性骨化
Nephrolithic diathesis 腎結石素質
Nephrology 腎臟學
Nephroparatyphoid 腎病性副傷寒
Nephrotyphoid 腎(症狀顯著性)傷寒
Nerve compression 神經受壓
Nerve concussion 神經震盪
Nerve injury; Injury to a nerve; Wounding of a nerve 神經損傷; 神經創傷
Nerve leprosy; Trophoneurotic leprosy 神經性麻風; 營養神經性麻風
Nerve puncture 神經刺傷
Nerve-cell calcification 神經細胞石灰化
Nervous autointoxication; Neurotoxy 神經系自體中毒
Nervous beriberi; Sensomotor beriberi 麻痺性腳氣
Nervous disease; Neuropathy 神經病
Nervous lymphomatosis 神經淋巴瘤病
Nervous melitococcosis 神經性波型熱
Nervous pigmentation 神經細胞色素沉?
Nervous spirochetosis 神經螺旋體病
Nervous syphilis 神經(系)梅毒
Neural cicatrix 神經瘢痕
Neural cyst 神經系囊腫
Neurectasy; Nerve-stretching; Neurotension 神經展長
Neuritic alopecia 神經炎脫髮
Neuritic skin-disease 神經炎性皮病
Neuroarthritic diathesis; Neuroarthritism 神經關節炎素質
Neuroblastic tumor 神經胚細胞瘤
Neuroepithelial tumor 神經上皮瘤; 髓樣上皮瘤
Neurogenic fracture 神經原骨折
Neurogliar tumor; Neuroglia-cell tumor 神經膠瘤
Neurohematology 神經性血病學
Neurology 神經學
Neuromatous sarcoma 神經肉瘤
Neuroneoplasm 神經瘤
Neuronic agenesis 神經單位發育不全
Neuropathic constitution 神經病性體質
Neuropathic diathesis 神經病素質
Neuropathic disposition 神經病素因
Neuropathic nevus 神經病性痣; 神經病性乳頭狀瘤