(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 5601 到 5700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Retinal angioma; Von Hippel's disease 視網膜血管瘤; Hippel氏病
Retinal blastoma 視網膜胚細胞瘤
Retinal chalcosis 視網膜銅屑沉?病
Retinal coloboma; Retinal cleft 裂視網膜(畸形)
Retinal concussion; Berlin's disease 視網膜震盪; Berlin氏病
Retinal spongioma; Spongy tumor of retina 視網膜海綿腫
Retinopathy; Disease of retina 視網膜病
Retrograde carcinoma; Retrograde cancer 逆徙癌
Retroinfection 倒傳染
Retromaxillary fibroma 頜骨後纖維瘤
Retroperitoneal sarcoma; Lobstein's cancer 腹膜後肉瘤; Lobstein氏癌
Retroperitoneal tumor 腹膜後腫瘤
Retropharyngeal tumor 咽後腫瘤
Retrovascular goiter 血管後甲狀腺腫
Retrovisceral goiter 食管後甲狀腺腫
Reversionary atrophy; Undifferentiation 返樸性發育障礙; 退行發育
Rhabdomyomatous chondroma 平滑肌軟骨瘤
Rhabdomyomatous myxoma 橫紋肌黏液瘤
Rhachitic dwarfism; Rhachitic dwarf 佝僂病性矮小
Rheostosis of limbs 肢骨紋樣肥大
Rheumatic affection 風濕病
Rheumatic callosity 風濕胼胝
Rheumatic diathesis 風濕素質
Rheumatic eruption; Rheumatide 風濕疹
Rheumatic granuloma 風濕肉芽腫
Rheumatism of extremities 四肢風濕
Rheumatism; St. Gervasius disease 風濕病; 風濕
Rhinencephalic monster 長鼻併腦畸胎
Rhinencephaly 長鼻併腦(畸形)
Rhinodacryolith 鼻淚管石
Rhinolaryngology; Laryngorhinology 鼻喉科學
Rhinology; Rhiniatry 鼻科學
Rhinopharyngolith; Nasopharyngeal calculus 鼻咽腔石
Rhinosporidium disease 鼻芽胞蟲病
Rhodesian sleeping-sickness Rhodesia錐蟲病; Rhodesia錐蟲性睡病
Ricin poisoning; Ricinism ?麻子中毒; ?麻毒素中毒
Rickets; Glissonian rickets 佝僂病; 嬰兒軟骨病; 英國病
Rickettsial disease Ricketts氏體病
Ricord's chancre; Parchment chancre; Pargament chancre 羊皮紙樣下疳
Rider's bone 騎士骨
Rift valley fever; Enzootic hepatitis 裂谷熱; 地方動物傳染性肝炎
Ringworm of body; Bodily ringworm 軀幹髮癬菌病; 軀幹圓癬
Ringworm of feet 腳癬; 足部髮癬菌病
Ringworm of nails; Ungual ringworm; Ungual trichophytia 爪甲髮癬菌病; 爪甲癬; 癬菌白甲病; 爪甲髮癬菌癬
Ringworm of scalp; Bald ringworm 禿髮癬; 糠?性髮癬菌病; 寄生性禿; 糠?樣髮病; 頭髮癬菌病
Ringworm; Trichophyton fungus disease 髮癬菌病; 髮癬; 匐行癬
Ritinal glioma; Glioma of retina; Amaurotic cat's-eye 視網膜神經膠瘤; 眼球隨樣海綿腫; 內盲性貓眼
Rocky itch; Purulent itch; Pustular scabies 膿皰性疥瘡
Rocky mountain spotted fever; Rocky mountain fever; Black fever; Blue disease; Tick fever; Spotted fever 落磯山班疹熱; 落磯山熱; 壁蝨熱
Rodent cancer; Rodent ulcer 侵蝕性癌
Roentgen intoxication X光線中毒
Rose-cold; June cold; Rose-catarrh 玫瑰花粉熱; 玫瑰花粉多泌炎; 六月多泌炎
Roseate spongioma; Roseate fungous growth 薔薇色海綿腫
Rosenbach's disease; Zoonotic erysipelas; Chronic erysipelas 類丹毒; 慢性丹毒; 匐行紅斑; 游走紅斑; Rosenbach氏病
Roughness of skin 皮膚粗糙
Round wart 圓疣
Round-cell infiltration 圓細胞浸潤
Round-cell sarcoma; Encephaloid sarcoma 圓細胞肉瘤; 圓細胞骨髓瘤
Round-celled cancer; Spheroidal-celled cancer 圓細胞癌
Routes of infection; Channels of infection 傳染路徑
Rub sore; Brush burn 擦傷; 磨傷
Rudimentary beriberi 不全性腳氣
Rupial syphilide; Syphilitic rupia; Rupia 蠣殼樣梅毒疹; 梅毒蠣殼瘡; 蠣殼瘡
Rupture in vaginal vault 陰道穹(窿)破裂
Rupture of (urinary) bladder; Tear of bladder; Vesical rupture 膀胱破裂
Rupture of a scar; Cicatricial rupture 瘢痕破裂
Rupture of aorta; Aortoclasy 主動脈破裂
Rupture of artery 動脈破裂
Rupture of articular capsule 關節囊破裂
Rupture of capillary; Capillary rupture 毛細管破裂
Rupture of cartilage; Crushing of cartilage 軟骨破裂; 軟骨壓破
Rupture of cervix uteri; Laceration of cervix uteri; Fissure of cervix uteri; Cervical rupture 子宮頸破裂; 子宮頸裂創
Rupture of chorioid; Choroid rupture 脈絡膜破裂
Rupture of cornea; Cornea rupture 角膜破裂(外傷); 角膜破潰(潰傷)
Rupture of endocardium; Endocardial rupture 心內膜破裂
Rupture of esophagus; Laceration of esophagus; Tearing of esophagus; Esophageal rupture 食道破裂
Rupture of gall bladder 膽囊破裂
Rupture of heart; Cardiac rupture; Heart rupture 心破裂
Rupture of intestine; Laceration of intestine; Intestinal repture 腸破裂
Rupture of iris; Tearing of iris; Iris rupture 虹膜破裂
Rupture of ligament; Ligament rupture 韌帶破裂
Rupture of middle ear; Middle ear rupture 內耳骨折; 內耳破裂
Rupture of muscle; Muscular rupture 肌破裂
Rupture of navel; Umbilical rupture 臍破裂
Rupture of os uteri; Rent of os uteri 子宮口破裂
Rupture of ovary; Ovarian rupture 卵巢破裂
Rupture of oviduct; Tubal rupture; Fallopian tube rupture 輸卵管破裂
Rupture of pancreas; Pancreatic rupture 胰腺破裂
Rupture of patellar ligament 髕韌帶破裂
Rupture of perineum; Laceration of perineum; Splitting of perineum; Perineal rupture 會陰破裂
Rupture of peritoneum 腹膜破裂
Rupture of rectum; Laceration of rectum; Rectal rupture 直腸破裂
Rupture of retina; Retinal rupture 視網膜(鋸狀體)破裂
Rupture of sclera; Sclera rupture 鞏膜破裂
Rupture of spinal cord; Spinal rupture 脊髓破裂
Rupture of spleen 脾破裂
Rupture of splenic capsule 脾囊破裂
Rupture of stomach; Laceration of stomach; Gastric rupture 胃破裂
Rupture of tarsal cartilage 跗軟骨破裂
Rupture of tendinous fibre 腱索裂斷