(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 4701 到 4800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Osteochondropathy 骨軟骨病
Osteodystrophy 骨榮養障礙; 骨形成不全
Osteofibromatous chondrosarcoma 骨纖維軟骨肉瘤
Osteofibromatous lipoma 骨纖維脂瘤
Osteogenic sarcoma 骨原肉瘤
Osteoid carcinoma; Osteoid cancer 骨質癌
Osteoid chondroma 骨軟骨瘤
Osteoid fibrosarcoma 骨樣纖維肉瘤
Osteoid sarcoma 骨樣肉瘤
Osteoid tumor 類骨質瘤
Osteolipomatous chondroma 骨脂軟骨瘤
Osteolith; Osteolite; Petrified bone; Osteal calculus 骨結石; 骨石化
Osteology 骨學
Osteolytic cancer; Osteoclastic cancer 溶骨癌
Osteomatous chondrosarcoma 骨軟骨肉瘤
Osteomatous fibroma 骨纖維瘤
Osteomatous sarcoma; Sarcoma of bone; Sarcomatous osteoma 骨肉瘤
Osteopathology; Pathology of bone 骨骼病理學
Osteophytic diathesis 骨贅形成素質; 關節強直素質
Osteoplastic tracheopathy 骨化性氣管病
Osteosclerotic bone tuberculosis 硬化性骨結核
Otocephalic monster 耳頭畸胎; 無口鼻獨眼有耳畸胎
Otography 耳論
Otolaryngology 耳喉科學
Otology; Study of ear 耳科學
Otopathy; Ear affection; Disease of ear 耳病
Otorhinolaryngology 耳鼻喉科學
Otorhinology 耳鼻科學
Outgrowth of connective tissue 結締織贅疣
Outgrowth; Excrescence; Vegetation 贅生物; 贅疣
Ovale tertian malaria 卵圓形間日瘧; 西非洲間日瘧
Ovarial cancer 卵巢癌
Ovarial cystadenoma 卵巢囊腺瘤; 卵巢囊瘤
Ovarial endometriosis; Endometrioid ovarial adenoma 子宮內膜樣卵巢腺瘤
Ovarial myoma 卵巢肌瘤
Ovarian angiodystrophy 卵巢血管榮養障礙
Ovarian calculus 卵巢石
Ovarian chorionepithelioma 卵巢絨毛膜上皮瘤
Ovarian cyst; Oophoritic cyst 卵巢囊腫
Ovarian cystoma 卵巢囊瘤
Ovarian cystosis 卵巢囊腫病
Ovarian embryoma; Ovarian teratoma 卵巢畸胎瘤
Ovarian endothelioma 卵巢內皮瘤
Ovarian epithelioma 卵巢上皮瘤
Ovarian fibroma 卵巢纖維瘤
Ovarian goiter 卵巢性甲狀腺腫
Ovarian hyperplasy 卵巢發育過度
Ovarian myxoma 卵巢黏液瘤
Ovarian osteoma 卵巢骨瘤
Ovarian papilloma 卵巢乳頭狀瘤
Ovarian perithelioma 卵巢外皮瘤
Ovarian pseudomyxoma 卵巢假黏液瘤
Ovarian sarcoma 卵巢肉瘤
Ovarian scirrhus 卵巢硬癌
Ovarian syphilis 卵巢梅毒
Ovarian tuberculosis; Ovarian phthisis 卵巢結核
Ovarian tumor; Tumor of ovary 卵巢腫瘤
Ovariopathy; Oophoropathy; Oothecopathy; Ovarian disease; Oariopathy 卵巢病
Overgrowth of hair; Excessive growth of hair; Excessive hairiness; Crinosity; Pilosism 多毛; 毛髮過多; 多毛症
Overgrowth; Excessive development 發育過度; 過長
Ovigenous ovarian tumor 卵原性卵巢腫瘤
Ovotestic monster 卵巢睪丸並存畸形; 卵睪並存畸形
Oxalate calculus 草酸鹽結石
Oxalate poisoning 草酸鹽中毒
Oxalatic diathesis 草酸素質
Oxalic acid poisoning 草酸中毒
Oxyuric appendicopathy 蟯蟲性闌尾病
Oyster poisoning; Ostreotoxication 牡蠣中毒
Pachydermal cachexia; Myxedema 黏液水腫性惡病質
Pachysomy; Somatic thickening 身體軟部肥厚症; 軟部肥厚
Palatal perforation ?穿破
Palatine malformation ?畸形
Paleopathology 古生物病理學
Palline poisoning 球頭蕈中毒; 球頭蕈素中毒
Palmar syphilide 掌梅毒疹
Palmoplantar wart; Myrmecy 掌蹠疣
Palpebral adenoma 瞼腺瘤
Palpebral anthracosis 瞼炭末沉?
Palpebral antioma 瞼血管瘤
Palpebral atresia 瞼裂閉鎖
Palpebral callosity 瞼胼胝
Palpebral cancer; Cancer of eyelid 瞼癌
Palpebral dermatolysis 瞼皮鬆弛
Palpebral echinococcosis 瞼包蟲病
Palpebral emphysema 瞼氣腫
Palpebral frissure 裂瞼(畸形)
Palpebral lithiasis 結石性瞼板腺囊腫
Palpebral lithiasis 瞼石形成; 瞼石病
Palpebral morum 瞼內桑葚形痣
Palpebral scirrhus 瞼硬癌
Palpebral tumor; Tumor of eyelid; Tarsal tumor 瞼腫瘤; 瞼腫; 瞼板腫瘤
Palpebral xanthoma 瞼黃瘤
Paltauf's nanism; Paltauf's dwarfism 淋巴體質性矮小; Paltauf氏矮小
Panaris chancre 瘭疽樣下疳
Pancreatic calculus; Pancreatic stone; Pancreolith; Pancreatolith 胰石
Pancreatic cancer; Cancer of pancreas 胰腺癌
Pancreatic cyst; Pancreatic ranula 胰囊腫; 胰管囊腫
Pancreatic infantilism 胰腺性幼稚型
Pancreatic injury; Injury of pancreas 胰腺損傷
Pancreatic lithiasis 胰石病