(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 4801 到 4900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Pancreatic sarcoma 胰腺肉瘤
Pancreatic syphilis 胰腺梅毒
Pancreatic tuberculosis 胰腺結核
Pancreatic tumor; Tumor of pancreas 胰腺腫瘤
Pancreatopathy; Pancreopathy; Disease of pancreas 胰腺病
Pandemic disease 大流行病
Pantanencephalic monster 全無腦畸胎
Pantanencephaly; Absolute anencephalia 全無腦(畸胎)
Pantherin poisoning 瓢蕈中毒
Papillary adenoma 乳頭狀腺瘤
Papillary cancroid 乳突層角化癌
Papillary cutaneous cancer 乳頭狀皮癌
Papillary cystadenoma; Papillomatous cystadenoma 乳頭狀囊腺瘤
Papillary elephantiasis 乳頭樣象皮病
Papillary epithelioma 乳頭狀上皮瘤; 乳頭狀瘤
Papillary fibroma 乳頭狀纖維瘤; 乳頭狀瘤
Papillary lupus; Papillomatous lupus; Verrucose lupus; Vegetative lupus 刺狀狼瘡; 刺瘤樣狼瘡; 疣狀狼瘡; 增殖性狼瘡
Papillary trachoma 乳頭狀沙眼
Papilliferous cystoma 乳頭狀囊瘤
Papillocarcioma of renal pelvis 腎盂乳頭狀癌; 腎盂絨毛癌
Papilloma of pia mater 軟腦膜乳頭狀瘤
Papilloma of renal pelvis 腎盂乳頭狀瘤
Papilloma of vocal cords 聲帶乳頭狀瘤
Papilloma; Papillary tumor 乳頭狀瘤
Papillomatous nevus; Wartlike mole; Warty mole 乳頭狀痣; 疣狀痣
Papillomatous sarcoma 乳頭狀肉瘤
Papular erosive syphilide; Posterosive syphilide 糜爛後梅毒疹; 丘疹狀糜爛性梅毒疹
Papular leprosy 丘疹性麻風
Papular measles 丘疹麻疹
Papular rash; Papular eruption 丘疹
Papular scarlet fever 丘疹猩紅熱
Papular scrofulide; Lichenoid scrofulide; Papularscrofuloderm 苔癬樣皮結核; 瘰?苔癬; 岳疹狀腺病質皮病; 粟粒狀腺病質皮病
Papular syphilide 丘疹梅毒疹
Papular xeroderma; Toad skin 丘疹性乾皮病; 蟾皮病
Papulonecrotic skin-tuberculosis 丘疹壞死性皮結核
Papulonecrotic tuberculide; Barthelemy's disease 丘疹壞死性結核疹
Papulopustular syphilide 丘膿皰性梅毒疹
Papulosquamous syphilide; Nummular syphilide 丘疹鱗屑性梅毒疹
Parablastic tumor 旁胚葉細胞瘤
Paracephalic acephalus 不全顱無頭畸胎
Paradysentery 副痢疾
Paraffin cancer 石蠟癌
Paraffine tumor 石蠟瘤
Paragnathic parasite 頜旁寄生胎
Parainfectious affection 副傳染病
Paraldehyde poisoning 三聚乙醛中毒
Paraleprosy; Mild leprosy; Abortive leprosy 副麻風
Paralytic meteorism 麻痺性鼓脹
Paralytic rabies; Dumb rabies; Sullen rabies; Dumb-madness 麻痺性瘋犬病; 靜性瘋犬病
Paralytic tetanus 麻痺性破傷風
Paralytic zootrophotoxism 麻痺性動物性食品中毒
Parameningococcus meningitis 副腦膜炎球菌腦膜炎
Paramphistoma disease 副對口蛭病
Paranephric cyst 腎旁囊腫
Paranitrobenzol poisoning 對硝基苯中毒
Paraosteoarthropathy; Paraplegic osteoarthropathy 截癱骨關節病
Paraovarian cyst; Paroophoritic cyst; Kobelt's cyst; Parovarian cyst 卵巢冠囊腫
Paraplasia of endometrial tissue; Endometrial paraplasy 子宮內膜錯位
Pararenal tumor 腎旁腫瘤
Parasite 聯胎寄生體
Parasitic castration 寄生性生殖器發育不全
Parasitic cause 寄生性病因
Parasitic craniopagus; Cranial parasite 顱部寄生胎; 寄生性顱部聯胎
Parasitic cyst 寄生物囊腫
Parasitic dicephalus 雙頭寄生胎; 寄生性雙頭聯胎
Parasitic dipygus 雙臀寄生胎; 寄生性雙臀聯胎
Parasitic disease 寄生物病
Parasitic encrarius 顱內寄生胎
Parasitic engastrius 腹內寄生胎
Parasitic epigastrius; Epigastric parasite 上腹部寄生胎; 寄生性上腹聯胎
Parasitic gastropagus; Abdominal parasite 腹部寄生胎; 寄生性腹部聯胎
Parasitic ischiopagus 坐骨寄生胎; 寄生性坐骨聯胎
Parasitic janiceps 頭部寄生胎; 寄生性頭部聯胎
Parasitic monster 寄生畸胎
Parasitic myoma 寄生性肌瘤
Parasitic prosopopagus 面部寄生胎; 寄生性面部聯胎
Parasitic sacropagus; Sacral parasite 薦部寄生胎; ?部寄生胎
Parasitic skin disease 寄生性皮病
Parasitic skin disease; Cutaneous parasitosis; Cutaneous zoonosis 皮膚寄生蟲病
Parasitic thoracopagus 胸部寄生胎; 寄生性胸部聯胎
Parasitis pygopagus 臀部寄生胎; 寄生性臀部聯胎
Paraspadias 旁裂尿道(畸形); 尿道旁裂
Parastic crasis 寄生蟲病體質
Parathelial tumor 乳頭旁腫瘤
Parathyroidectomy cachexia; Parathyroprival cachexia 副甲狀腺截除性惡病質
Paratrophy; Perverted nutrition 榮養倒錯
Paratyphoid A; Brion-Kayser's disease 甲種副傷寒; 副傷寒A; Brion-Kayser氏病
Paratyphoid B; Schottmueller's disease 乙種副傷寒; 副傷寒B; Schottmueller氏病
Paratyphoid C 丙種副傷寒; 副傷寒C
Paratyphoid; Paratyphoid fever 副傷寒
Paratyphoidal disease 副傷寒菌病
Paraundulant fever; Paramelitensis fever; Paramalta fever 副波型熱
Paregoric poisoning; Paregorism 安神鴉片酊中毒
Parencepahlic monster 腦不全畸胎
Parencephaly 腦不全(畸形)
Parenchymatous disease 實質病
Parenchymatous goiter 實質性甲狀腺腫
Parenchymatous tumor; Archiblastic tumor 實質瘤; 原始細胞瘤
Parenchymatous xerophthalmia 眼球實質乾燥
Parietal craniopagus 顱頂聯胎