(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 4501 到 4600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Neuropathogeny 神經病發生
Neuropathology 神經病理學; Haller氏神經病原論
Neuropathology; Pathology of nerve 神經病理學; 萬病起自神經說(歷史名詞)
Neuropathy; Nervous disease 神經系病; (神經病)
Neurorecidive; Neurorelapse; Neurorecurrence 神經梅毒復發
Neurotic alopecia; Neurotic baldness 神經性脫髮
Neurotic hypertrichosis 神經性多毛
Neurotic papilloma; Linear nevus 神經病性乳頭狀瘤; 線狀痣
Neurotology 耳神經病學; 耳神經學
Neurpathic cardiopathy 神經病性心病
Neuter hermaphrodism; Neutral hermaphrodism 中性畸形
Nevoepithelioma 上皮痣瘤
Nevoid cystoma 痣樣囊瘤
Nevoid lipoma; Nevolipoma 血管性脂瘤; 脂瘤痣
Nevose cancer 痣癌
Nevus 痣; 斑痣
Nicotine poisoning; Nicotinism; Nicotionism; Tobacism; Tobaccoism; Tobacco poisoning 菸鹼中毒; 菸草中毒
Nisbeth's chancroid; Suppurative lymphangitis of dorsum of penis; Nisbet's chancre Nisbeth氏?下疳
Nitrate poisoning 硝酸鹽中毒
Nitric acid poisoning 硝酸中毒
Nitrite poisoning 亞硝酸鹽中毒
Nitrobenzene poisoning; Nitrobenzolism 硝基苯中毒
Nitroglycerin poisoning; Nitroglycerinism; Glonoinism; Glonoism 硝化甘油中毒
Nocardial disease 土壤絲菌病
Nocardiasis of hair 毛髮土壤絲菌病
Noci-influence 暴發性流行感冒
Nocturnal filariasis Bancroft氏絲蟲病; 夜現幼絲蟲病; 阿拉伯象皮病; 人血絲蟲病; 印度象皮病
Nodular glanders 結節性鼻疽
Nodular goiter 結節性甲狀腺腫
Nodular lupus 結核性凸起狼瘡; 結節狼瘡
Nodular rheumatism 結節性風濕
Nodular swelling of nose 鼻贅疣
Nodular syphilide; Tubercular syphilide; Tuberculous syphiloderm; Cutaneous gummata 結節梅毒疹; 梅毒狼瘡
Nodular trichomycosis 結節性髮黴菌病; 鱗毛病
Nodular tumor 結節瘤
Nodule of glanders; Tubercle of glanders 鼻疽結節
Non-filarial elephantiasis 非絲蟲象皮病
Non-inflammatory calculus 非炎性結石
Non-tuberculous scrofulosis; Pyogenic scrofulosis 非結核性瘰?; 膿性瘰?
Non-ulcerating lupus 非潰爛性狼瘡
Nonepithelial tumor; Nonepithelial neoplasm 非上皮性瘤
Nonmalignant anthrax; Nonspecific anthrax 非惡性炭疽; 良性炭疽
Nonpigmented scar 無色瘢痕
Nonseasonal hay fever; Perennial hay fever 非季節性枯草熱; 長年性枯草熱
Normal dwarf; Pure dwarf; Proportional nanism; Physiologic dwarf 均衡矮小; 全部矮小
Normal giantism 正常巨大發育; 生理性巨大發育
Norwegian leprosy 挪威類麻風
Nosencephalic monster 缺腦畸胎
Nosencephaly 缺腦(畸形)
Noso-intoxication 疾病性自體中毒
Nosology; Science of the classification of diseases 疾病分類學; 疾病學
Nosonomy; Nomenclature of disease 疾病命名法
Nosotaxy; Classification of disease; Nosonomy 疾病分類法
Nostril dryness; Nasal xerosis 鼻腔乾燥
Notancephaly 無後頭(畸形)
Notanencephaly; Absence of cerebellum 無小腦(畸形)
Notencephalic monster 裂枕露腦畸胎
Notencephalic monstrosity; Notencephaly 裂枕露腦畸形
Notomelic monster 背部寄生肢; 背肢畸胎
Nuclear aplasia 神經核發育不全
Nucleus of tumor 腫瘤核
Numerous small fatty tumors; Multiple small lipomate 多發小脂瘤
Nutritional disease; Disease caused by malnutrition; Trophopathy 榮養病; 榮養性病
Nutritional disturbance; Dystrophy; Faulty nutrition; Trophic disturbance; Trophical disturbance; Obstacle of nutrition 榮養障礙; 榮養不良
Nyctalopia; Night blindness 夜盲
Nympheal swelling 小陰脣腫
Oblique facial cleft; Cleft of cheek 斜裂面(畸形)
Oblique fracture 斜(行)骨折
Oblique wound 斜形創傷; 斜傷口
Oblongatal compression 延髓受壓
Obsidional infection 陣地傳染
Obstructive disease 閉鎖性病
Obstructive uropathy 阻塞性尿器官病
Occipital craniopagus 顱枕聯胎
Occipital lobe tumor; Occipital tumor 枕葉腫瘤
Occult syphilis; Ignorant syphilis 無徵梅毒; 隱梅毒
Occupation-disease; Professional disease 職業病
Occupational skin disease 職業皮病
Occurence of salivary calculi; Presence of salivary calculi 涎腺石病
Occurrence of calculus in biliary ducts 膽總管石病
Octodactylism; Morand's foot 八趾畸形
Ocular cancer; Cancer of eye 眼癌
Ocular elephantiasis 眼球象皮病; 眼球肥厚
Ocular malformation 眼畸形
Ocular myiasis 眼蛆病
Ocular pannus 血管翳; 角膜翳
Ocular tumor 眼腫瘤
Odontology; Dentology 齒科學
Odontonosology 齒病學
Odontopathology; Dental pathology 齒科病理學
Odontopathy; Disease of tooth 齒病
Odontotripsy 齒剝離
Oidiomycotic disease 卵黴菌病
Oil tumor 油瘤
Oleander poisoning; Oleandrism 夾竹桃?中毒; 夾竹桃中毒
Olecranal fracture 鷹嘴部骨折
Olecranarthropathy; Disease of elbow joint 肘關節病
Olefiant gas poisoning; Ethylene poisoning 成油氣中毒; 乙烯中毒
Oleic acid poisoning; Lipoxysm 脂肪酸中毒
Oligodendric glioma 疏枝性神經膠瘤