(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 501 到 600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Arthrotyphoid fever 關節病性傷寒
Articular calculus; Arthrolith 關節石
Articular cancer 關節癌
Articular fracture; Joint fracture 關節端骨折
Articular glanders 關節鼻疽
Articular malformation 關節畸形
Articular osteophyma 關節骨腫瘤
Articular outgrowth; Arthrophyte 關節贅疣
Articular rheumatism 關節風濕; 風濕多關節炎
Articular syphilis 關節梅毒
Articular tuberculosis; Joint tuberculosis 關節結核
Articular tumor; Tumor of joint 關節腫瘤
Articular xerosis; Joint dryness 關節乾燥
Artificial pneumothorax 人工氣胸
Asacry 無?骨(畸形)
Ascarides disease; Ascaridopathy; Round worm disease 蛔蟲病
Ascending gonorrhea 上行性淋病
Ascending nephropathy; Urogenic nephropathy 上行性腎病; 尿原腎病
Ascending renal tuberculosis 上行性腎結核
Ascending tetanus 上行性破傷風
Ascomycotic disease 囊菌病
Aseptic wound 無菌創傷; 無菌傷口; 無毒創傷
Asexual ateliosis; Asexual atelia 無性性發育不全
Asexual dwarf 性機能缺乏性矮小
Asiatic cholera; Indian cholera; Epidemic cholera; Malignant cholera; Pestilential cholera; Haouwa 霍亂; 亞洲霍亂; 印度霍亂; 流行性霍亂
Asiatic relapsing fever; Carter's fever 亞洲回歸熱
Asomatic acardius 無軀無心寄生胎
Asomy 無軀幹(畸形)
Aspalasomatic monster 田鼠樣畸胎; 塊形體畸胎
Aspergillar pseudotuberculosis 麴菌性假結核病
Aspergillus-mycosis 麴菌病
Asphyctic cholera 假死性霍亂
Aspleny; Absence of spleen 無脾(畸形)
Associated disease; Complication 伴發病; 兼發病
Asterny 無胸骨(畸形)
Asthenic constitution 衰弱體質
Asthenic habit; Valetudinarianism 衰弱體型
Asthenic measles; Nervous measles 神經性麻疹; 傷寒型麻疹
Asthenic type 衰弱型
Asthenic typhoid fever 衰弱者傷寒
Asthmatic phthisis 氣喘性肺結核
Astomy; Lipostomy; Absence of mouth opening 無口(畸形)
Astroblastic tumor 星形胚細胞瘤
Astrocytic tumor 星形細胞瘤
Asylum dysentery; Institutional dysentery 養育院痢疾
Asymmetric double uterus 非對稱雙子宮(畸形)
Asymmetric monocephalus 非對稱單頭聯胎
Asyntrophy 發育不均
Ataxic lymphopathy 共濟失調性淋巴病
Atelencephaly; Cerebral ateliosis 腦發育不全
Ateliotic dwarf; Lorain's disease 發育不全性矮小; Lorain氏病
Atelocardy; Cardiately; Cardiac ateliosis 心發育不全
Atelochily; Labial ateliosis 唇發育不全
Atelogenitaly; Genital ateliosis 生殖器發育不全
Ateloglossy; Lingual ateliosis 舌發育不全
Atelostomy; Oral ateliosis 口腔發育不全
Ately; Absence of nipple 無乳頭(畸形)
Atheroma of eyelid 瞼粉瘤
Atheroma of skin 皮膚粉瘤
Athletic heart; Athletes heart; Athletic cardiac hypertrophy 運動家心肥大
Athletic type 壯健型
Athrepsology 缺養學
Athrepsy; Defective nutrition; Denutrition; Inanition; Abiotrophy; Hypotrophy; Imperfect nourisment; Trophic failure; Abionergy; Oligotrophy; Imsufficient nutritio 榮養不足; 榮養缺乏
Athyreotic dwarf 甲狀腺缺乏性矮小
Atlantodidymic monster 寰椎聯胎
Atopic disease; Idiosyncrasy 特應性
Atrachely 無頸(畸形)
Atresia of external uterine orifice 子宮外口閉鎖
Atresia of internal uterine orifice 子宮內口閉鎖
Atresia of os uteri 子宮口閉鎖
Atresic teratism; Atresic teratosis 閉鎖畸形
Atretic monstrosity 閉鎖畸形
Atriplex poisoning; Atriplicism 濱藜中毒
Atrophic alopecia; Quinquaud's disease; Cicatricial alopecia; Pseudopelade 萎縮性脫髮; 假斑禿; 瘢痕性脫髮; 結痂萎縮性假斑禿; 禿髮性髮囊炎
Atrophic cancer; Withering cancer 萎縮癌
Atrophic emphysema; Small-lunged emphysema 萎縮性肺氣腫
Atrophic fracture 萎縮性骨折
Atrophic leprosy 萎縮性麻風
Atrophic lupus; Resolving lupus 萎縮性狼瘡
Atrophic phthisis; Contracted phthisis 收縮性肺結核
Atrophic skin disease 萎縮性皮膚病
Atropine poisoning; Atropinism; Atropism 阿託品中毒
Atropine rash 阿託品疹
Atypical disease; Irregular disease 非常型病
Atypical hyloma 非常型髓質瘤
Atypical lepidoma 非常型皮質瘤
Atypical lumphoma; Sarcomatous lymphoma 非常型淋巴瘤; 淋巴肉瘤; 肉瘤淋巴瘤
Atypical malaria 非常型瘧
Atypical tuberculosis 非常型結核病
Atypical tumor; Atypical blastoma 非常型腫瘤
Aural aspergillosis 外耳道麴菌病; 耳麴菌病
Aural calculus; Otolith; Otolite 耳石
Aural mucormycosis 耳白黴菌病
Aural myiasis 耳蛆病
Aural polypus 耳息肉
Auric poisoning; Auric fever 金中毒
Auricular diphthery 耳白喉
Auricular frostbite 耳郭凍瘡
Auricular lupus 耳郭狼瘡
Auricular malformation 耳郭畸形