(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 6601 到 6700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Toxicodendrol poisoning 野葛油中毒; 野葛中毒; 斷腸草中毒
Toxinic poisoning 毒素中毒病
Tracheal aspergillosis 氣管麴菌病
Tracheal calculus 氣管石
Tracheal cancer; Cancer of trachea 氣管癌
Tracheal contusion 氣管挫傷; 氣管擠傷
Tracheal diphthery 氣管白喉
Tracheal disease; Tracheopathy 氣管病
Tracheal emphysema 氣管破裂性頸部氣腫
Tracheal fissure 裂氣管(畸形)
Tracheal injury; Injury to trachea 氣管損傷
Tracheal syphilis 氣管梅毒
Tracheal tuberculosis 氣管結核
Tracheal tumor; Tumor of trachea 氣管腫瘤
Trachelology 頸科學
Trachelology 氣管科學
Tracheobronchial adenopathy; Tracheobronchic adenopathy 氣管枝氣管腺病
Tracheolaryngeal adenopathy 氣管喉腺病
Trachomatous granulation 沙眼肉芽
Trachomatous pannus 沙眼血管翳; 粒性血管翳
Trade-eruption; Occupational eruption 貿易疹; 職業性疹
Transcondylar fracture 貫髁骨折; 齊髁骨折
Transition tumor 變質瘤; 截除後惡化瘤
Transitory hypertrichosis 一時性多毛
Transverse fracture; Radish fracture 橫(行)骨折
Transverse hermaphrodism 橫分性兩性畸形; 內外異性畸形
Transverse lateral facial-cleft 橫裂面(畸形); 巨口(畸形); 橫裂頰(畸形)
Transverse lesion 橫貫性損傷(脊髓); 切面損傷
Transverse myelopathy; Diffuse myelopathy 瀰漫性脊髓病; 脊髓橫斷面病
Transverse tear 橫裂
Transverse wound 橫行創傷; 橫傷口
Traumatic amputation; Accidental amputation 災難性截斷; 意外性斷肢
Traumatic cholelithiasis 外傷性膽石病
Traumatic detachment; Traumatic decollement 外傷性(皮肉)脫離
Traumatic emphysema 外傷氣腫
Traumatic erysipelas; Nosocomial erysipelas 外傷性丹毒; 病院丹毒; 假丹毒
Traumatic infectious disease 外傷性傳染病
Traumatic irideremia 外傷性虹膜脫離
Traumatic irideremia 外傷性無虹膜(畸形)
Traumatic lesion 外傷性損傷
Traumatic neuroma 外傷性神經瘤
Traumatic pannus 外傷性血管翳
Traumatic scarlet fever 外傷性類猩紅熱
Traumatic tetanus 外傷性破傷風
Traumatology 創傷學
Traumatopathy; Traumatism 損傷病; 創傷病
Trematode infestation; Fluke infection; Fluke disease 吸蟲病; 蛭病
Trench fever; Five-day fever; Quintan; Werner-His's disease; His's disease; Volhynia fever; Quintana fever; Wolhynia fever; Van der Scheers fever; Salonica fever; Ikwa fever 戰壕熱; 五日熱; Volhynia熱; 發作性神經痛熱; Werner-His氏病; (神經)痛性波形熱; 陣發性神經痛熱
Trench foot; Water-bite; Foot stasis; Local frigorism; Frosted feet 戰場足
Trench rheumatism 戰壕風濕
Treponema infection 密螺旋體病
Tribrachial dicephalus 三臂雙頭畸胎
Tribrachial ileothoracopagus 三臂腸骨胸骨聯胎
Tribrachial monster 三臂畸胎
Tribrachial thoracopagus 三臂胸聯胎
Trichiasis of anus 肛門生毛
Trichiasis of bladder 排有毛尿; 膀胱生毛
Trichiasis of eyelashes 睫毛亂生; 倒睫
Trichism; Capillary fracture; Hairlike fracture; Pilation 毛細骨折
Tricholith; Hairy concretion 毛髮結石; 毛髮核結石
Trichology 毛髮學
Trichophytic alopecia 髮癬菌性脫髮
Trichophytide 髮癬菌疹
Trichosis of caruncle 淚阜生毛
Trichosis of eye-ball 眼球生毛
Trichospore disease 毛芽胞菌病
Trichostrongylus disease 毛圓蟲病
Tricuspid disease 三尖瓣病
Tridermic dermoid 三胚葉皮樣囊瘤
Tridermic teratoma 三胚葉畸胎瘤
Triiniodymic monster 枕部三頭聯胎
Trilocular heart 三腔心(畸形)
Trinitrophenal poisoning 苦味酚中毒
Trinitrotoluene poisoning; T.N.T.-poisoning 三硝基甲苯中毒
Triocephalic monster 無三面竅畸胎; 無口鼻眼畸胎
Triophthalmic diprosopus; Triophthalmic monster 三眼雙面畸胎; 三眼畸胎
Triorchidism 三睾丸(畸形)
Triotic diprosopus 三耳雙面畸胎
Trioty 三耳畸胎
Triphalangism 三指節(畸形)
Triple malaria 三重瘧
Triple quartan 三重三日瘧; 三日瘧性日發瘧
Triplet 一胎三子; 三生子
Triplet monster; Triple monster 三聯胎
Triplocory 三瞳(畸形)
Triplovary 三卵巢(畸形); 第三卵巢; 多卵巢畸形
Tripodalic dipygus 三足雙臀畸胎
Tripodalic ileothoracopagus 三足腸骨胸骨聯胎
Tripodalic ischiopagus 三足坐骨聯胎
Tripodalic thoracopagus 三足胸聯胎
Tripodial dicephalus 三足雙頭畸胎
Trisomatic monster 三軀聯胎
Tristichy 三列睫(畸形)
Trochanteric fracture 粗隆骨折
Trombidium disease 恙蟲病
Tropeine poisoning; Tropeinism 有機酸託品中毒
Trophesy; Trophoneurotic cacotrophy 神經性榮養不良
Trophoneurotic osteopathy 榮養神經性骨病
Tropic inguinal papilloma; Tropic acanthoma 熱帶棘皮瘤; 熱帶腹股溝乳頭狀瘤
Tropical cachexia 熱帶惡病質