(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 5001 到 5100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Pericardial hydropneumatosis 心包積水氣
Pericardial injury; Injury to pericardium 心包損傷
Pericardial ossification; Bony heart; Armored heart 心包骨化; 鐵甲心
Pericardial pneumatosis; Pericardial emphysema 心包積氣
Pericardial pyopneumatosis 心包積膿氣
Pericardial thickening 心包肥厚
Pericardial tumor; Tumor of pericardium 心包腫瘤
Perichondral tumor 軟骨膜瘤
Periendothelial tumor 外內皮瘤
Periganglionic lipoma 神經節周脂瘤
Perineal anal atresia 會陰?鎖肛
Perineal injury; Injury to perineum 會陰損傷
Perineovaginal rupture 陰道會陰破裂
Perineural fibroblastoma 神經鞘纖維胚細胞瘤
Periodic cocainism 定期性古柯鹼中毒
Periodic disease; Periodical disease; Cyclic disease 定期性病
Periodology 定期發病學
Periodontoclasy; Alveoloclasy 齒根骨膜破壞
Periostal osteosarcoma 骨膜骨肉瘤
Periosteal cachexia 骨膜原惡病質
Periosteal chondroma 骨外軟骨瘤; 骨膜軟骨瘤
Periosteal contusion 骨膜挫傷
Periosteal disease 骨膜病
Periosteal exostosis 骨膜外生骨贅
Periosteal exostosis 骨膜性外生骨瘤
Periosteal fibroma 骨膜纖維瘤
Periosteal gumma 骨膜梅毒腫; 梅毒腫骨膜病
Periosteal gumma 骨膜梅毒腫
Periosteal ossification 骨膜骨化
Periosteal osteoma 骨膜性骨瘤; 骨膜瘤
Periosteal osteophyte; Periosteophyte 骨膜贅疣
Peripheral angioma 血管周瘤
Peripheral epithelioma 外生上皮瘤
Peripheral folliculosis 毛囊周圍病
Peripheral glioma 末梢神經膠瘤; Schwann氏膜瘤
Peripheral osteosarcoma; Parosteal sarcoma 周圍骨肉瘤; 骨周肉瘤
Peripheral rupture 周圍裂
Periportal carcinoma 門靜脈周癌
Perithelial sarcoma 血管外膜肉瘤
Perithelial tumor 外被細胞瘤; 外皮瘤
Peritoneal carcinosis 腹膜癌病
Peritoneal duplicature; Peritoneal fold 複腹膜
Peritoneal grip 腹膜型流行感冒
Peritoneal injury; Injury of peritoneum 腹膜損傷
Peritoneal meteorism; Peritonoal pneumatosis 腹腔積氣; 腹膜腔積氣; 腹腔空氣包囊; 積氣腹膜炎
Peritoneal pseudomyxoma 腹膜假黏液瘤
Peritoneal tuberculosis 腹膜結核病
Peritoneal tumor 腹膜腫瘤
Peritoneopathy; Disease of peritoneum 腹膜病
Perivascular gliosis 血管周神經膠瘤病
Perivascular goiter 血管周甲狀腺腫
Perivascular sarcoma 血管周肉瘤
Perobrachial monster 臂不全畸胎
Perocephalic monster 頭不全畸胎
Perochial fetus 手不全畸胎
Perocormous monster 不全軀幹畸胎
Perocrany 頭蓋泡樣膨大; 泡樣顱蓋
Perodactylous fetus 指(趾)不全畸胎
Perodactyly 指(趾)不全(畸形)
Peromelic monster 四肢不全畸胎
Peropodial monster 畸足畸胎
Persian relapsing fever 波斯回歸熱
Persistent erysipelas 頑固性丹毒
Persistent filariasis 常現絲蟲病; 幼人血絲蟲病
Pertrochanteric fracture 貫粗隆骨折
Peruvian wart; Localized bartonellosis 秘魯疣; 局部菌樣體病
Pest; Plague; Black death; St. Roch's disease 鼠疫; 黑死病
Pestology 鼠疫學
Petrifaction; Petrification 石化
Petrifying sarcoma 石化肉瘤
Petroleum poisoning 石油中毒
Phagedenic chancroid 潰蝕性?下疳
Phagopyrism 食餌熱; 食餌過敏性病
Phallosteophyte 鱗狀骨贅; 鱗片骨贅
Pharygeal syphilis 咽梅毒
Pharyngeal cancer; Cancer of pharynx 咽癌
Pharyngeal diphthery; Bretonneau's diphtheria; Bretonneau's angina; Bretonneau's disease 咽白喉
Pharyngeal endothelioma 咽內皮瘤
Pharyngeal lymphosarcoma 咽淋巴肉瘤
Pharyngeal mycosis; Pharyngeal mycosis 咽黴菌病; 咽細菌病
Pharyngeal papilloma 咽乳頭狀瘤
Pharyngeal polypus 咽息肉
Pharyngeal sarcoma 咽肉瘤
Pharyngeal tuberculosis 咽結核
Pharyngeal tumor; Tumor of pharynx 咽腫瘤
Pharyngeal xerosis; Pharynx dryness 咽頭乾燥
Pharyngitic eruption; Pharyngitide 咽炎疹
Pharyngolith 咽石
Pharyngology 咽科學
Plantar wart 足蹠疣
Pharyngopathy; Disease of pharynx; Throat trouble 咽病
Pharyngotyphoid 咽痛性傷寒
Phelgmonous erysipolas 蜂窩織炎性丹毒
Phenacetin poisoning 非那西汀中毒
Phenol poisoning; Carbolism; Carbolic acid poisoning 石碳酸中毒
Pheochromoblastic tumor 嗜鉻胚細胞瘤
Phlebolith; phlebolite; Vein-stone 靜脈石
Phlebology 靜脈學
Phlebopathy; Disease of vein 靜脈病
Phlegmatic temperament; Lymphatic temperament 淋巴質