(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 5701 到 5800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Rupture of tendon; Tendon rupture 腱破裂
Rupture of tympanic membrane ?膜破裂
Rupture of ureter; Ureteral rupture 輸尿管破裂
Rupture of urethra; Tear of urethra; Urethral rupture 尿道破裂
Rupture of uterus; Laceration of uterus; Uterine rupture; Fissure of uterus; Uterine fissure 子宮破裂; 子宮裂(創)
Rupture of valve; Valvular repture 心瓣破裂
Rupture of vein 靜脈破裂
Rupture of vessel; Laceration of vessel; Vessel rupture 血管破裂
Rupture; Tearing; Laceration; Divulsion; Dieresis; Rending; Breaking; Abruption 破裂; 分裂
Sac of tumor; Capsule of tumor 腫瘤囊
Sacculated uterus 囊形子宮
Sacral anus 薦骨部肛門
Sacral teratoma ?部畸胎瘤
Sacral tumor; Tumor of sacrum 薦骨腫瘤
Sacrococcygeal dysplasia ?尾骨發育不全
Sacrococcygeal tumor ?尾骨腫瘤
Sacroiliac disease ?髂關節病
Saint Anthony's fire; Saint Francis' disease; Wild fire 丹毒
Salamanderine poisoning 斑螈毒素中毒
Salicylate rash 柳酸疹
Salicylic acid poisoning 柳酸中毒
Saline infiltration 鹽類浸潤
Salivary cyst 唾液囊腫
Salol poisoning; Salolism 柳酸苯酯中毒
Salole rash 薩羅疹; 柳酸苯脂疹
Salpingometric rupture 子宮輸卵管破裂
Salt hunger; Chlorine-hunger 食鹽缺乏; 鹽飢
Salt-fish poisoning; Halichthyotoxism 鹹魚中毒
Salvarsan rash 洒爾佛散疹
Sandfly fever; Pappataci fever; Phlebotomus fever; Three-day fever 白蛉子熱
Sandpaper gallbladder; Strawberry gallbladder 沙紙樣膽囊; 膽囊膽醇沉?
Sanguineous infiltration; Hemorrhagic infiltration 血浸潤
Sanguinous pneumatosis 血中含氣
Sanguinous temperament; Sanguine temperament 多血質
Santonin poisoning; Santonism 山道年中毒; 山道年花中毒
Santonin rash 山道年疹
Saplessness; Juicelessness 體液缺乏
Saponin poisoning; Poisoning with soapbark; Quillaia poisoning 皂質樹?中毒; 皂質樹皮中毒
Sapremia; Putrid intoxicaton; Septic intoxication; Putrid fever 腐血症; 腐敗質中毒
Sarcinic pseudomycosis 四?球菌病
Sarcinury 四?球菌尿
Sarcoid tumor 類肉瘤
Sarcoma of bladder 膀胱肉瘤
Sarcoma of fasciculus; Fascicular sarcoma 纖維束肉瘤
Sarcoma of striped muscle 橫紋肌肉瘤
Sarcoma of thyroid gland 甲狀腺肉瘤
Sarcoma of unstriped muscle 平滑肌肉瘤
Sarcoma; Malignant connectivetissue tumor; Fleshy tumor 肉瘤; 中細胞瘤; 結締組織細胞瘤
Sarcomatosis of skin 皮膚肉瘤病
Sarcomatous adenoma 肉腺瘤
Sarcomatous angioma 肉瘤血管瘤
Sarcomatous cancer; Sarcomatous carcinoma 肉癌瘤; 癌肉瘤
Sarcomatous chondroma 肉軟骨瘤
Sarcomatous fibroma 肉纖維瘤; 肉瘤纖維瘤
Sarcomatous glioma; Gliomatous sarcoma 肉瘤神經膠瘤; 神經膠肉瘤
Sarcomatous lipoma 肉脂瘤; 脂肉瘤
Sarcomatous myoma 肉瘤肌瘤; 肉肌瘤
Sarcomatous myxoma 肉黏液瘤; 黏液肉瘤
Sarcomatous neuroma 肉瘤神經瘤
Sarcomatous pannus 肉瘤翳
Sarcomatous polypus; Fleshy polypus 肉性息肉; 肉瘤性息肉
Sarcoptic acariasis; Itch; Puces 疥蟲病; 疥瘡
Sarcosporidium disease 肌芽胞蟲病
Satin wood poisoning 緞木中毒
Saturnine cachexia; Chronic lead poisoning 鉛毒惡病質; 慢性鉛中毒
Saturnine joint disease 鉛毒關節病
Saturnine nephropathy 鉛毒腎病
Sausage poisoning; Botulism 臘腸中毒
Savin poisoning 薩毗檜中毒
Scabby eruption 結痂疹
Scabies of head 頭部疥瘡
Scalding; Scald 水燙傷; 燙傷
Scalp disease 頭皮病
Scaly eruption 落屑疹; 鱗疹
Scaly sarcoma 鱗狀肉瘤
Scapular fracture 肩胛骨折
Scapular tuberculosis 肩胛骨結核
Scapular tumor 肩胛骨腫瘤
Scar of wound; Vulnerary cicatrix 創傷瘢痕; 傷痕
Scar; Cicatrice; Scar mark 瘢痕
Scarlatinal diphteroid 猩紅熱類白喉; 白喉型猩紅熱
Scarlatinella; Fourth disease; Dukes' disease; Filatow-Dukes' disease; Parascarlet 猩紅熱樣風疹; Filatow-Dukes氏病; 第四發疹病
Scarlatiniform rheumatism; Scarletinoid rheumatism 猩紅熱類風濕
Scarlatinoid fever 類猩紅熱
Scarlet fever 猩紅熱
Scarlet fever without eruption; Non-exanthematous scarlatina 無疹猩紅熱
Scarletfever rash; Scarlet rash 猩紅熱疹
Scatology 糞便論
Schistostomic monster 裂口畸胎
Schizomycotic disease 裂殖菌病
Schizotrypanosomic disease 裂體錐蟲病
Schlatter's disease; Schlatter-Osgood's disease; Rugby knee Schlatter氏病; Osgood氏病; 脛骨粗隆舌形部脫離
Schmincke's tumor Schmincke氏淋巴上皮瘤
School disease 學校病
School goiter 學校甲狀腺腫
Science of morbific cause 病本論
Scirrhous blepharoncus; Hard blepharoncus 硬性瞼腫瘤; 瞼硬癌
Scirrhous disease 硬癌病
Scirrhus of bronchial gland 枝氣管腺硬癌
Scirrhus of lacrymal gland 淚腺硬癌; 內眥硬癌