(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 6201 到 6300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Sternoomphalodymy 胸骨臍部聯胎
Sternopagy; Sternodymy 胸骨聯胎
Sthenic pneumonia 有力性肺炎
Stomach perforation 胃穿破
Stomatitic typhus 口病性斑傷寒
Stomatology 口腔學
Stomencephalic monster 長鼻嘴併腦畸胎
Stone tumor 石瘤
Stone-Mason's phthisis; Stone-Mason's disease; Stone-Mason's lung; Mason's lung; Flint-disease; (Knife) grinder's disease; (Knife) grinder's asthma; (Knife) grinder's phthisis; Fibroid phthisis 石末肺; 肺石末沉?病; 石匠癆; 磨刀匠氣喘; 矽末病
Stramonium poisoning; Daturism 曼陀羅中毒
Streak hyperostosis; Flowing hyperostosis 骨紋樣肥大
Streptococcal diphtheroid 鏈球菌類白喉
Streptococcus disease 鏈球菌病
Streptogenous elephantiasis 鏈狀菌象皮病
Streptothrical pseudotuberculosis 鏈絲菌性假結核病
Streptotricial disease 鏈絲菌病
Striocellular myoma; Striated muscular tumor 橫紋肌瘤
Strong's dysentery Strong氏菌痢疾
Strongyloid disease 類圓蟲病
Strongylus disease 圓蟲病
Strophanthus poisoning 毒毛旋花?中毒; 毒毛旋花中毒
Strophic cowpox 萎縮性牛痘
Stroptococcemia; Strepticemia 鏈球菌血症
Strumous cachexia; Scrofula 腺腫性惡病質; 腺病質
Strumous diathesis 腺病質素質; 甲狀腺腫素質
Strychnine poisoning; Strychnization; Nuxvomica poisoning 番木?鹼中毒; 番木?子中毒
Strychnine rash 番木?疹
Style-shaped bone tumor 莖狀骨腫瘤
Stylostophyte; Style-shaped exostosis; Pillar-shaped exostosis 莖狀骨贅
Subacute disease 亞急性病
Subcapital fracture 頭端下骨折
Subchronic disease 緩慢性病
Subcutaenous calcareous granuloma 皮下石灰性肉芽腫
Subcutaneous bifid spine 皮下裂脊柱(畸形); 皮下脊柱裂
Subcutaneous calculus 皮下結石
Subcutaneous fatty tumor; Subcutaneous lipoma 皮下脂瘤
Subcutaneous gumma 皮下梅毒腫
Subcutaneous injury 皮下損傷
Subcutaneous muscular contusion 皮下肌肉挫傷
Subcutaneous myiasis 皮下蛆病
Subcutaneous rupture 皮下破裂
Subcutaneous wound 皮下創傷
Suberous favus; Corky favus 軟木屑樣黃癬
Subintrant fever 間加瘧; 架?瘧
Sublimate poisoning 昇汞中毒
Sublingual cyst; Frog-tongue; Ranine tumor; Sublingual ptyalocele 舌下囊腫; 蝦蟆腫
Sublingual fibroma; Fede's disease 舌下纖維瘤; Fede氏病
Sublingual granuloma 舌下肉芽腫; Riga氏病
Submaxillary tumor; Tumor of submaxillary gland 頜下腺腫瘤
Submiliary tubercle 小粟粒結核節
Submiliary tuberculosis 小粟粒結核病
Subperichondrial ossification 軟骨膜下骨化
Subperiosteal fracture 骨膜下骨折
Subphrenic echinococcal disease; Subphrenic echinococcosis 膈下包蟲病
Subseptated uterus 不全隔子宮(畸形); 半分隔子宮
Subserous myoma 漿膜下肌瘤
Substance of tumor 腫瘤質
Substantial emphysema; Substantive emphysema 實質性肺氣腫
Substernal goiter 胸骨後甲狀腺腫
Subungual sarcoma 爪根肉瘤
Suburethral anal atresia 尿道下?鎖肛
Sudden attack; Sideration; Paroxysmal disease 暴發性病
Sudoral typhoid fever 盜汗性傷寒; 多汗性傷寒
Suffocating gas poisoning; Poisoning by pulmonary irritants; Green cross gas poisoning 窒息毒氣中毒; 肺刺激毒中毒; 綠十字毒中毒
Suffocative goiter 窒息性甲狀腺腫
Suicidal poisoning 自殺性中毒
Sulphite poisoning 亞硫酸鹽中毒
Sulphuric acid poisoning 硫酸中毒
Sulphurous acid poisoning 亞硫酸中毒
Summer hay fever; Summer catarrh 夏令枯草熱; 夏令多泌炎
Superficial affection 表面病
Superficial blastomycosis 淺性釀母菌病
Superficial cancer; Surface cancer 表面皮癌
Superficial trichophytia 淺性髮癬菌病; 淺髮癬
Superficial wound 淺創傷; 淺傷口
Superficial xerophthalmia 眼球表面乾燥; 嬰兒眼乾燥病; 眼球上皮乾燥
Superior degeneracy 精神健旺性衰頹病
Supperative bone tuberculosis 膿性骨結核
Supplementary twins 補充雙胎
Suppurating wound 化濃創傷; 化濃傷口
Suppuration in punctured canal 刺道化濃
Suppurative erysipelas; Purulent erysipelas 膿性丹毒
Suppurative fracture 化濃骨折
Suppurting frostbite 化濃性凍傷
Supracondylar fracture (of humerus) 髁上骨折
Supraglottic polypus 聲帶上部息肉
Suprahyoid ranula 舌骨上蝦蟆腫
Supraomphalodymy 臍上部聯胎
Suprarenal cachexia; Addison's disease 腎上體原惡病質
Suprarenal epithelioma; Grawitz's tumor 腎上體上皮瘤; Grawitz氏瘤
Suprarenal tuberculosis 腎上體結核
Suprarenalopathy; Adrenalopathy; Adrenopathy; Suprarenal disease; Suprarenopathy 腎上體病
Supratentorial tumor 小腦幕上腫瘤
Surface deposition; Incrustation 表面沉?; 結痂
Surgery tuberculosis 外科結核病
Surgical elephantiasis 外科象皮病
Surgical emphysema 外科氣腫
Surgical erysipelas 外科丹毒
Surgical nephropathy 外科腎病
Surgical pathology; External pathology 外科病理學