(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 4601 到 4700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Oligohydry 體液減少
Oligoposy 飲料缺乏病
Omacephalic monster 無頭臂有肩畸胎
Omental tumor 網膜腫瘤
Omopathy 肩病
Omphalopagy; Omphalomonodidymy 臍部聯胎; 單臍聯胎
Oncology; Pathology of tumors; Phymatology 腫瘤學
Onychopathology 爪甲病理學
Oophorectomy cachexia; Ovariprival cachexia 卵巢截除性惡病質
Oospore disease 卵胞菌病
Oozing tumor of labia majora 滲液性大陰脣腫瘤
Open bifid spine 哆開性裂脊柱(畸形); 哆開性脊柱裂
Open pneumothorax 開通性氣胸
Open pulmonary tuberculosis 開通性肺結核
Open renal wound 腎哆開創
Open wound 哆開創(傷); 哆開傷口
Operation wound 手術創
Ophthalmic cicatrix 眼瘢痕
Ophthalmic erysipelas; Eye erysipelas 眼丹毒
Ophthalmic genorrhea; Gonorrheal conjunctivitis; Conjunctival gonorrhea; Gonorrheal ophthalmia; Palpebral gonorrhea 眼淋病; 瞼淋病; 淋性結合膜炎
Ophthalmic melanoma 眼黑瘤
Ophthalmic mycosis 眼黴菌病
Ophthalmic spongioma 眼海綿腫
Ophthalmic syphilis 眼梅毒
Ophthalmolith; Calculus of eye 眼石
Ophthalmology 眼科學
Ophthalmonosology 眼科病學
Ophthalmopathy; Ophthalmopony; Disease of eye; Eye disease 眼病
Opisthenar alopecia 後頭脫髮
Opisthognathism; Opisthognathy 縮頜畸形; 頜後退
Opisthorchis disease 分瓣睪蛭病
Opisthotony 後弓性破傷風; 後弓反張
Opium poisoning; Meconism; Thebaism 鴉片中毒
Opocephalic fetus 光面畸胎; 無口鼻獨眼畸胎
Opodidymous teratism 面部聯胎
Optic nerve coloboma 裂視神經(畸形)
Oral actinomycosis 口腔放線菌病
Oral cancer; Cancer of mouth 口腔癌
Oral chancroid 口腔?下疳
Oral cleft; Oral fissure 裂口(畸形)
Oral cyst 口腔囊腫
Oral erysipelas 口黏膜丹毒; 丹毒口炎
Oral glanders 口腔鼻疽
Oral injury; Injury to mouth 口腔損傷
Oral leprosy 口腔麻風
Oral malformation 口腔畸形
Oral oidiomycosis; Thrush 口腔卵黴菌病; 鵝口瘡
Oral sporotrichosis 口腔胞子絲菌病
Oral tuberculosis 口腔結核
Orbital parasite; Parasitic orbitopagus 眶部寄生胎
Orbital tumor 眼窠腫瘤
Orchidopathy; Disease of testicle; Testopathy 睪丸病
Ordinary pseudolupus 尋常假狼瘡
Organ dysplasy 器官發育不良
Organic calculus 有機體核結石
Organic disease of rectum 器官性直腸病
Organic disease; Structural disease; Organopathy; Organopathism 器官病
Organic disposition 器官素因
Organic lesion; Structural lesion 器官損傷; 結構部損傷
Organic syphilis 器官梅毒
Organic tuberculosis 器官結核病
Organoid tumor; Organoid neoplasm 器官瘤; 類器官瘤
Organopathology 器官病理學
Oroya fever; Carrion's disease; Generalized bartonellosis; Cartonella anemia Oroya熱; Carrion氏病; 普汎化Barton氏菌樣體病
Orthognathism; Orthognathy 方頜畸形; 直角頜
Orthotony 挺直性破傷風; 挺身強直
Osmium poisoning 鋨中毒
Osmonosology 嗅官病學
Osphresiology 嗅官學; 嗅覺學
Osseous bulla (外耳道)骨泡樣肥大
Osseous echinococcal disease; Osteal echinococcosis 骨包蟲病
Osseous hyperplasy; Hyperosteogeny 骨發育過度; 骨質增殖
Osseous polypus 骨性息肉
Osseous spongioma 骨海綿腫
Osseous tumor; Bone tumor 骨腫瘤
Ossific diathesis; Ossifying diathesis 骨化素質
Ossification 骨化
Ossification of cardiac valve 心瓣骨化
Ossification of cartilage; Enchondral ossification; Endochondral ossification 軟骨骨化
Ossification of cornea; Corneal ossification 角膜骨化
Ossification of costal cartilage 肋軟骨骨化
Ossification of lung; Pulmonary ossification 肺骨化
Ossification of muscle; Muscular ossification 肌骨化
Ossification of tendon; Tendinal ossification; Tendinous ossification 腱骨化
Ossification of venous valve 靜脈瓣骨化
Ossified fibroma 骨化纖維瘤
Ossified lipoma 骨化脂瘤
Ossifying angioma 骨化血管瘤
Ossifying chondroma 骨化軟骨瘤
Ossifying cystic goiter 骨化囊性甲狀腺腫
Ossifying ecchondrosis 骨化外生軟骨瘤
Ossifying sarcoma 骨化肉瘤
Osteal actinomycosis 骨放線菌病
Osteal cachexia 骨原惡病質
Osteal dysplasy; Defective bone formation; Imperfect osteogenesis 骨發育不全; 成骨不全
Osteal injury; Injury to bone 骨損傷
Osteal leprosy 骨麻風
Osteal syphilis 骨梅毒
Osteoarthropathy 骨關節病
Osteochondromatous fibroma 骨軟骨纖維瘤