(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 5501 到 5600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Racemose venous sarcoma 蔓狀靜脈肉瘤
Racemous cysticercosis 葡萄形囊尾蟲病; 多房囊尾蟲病
Rachitic splenomegaly 佝僂病脾增大
Radesyge; Norwegian syphiloid 挪威類梅毒
Radial calculus 放線狀結石
Radiate carcinoma 放線狀癌
Radiation burn 射線灼傷
Radicular granuloma; Dental granuloma 齒根肉芽腫
Radicular odontoma 齒根齒瘤
Radiotoxemia 鐳性毒血症
Radium poisoning 鐳中毒
Railway sickness 鐵路病; 火車病; 暈車
Railway spine; Erichsen's disease; Page's disease; Spinal concussion; Erichsen's spine 脊椎震盪; 鐵路脊椎; Erichsen氏病
Ramose cancer 枝狀癌
Rank itch; Papular scabies 丘疹性疥瘡
Ranunculus poisoning 毛茛中毒
Raphanus poisoning; Raphanism 野蘿蔔子中毒
Rapid loss of hair; Trichorrhea 毛髮驟脫; 禿髮病
Rash from tartar emetic 酒石酸疹
Raspberry cellular polypus 覆盆子狀息肉
Rat-bite fever; Sodoku; Sodokosis; Rat-bite disease; Cat-bite disease 鼠咬熱; 鼠咬病
Rat-poison poisoning 鼠藥中毒
Recessive heredity 弱性遺傳; 隱性遺傳
Recklinghausen's tumor 子宮壁腺平滑肌纖維瘤; Recklinghausen氏瘤
Rectal atresia 直腸閉鎖; 單純直腸閉鎖
Rectal cancer; Cancer of rectum 直腸癌
Rectal gonorrhea 直腸淋病
Rectal injury; Injury to rectum 直腸損傷
Rectal malformation 直腸畸形
Rectal perforation 直腸穿破
Rectal polypus 直腸息肉
Rectal tuberculosis 直腸結核
Rectal tumor 直腸腫瘤
Rectal wound 直腸創傷
Recurrent chancre; Monorecidive 再發硬下疳
Recurrent erysiyelas; Relapsing erysipelas 後發性丹毒; 回歸性丹毒
Recurrent syphilis; Relapsing syphilis 復發性梅毒
Red dysentery; Hematodiarrhea; Hemodiarrhea; Bloody flux 赤痢; 血痢
Red microsporosis 紅色小芽胞菌病; 寄生性紅?
Red nasal granulosis 鼻部紅顆粒層增殖; 鼻紅粒病
Red trichomycosis 紅色毛芽胞菌病
Red trichonocardiasis 紅(色)毛髮土壤絲菌病
Reflex alopecia; Jacquet's disease 反射性脫髮
Regeneration of bone; Bone regeneration 骨再生
Regeneration of cut surface 割處再生
Regeneration of nerve; Neurotization 神經再生
Regeneration; Neoformation; Palingenesy; Renewal 再生; 新生
Regenerative pannus 再生性血管翳; 修補性血管翳
Reiter's disease 關節炎性旋轉螺旋體病; Reiter氏病
Relapsing fever; Recurrent fever; Famine fever; Hunger plague; Spirillum fever 回歸熱
Relative idiosyncrasy 相對特應性
Remittent disease 弛張病
Remittent malaria 弛張瘧
Remote cause; Secondary cause 遠因
Remote heredity; Atavism; Reversion 隔代遺傳; 返祖性
Renal actinomycosis 腎放線菌病
Renal adenoma; Adenoma of kidney 腎腺瘤
Renal argyria 腎銀質沉著病
Renal blastoma 腎胚細胞瘤
Renal cachexia; Nephrism 腎病性惡病質
Renal calcification 腎石灰化
Renal calculus; Nephrolith; Kidney-stone 腎結石; 腎石
Renal cancer; Cancer of kidney 腎癌; 腎癌病
Renal cyst; Cyst of kidney 腎臟囊腫
Renal dystrophy; Nephrodystrophy 腎榮養障礙
Renal echinococcal disease; Renal echinococcosis 腎包蟲病
Renal endothelioma 腎內皮瘤
Renal epithelioma 腎上皮瘤
Renal fibroma 腎纖維瘤
Renal gravel; Minute renal calculus 腎砂
Renal infantilism; Renal rickets; Pseudorickets; Renal dwarfism 腎病性幼稚型; 腎病性佝僂病
Renal injury; Injury to kidney 腎損傷
Renal lithiasis 腎石病
Renal pigmentation 腎色素沉?
Renal rheumatism 腎風濕
Renal sarcoma 腎肉瘤
Renal spongioma 腎海綿腫
Renal syphilis 腎梅毒
Renal tuberculosis 腎結核; 腎癆
Renal tumor; Tumor of kidney 腎腫瘤
Renal zymosis 腎釀母病
Rent; Fissure; Slit 裂隙; 裂
Reorganization 組織再生
Repair of epithelium; Cuticularization 上皮再生
Replacement hyperplasia 修補性增殖
Replacement hypertrophy 填空性肥大
Report of gun 槍身反擊傷
Resecting fracture 切除骨折
Resorcin poisoning; Resorcinism 樹脂酚中毒
Resorptive intoxication; Resorptive poisoning 吸收性中毒
Resorptive tubercle 吸收性結核節
Respiratory affection 呼吸系病
Respiratory type 呼吸系發達型; 呼吸型
Retention cyst 瀦溜囊腫
Retention toxicosis 積儲性自體中毒
Reticular sarcoma; Net-cell sarcoma 網狀細胞肉瘤
Reticulated cancer 網狀癌
Reticulo-endothelial tumor 網狀內皮瘤
Reticuloendothelial hyperplasy; Hyperplasia of reticuloendothelial system 網狀內皮細胞增殖
Reticuloendothelial sarcoma; Retothelial sarcoma 網狀內皮細胞肉瘤