(計算時間: 0.006秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 5401 到 5500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Psychic nosogeny; Psychogeny 精神性發病
Psychical infantilism 精神幼稚型
Psychoasthenics; Study of feebleminded 精神衰弱學
Psychopathic constitution 精神病體質
Psychopathic diathesis; Insane diathesis 精神病素質
Psychopathic disposition 精神病素因
Ptomain poisoning; Ptomainotoxism 屍鹼類中毒
Ptomatropinism; Ptomaine poisoning 阿託品性屍鹼中毒型動物性食品中毒
Pudendal injury; Injury to external genital organs 外陰部損傷
Pudendal tumor; Tumor of labia pudendi 陰脣腫瘤
Puerperal disease; Puerperalism 產褥病
Puerperal erysipelas 產褥丹毒
Puerperal fever; Childbed fever 產褥熱
Puerperal infection 產後傳染
Puerperal mycosis 產褥期黴菌病
Puerperal osteodystrophy 產後骨榮養障礙
Puerperal osteophyte 產褥性骨贅
Puerperal scarlet fever 產褥性類猩紅熱; 瀰漫性紅斑
Puerperal tetanus; Postpartum tetanus; Uterine tetanus 產褥期破傷風; 子宮破傷風
Puerperal typhoid fever 產後傷寒
Pullulating cancer 肉芽癌
Pulmonal atresia 肺閉鎖
Pulmonary actinomycosis 肺放線菌病
Pulmonary amebiasis 肺變形蟲病
Pulmonary aspergillosis 肺麴菌病
Pulmonary blastomycosis 肺釀母菌病
Pulmonary byssinosis (肺)棉屑沉?病
Pulmonary calcification 肺石灰化
Pulmonary cancer; Cancer of lung 肺癌
Pulmonary chalcosis; Brassfounder's disease 黃銅匠(肺)病; 肺銅屑沉?病
Pulmonary chondroma 肺軟骨瘤
Pulmonary coniosis 肺塵埃沉?病; 肺塵病
Pulmonary disease; Disease of lung; Pneumonopathy; Lung disease 肺病
Pulmonary echinococcal disease; Pulmonary echinococcosis 肺包蟲病
Pulmonary emphysema; Emphysema of lung 肺氣腫
Pulmonary glanders 肺鼻疽
Pulmonary injury; Injury to lung 肺損傷
Pulmonary mycosis 肺黴菌病; 肺細菌病
Pulmonary pigmentation 肺色素沉?
Pulmonary sporotrichosis 肺胞子絲菌病
Pulmonary syphilis 肺梅毒; 梅毒性肺癆
Pulmonary tubercle 肺結核節
Pulmonary tuberculosis; Pulmonary phthisis; Bacillary phthisis 肺結核; 肝癆
Pulmonary tumor 肺腫瘤
Pulp stone; Dentide 齒髓石
Pulpy cancer; Pultaceous cancer 髓樣癌
Pulpy tumor 睾丸骨髓肉瘤
Punctured injury 刺傷
Punctured perforation 刺創穿破
Punctured wound 刺創
Punctured wound of lung 肺刺傷
Punctured wound of stomach 胃刺傷
Pupillary closure; Blocked pupil 瞳孔閉鎖; 虹膜閉鎖
Purtscher's disease 外傷性視網膜血管病; Purtscher氏病
Purulent blastomycosis 膿性釀母菌病
Purulent infiltration 膿液浸潤
Purulent nephrolithiasis 膿性腎石病
Purulent pneumothorax 膿氣胸
Pustular chicken-pox; Pustular varicella 膿皰性水痘
Pustular erysipelas 膿皰性丹毒
Pustular scarlet fever 膿皰性猩紅熱
Pustular scrofulide; Pustular scrofuloderm 膿?性皮膚瘰?; 成簇性痤瘡; 合併性痤瘡
Pustular syphilide; Varioliform syphilide; Ecthymatous syphilide; Acneiform syphilide 膿皰性梅毒疹; 天花樣梅毒疹; 梅毒?瘡; 梅毒痤瘡; 梅毒深膿皰
Putrid smallpox 腐敗性天花
Putrid typhoid fever 腐敗性傷寒
Pycnic habit 結實體型; 重體型
Pyelopathy; Disease of renal pelvis 腎盂病
Pygodidymy 臀部聯胎
Pygomelic monster ?部寄生胎; ?肢畸胎
Pyknic type; Corpulent type 矮闊型; 結實型
Pyloric cancer; Cancer of pylorus 幽門癌
Pyloric hypertrophy 幽門肥大
Pyloric scirrhus; Scirrhus of pylorus 幽門硬癌
Pyloric tumor; Tumor of pylorus 幽門腫瘤
Pyloropathy 幽門病
Pyogenic infection; Purulent infection 膿性傳染
Pyogenic white swelling 化膿性白腫
Pyorrhoic diathesis 膿漏素質
Pyotoxinemia 膿毒素毒血症
Pyramidal goiter 甲狀腺錐狀葉腫
Pyramidon poisoning 氨基嘌呤中毒
Pyretaetiology; Thermopathogeny 熱原學; 發熱病理學
Pyretography; Description of fever 發熱論; 熱症論
Pyretology; Science of fevers 發熱學; 熱症學
Pyretophysiology; Physiology relating to fever 發熱生理學
Pyretosymptomatology 熱象學; 發熱症狀學
Pyrogallol acid poisoning; Pyrogallolism 焦性沒食子酸中毒
Quantitative hypertrophy; Numerical hypertrophy; Numerous hypertrophy 數量性肥大; 增殖
Quartan malaria; Quartan ague; Quartan fever; Quartan malarial fever 三日瘧
Quarternary syphilis 副梅毒; 後期梅毒; 四期梅毒
Quinine idiosyncrasy 奎寧特應性
Quinine poisoning; Cinchonism; Quinism; Quininism; Quinine fever 奎寧中毒
Quinine rash 奎寧疹
Quintan malaria; Quintan ague 四日瘧
Quotidian fever; Quotidian ague; Quotidian; Quotidian malarial fever; Quotidian malaria 日發瘧
Rabies of cats 狂貓咬病
Race disposition 種族素因
Race hybrid 種族雜種; 混血兒
Racemose adenoma 葡萄狀腺瘤
Racemose angioma; Plexiform angioma; Cirsoid angioma; Racemose aneurysm 蔓狀血管瘤; 蔓狀動脈瘤