(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 5101 到 5200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Phlogosiography; Science relating to inflammation 炎論
Phlogosiontology 炎學; 炎病發生學
Phlogosiophysiology 炎理學
Phlyctenular pannus 泡性血管翳
Phocomelic dwarf 海豹肢樣矮小
Phocomelic monster 海豹肢畸胎
Phocomelic monstrosity 海豹肢畸形
Phorology 病媒學
Phosgene poisoning 光氣中毒
Phosphatic calculus; Phosphatic stone 磷酸鹽結石
Phosphorus poisoning; Phosphorism 磷中毒
Photoncy 光原腫
Photopathy; Disease due to excess of light 光病; 光原病
Phrynine poisoning 蝦蟆毒中毒
Phthisic habit (肺)結核體型
Phthisical diathesis; Tuberculous diathesis 癆瘵素質; 結核病素質
Phthisiology 癆瘵學
Phylloid cystoadenoma 葉狀囊腺瘤
Phylloid sarcoma 葉狀肉瘤
Phymatous disease 結塊性病; 贅疣病
Physaliferous-celled cancer 泡形細胞癌
Physaliform ecchondrosis 泡性外生軟骨瘤; 背索瘤
Physical disease 物理性病
Physical lesion 物理性損害; 物理性損傷
Physiochemic cause 理化病因
Physiological disposition 生理素因
Physiological hypertrophy 生理肥大
Physiopathology; Functional pathology; Pathologic physiology 生理病理學; 官能病理學; 病理生理學
Physohematometra; Uterine hemopneumatosis 子宮血氣腫
Physology 氣腫學
Physostigmine poisoning; Eserism 毒扁豆鹼中毒; 毒扁豆中毒
Phytoparasitic disease 寄生植物原病
Phytotoxine poisoning 植物毒素中毒
Picrotoxin poisoning 椰子苦毒素中毒
Picrotoxine poisoning 洋地黃鹼中毒; 洋地黃中毒
Piedra of beard 鬚部毛芽胞菌病; 歐洲毛芽胞菌病
Pigment calcium stone 色素石灰結石
Pigment stone; Pigment calculus 色素結石
Pigmental blastomycosis 色素性釀母菌病
Pigmentary alveolar sarcoma 色素性泡狀肉瘤
Pigmentary cutaneous cancer ?色性皮癌
Pigmentary infiltration 色素浸潤
Pigmentary scar 有色瘢痕
Pigmentary syphilide ?色梅毒疹
Pigmentary syphilis ?色梅毒; 色素性梅毒
Pigmentation; Pigment deposition 色素沉?
Pigmented cancer 色素癌
Pigmented nevus; Pigmented mole; Mole 色素痣; 有色痣
Pigmented wart ?色疣
Pigmentopapillary dystrophy 刺狀色素性榮養障礙; 黑色棘皮症
Pilimiction 膀胱內毛髮存在症; 排有毛尿
Pilocarpine poisoning 毛果芸香鹼中毒; 毛果芸香葉中毒
Pimelite; Fatty calculus 脂肪結石; 脂核結石
Pineal blastoma 松果體胚細胞瘤
Pineal calculus 松果體石
Pineal sand; Pineal gravel 松果體砂
Pineal tumor 松果體瘤
Piscine tuberculosis 魚結核病
Pistol shot; Pistol wound 手鎗彈創
Pitch-workers' cancer 瀝青工上皮瘤
Pituitary basophilism; Cushing's disease; Pituitary basophilic hyperplasy 腦垂體嗜鹼細胞增殖; Cushing氏病
Pituitary constitution; Pituitotropism 垂體體質
Pituitary dwarf 垂體性矮小
Placental calcification 胎盤石灰結痂
Placental fibromyxoma 胎盤纖維黏液瘤
Placental polypus 胎盤息肉
Placental tuberculosis 胎盤結核
Placental tumor 胎盤腫瘤
Plane lupus; Flat lupus 扁平狼瘡
Plantar syphilide 蹠梅毒疹
Plasmocytic tumor 漿細胞瘤; 細胞漿瘤
Plasmodial disease 瘧原蟲病
Plat-epithelial cancer 扁平上皮癌
Plethoric habit; Full habit 多血(性體)型
Pleural echinococcal disease; Pleural echinococcosis 胸膜包蟲病
Pleural endothelioma 胸膜內皮瘤
Pleural ossification 肋膜骨化
Pleural tuberculosis 胸膜結核
Pleuritic tropica 胸膜炎型惡瘧
Pleurolith; Pleural calculus 胸膜石
Pleuropathy; Pleural disease 肋膜病
Pleuropulmonary grip 胸膜肺炎型流行感冒
Pleurosomatic monster 胸腹露臟畸胎
Pleurothotony 側弓性破傷風; 側弓反張
Pleurotyphoid 胸膜炎性傷寒
Plexiform angiosarcoma; Plexiform hemangiosarcoma 蔓狀血管肉瘤
Plexiform neuroma; Verneuil's neuroma; Cirsoid neuroma 蔓狀神經瘤
Pluricentric blastoma 多中心腫瘤
Pluriglandular disease 多(內分泌)腺病
Pneumathemia; Gas in blood 氣血症; 含氣血
Pneumatury 氣尿症; 尿中積氣
Pneumo(no)lith; Calculus of lung; Lung calculus; Lung stones; Pulmonary calculus 肺結石; 肺石
Pneumococcemia 肺炎球菌血症
Pneumohyperpathy 劇性肺病
Pneumology 氣道病學
Pneumonic plague; Pneumonic pest; Indic pest 肺嵐疫
Pneumonic tropica 肺炎型惡瘧
Pneumonology 肺臟學
Pneumopaludism; Bruns' disease; Malarial pulmonary disease 肺型瘧; 瘧性肺炎硬變; Bruns氏病; 肺瘧
Pneumotyphoid 肺炎性傷寒