(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 6001 到 6100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Slight pannus 薄血管翳
Small round-cell sarcoma; Fibroplastic tumor 小圓細胞肉瘤; 淋巴髓質瘤
Small wound 小創傷; 小傷口
Small-celled sarcoma 小細胞肉瘤
Small-pox eruption 天花疹; 痘疹
Small-pox; Pock 天花; 痘
Smallness of cornea 薄角膜
Smallpox without eruptions; Smallpox without rash; Non-exanthematous varioloid 無痘天花; 假惡性痘症; 無疹痘; 無疹天花
Smith's fracture Smith氏(橈骨)骨折
Smokers' cancer 吸煙者癌
Smooth elephantiasis 平滑象皮病
Smooth erysipelas 平滑丹毒
Smooth leprosy 平滑麻風
Smooth scarlet fever; Levigated scarlet fever 平滑猩紅熱; 融合猩紅熱
Smooth smallpox 輕天花
Smooth wart 滑澤疣
Snake venom poisoning; Ophidism; Ophiotoxemia; Ophitoxemia; Snake bite poisoning 蛇毒中毒; 蛇咬中毒
Snake-bite 蛇咬傷
Snow-blink disease 雪山灼傷; 雪山病; 雪耀性紅斑
Snuff cocainism 鼻嗅性古柯鹼中毒
Soap cyst 肥皂樣囊腫
Soapsuds cyst 肥皂水樣囊腫
Social disease 社會病
Sodium nitrite poisoning 亞硝酸鈉中毒
Sodium sulphite poisoning 亞硫酸鈉中毒
Soft blepharoncus 軟性瞼腫瘤; 瞼軟癌
Soft chancre; Chancroid; Simple chancre; Eating chancre; Nonincubatory chancre; Noninfecting chancre; Soft sore; Veneral ulcer; Celsus' chancre; Veneral sore ?下疳
Soft elephantiasis 軟性象皮病
Soft fibroma 軟纖維瘤
Soft glioma 軟性神經膠瘤
Soft goiter 軟性甲狀腺腫
Soft lipoma 軟脂瘤
Soft papilloma 軟性乳頭狀瘤
Soft sarcoma 軟肉瘤
Soft wart 軟疣
Soft wart; Fleshy wart 軟疣; 肉疣; 肉樣疣
Softening of calculus 結石軟化
Soil disease 土壤病; 地氣病
Solanin poisoning; Solanism 龍葵鹼中毒; 龍葵中毒
Solanoid cancer; Solanoid carcinoma 馬鈴薯狀癌
Solanoid tumor 茄狀瘤
Solar asphyxia; Asphyxial isolation 日射病窒息
Solid endothelioma 實性內皮瘤
Solid tumor 實性瘤
Solidistic pathology; Solidism 固體病理學
Solitary kidney 單腎(畸形)
Solitary renal cyst 孤立性腎臟囊腫
Solitary tubercle 孤立結核節
Solitary uterine tumor 單子宮瘤
Solution of calculus 結石溶化
Somatic diastematy 縱裂軀幹(畸形)
Somatic fissure; Schistosomy 裂軀幹(畸形); 裂體(畸形)
Somatic teniasis 體絛蟲病
Somatopathy; Bodily disorder 肉體病
Somopsychogenital precocity 身心性能發育過早; 軀幹性器官巨大
Sonne's dysentery Sonne氏菌痢疾
Soot cancer; Soot wart; Chimney-sweeper's carcinoma; Chimney-sweep cancer; Scrotal cancer of chimney-sweepers; Asbolic cancer 陰囊炱癌; 炱癌; 掃煙囟夫硬癌
Sound injury 聲震損傷
South American trypanosomiasis; Brasilian trypanosomiasis; Chagas disease; Chagas-Cruz disease; Derrengadera; Canguary; Cruz trypanosomiasis 南美錐蟲病; Chagas氏病; Chagas-Cruz氏病; 寄生性甲狀腺炎
Spanish relapsing fever 西班牙回歸熱
Spargarum disease 裂頭幼絛蟲病
Spartein poisoning 鷹爪豆鹼中毒; 鷹爪豆中毒
Spasmodic cholera 痙攣性霍亂; 霍亂轉筋
Spasmodic diathesis 痙攣素質
Spasmodic rabies; Furious rabies; Street rabies 發狂性瘋犬病; 痙攣性瘋犬病
Spasmology 痙攣論; 痙攣學
Spasmophilic constitution 痙攣性體質
Special pathology 病理學各論
Specific cause 特殊病因
Specific disease 特殊病
Specific gangrenous and ulcerative balanoposthitis; Gangrenous balanitis; Fourth venereal disease 特殊潰瘍壞疽性龜頭包皮炎
Spermatocystic calculus 精囊石
Spermatocytal tuberculosis 精囊結核
Spermatogonial cell tumor; Spermatocytic tumor 生殖細胞瘤
Spermatology 精子學
Spermatopathy; Spermatic affection 精子病; 精系病
Spermolith; Spermatic calculus 輸精管石; 精石
Spurious angioma 假血管瘤
Sphenoccipital physaliferous ecchondrosis 蝶枕部泡性外生軟骨瘤
Sphenochoanal polypus 蝶骨鼻後孔息肉
Sphenoidal parasite; Parasitic sphenopagus 蝶骨寄生胎
Spherolith; Spheric nephrolith 球形腎石
Spider angioma 蜘蛛形血管瘤; 蜘蛛形痣
Spider nevus; Spider cancer 蜘蛛形痣; 紅斑痤瘡
Spider poisoning; Arachnoidism 蜘蛛中毒; 蜘蛛咬中毒
Spiegler's tumor Spiegler氏上皮痣瘤
Spinal ateliosis 脊柱發育不全
Spinal calcareous deposition 脊髓石灰沉?
Spinal cleft 裂脊柱(畸形); 脊柱裂
Spinal cord cleft 裂脊(畸形); 脊髓裂
Spinal diastematy 縱裂脊柱(畸形); 脊柱縱裂
Spinal gliosis 脊髓神經膠瘤病; 脊髓空洞症
Spinal hypertrophy 脊髓肥大
Spinal injury; Injury to spinal cord 脊髓損傷
Spinal injury; Injury to spine 脊椎損傷
Spinal rheumatism 脊椎風濕
Spinal syphilis 脊髓梅毒
Spinal tumor; Tumor of spinal cord 脊髓腫瘤
Spindle-cell carcinoma 梭形細胞癌
Spindle-celled sarcoma; Fusciculated sarcoma; Fusciculated cancer; Recurrent fibroid 梭形細胞肉瘤; 成束性肉瘤