(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 401 到 500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Anonychy 無爪(畸形)
Anophthalmic monster; Eyeless fetus 無眼畸胎
Anophthalmy 無眼(畸形); 無眼球(畸形)
Anorchic fetus 無睪丸畸胎
Anorchy; Anorchism; Absence of testicle; Congenital eunuch 無睪丸(畸形)
Anorectal atresia 肛門直腸閉鎖
Anorectal syphiloma 肛門直腸梅毒腫
Anosy; Without disease 無病
Anoty; Earlessness 無耳(畸形)
Ant bite disease 蟻科昆蟲病; 蟻咬皮病
Ant poisoning 蟻中毒
Ant wart 蟻疣
Anteponing malaria 移前瘧
Anterior dichotomy; Superior duplicity 雙上身畸胎
Anterior urethral gonorrhea; Anterior gonorrhea 前尿道淋病
Anthorism; Diffuse swelling 瀰漫性腫脹
Anthracemia 炭疽菌血(症)
Anthracotic tuberculosis; Black phthisis; Miner's phthisis 炭末吸入性肺結核; 黑肺癆; 礦工癆
Anthracotyphoid fever 炭疽性傷寒
Anthroponosology 人體病論; 人類病學
Antifebrin poisoning; Acetanilid poisoning 乙醯氨基苯中毒
Antimon poisoning; Stibialism 銻中毒
Antipyrine poisoning 安替比林中毒; 安替比林癖
Antipyrine rash 安替比林疹
Antitoxin rash 抗毒素疹
Antral polypus 上頜竇息肉
Antrochoanal polypus 頜竇鼻後孔息肉
Anurethry 無尿道(畸形)
Aortic diathesis; Aortism 主動脈病素質
Aortolith; Aortolite; Aortic stone 主動脈石
Aortopathy 主動脈病
Apex pneumonia 肺尖炎
Aphacy 無晶狀體(畸形)
Aphasiology 失語論; 啞論
Aphthous cachexia 鵝口瘡惡病質; 熱帶鵝口瘡
Aphthous eruption 鵝口瘡疹
Apical infection of lung 肺尖傳染
Apical infection of tooth 齒根尖受染
Apical tuberculosis 肺尖結核
Apicocaudal phthisis 肺尖底結核; 下行性肺結核
Apioid cancer 梨狀癌
Apleury 無肋(畸形)
Apneumony; Apulmonism; Absence of lung 無肺(畸形)
Apodial fetus; Teratism without feet 無足畸胎
Apodial sympus 無足併腿畸胎
Apody; Absence of feet; Askely 無足(畸形)
Apomorphine poisoning; Apomorphinism 阿朴嗎啡中毒; 縮水嗎啡中毒
Apophyseal fracture 骨凸骨折
Apophyseopathy; Schlatter's disease 骨凸病
Apoplectic anthrax 卒中性炭疽
Apoplectic cerebral syphilis 卒中性腦梅毒
Apoplectic cicatrix 中風瘢痕
Apoplectic cyst 中風性囊腫
Apoplectic habit 中風體型
Apoplectic rheumatism 中風性風濕
Aposthy; Absence of prepuce 無包皮(畸形)
Appendical pin-worm disease 蟯蟲性闌尾病
Appendical worm disease 闌尾蠕蟲病
Appendiceal cancer 闌尾癌
Appendicopathy 闌尾病; 蚓突病
Appendicular lithiasis 闌尾石病
Aprosopous fetus 無面畸胎
Aprosopy 無面(畸形)
Apyretic tetanus; Benign tetanus 無熱性破傷風; 良性破傷風
Arachnoid cyst; Meningeal hematoma 蜘蛛膜囊腫
Arborescent lipoma 分枝脂瘤
Arcuate macula 弓形角膜斑
Arcuate uterus 弓形子宮(畸形)
Argentaffine tumor 嗜銀組織瘤
Argyrism; Argentation; Silver deposition 銀質沉?病
Arhinencephaly 無嗅腦(畸形)
Arnica poisoning 山金車中毒
Arrest of development; Arrested development 發育停頓
Arrested bone development 骨發育停頓
Arrested cerebral development 腦發育停頓
Arrested vaginal development 陰道發育停頓
Arsenic cancer 砒毒癌
Arsenic poisoning; Arsenism; Arsenicalism; Arsenical poisoning 砷中毒; 砒中毒
Arsenic rash 砒疹
Arsenic trichloride poisoning 三氯化砷中毒
Arsenical pigmentation 砒色素沉?
Arsenous oxide poisoning 氧化亞砷中毒; 白砒中毒; 信石中毒
Arsine poisoning 氫化砷中毒
Arterial calcification 動脈石灰化
Arterial disease; Arteriopathy 動脈病
Arterial goiter 動脈性甲狀腺腫
Arterial hyperplasy; Excessive arterial development 動脈發育過度; 動脈增殖
Arterial injury; Injury to artery 動脈損傷
Arterial myomatosis 動脈肌瘤病
Arterial ossification 動脈骨化
Arteriolith; Arteriolite; Arterial calculus 動脈石
Arteriology 動脈學
Arteriosclerotic cardiopathy 動脈硬化性心病
Arthritic concretion; Arthritolith 關節炎性結石
Arthritic diathesis; Arthritism 關節炎素質
Arthritic habit 痛風體型
Arthrocacology 關節病學
Arthrology; Synosteology 關節學
Arthropathology; Joint pathology 關節病理學
Arthropod disease 節足動物病