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英文名稱 中文名稱
Tumor of nipple; Mammillary tumor 乳頭腫瘤
Tumor of optic thalamus 丘腦腫瘤
Tumor of palate ?腫瘤
Tumor of parathyreoid; Aberrate struma; Aberrant goiter; Accessory goiter 甲狀旁腺腫瘤
Tumor of parotid gland; Swelling of parotid gland 腮腺腫
Tumor of pituitary body; Pituitary goiter 垂體腫瘤
Tumor of pons; Pontic tumor 橋腦腫瘤
Tumor of renal capsel 腎被膜腫瘤
Tumor of renal pelvis 腎盂腫瘤
Tumor of retina; Retinal tumor 視網膜腫瘤
Tumor of salivary gland 涎腺腫
Tumor of sinus frontalis 額竇腫瘤
Tumor of spermatic cord 精索腫瘤
Tumor of suprarenal gland; Suprarenal goiter 腎上體瘤
Tumor of synovial membrane 滑膜腫瘤
Tumor of the dura mater; Dural tumor 硬腦膜腫瘤
Tumor of tongue; Swelling of tongue 舌腫瘤
Tumor of tonsil; Tonsillar tumor 扁桃體腫瘤
Tumor of tooth pulp 齒髓瘤
Tumor of uvula; Swelling of uvula 懸雍垂腫瘤
Tumor of vertebral canal 椎管腫瘤
Tumorocellular infiltration 瘤細胞浸潤
Tumour of feet 足腫瘤; 腿腫瘤
Turpentine oil poisoning; Terebinthinism 松節油中毒
Twin monster; Double monster; Twin malformation; Locked twins; Twin-monstrosity; Conjoined twins; Duplicity 雙畸胎; 聯胎
Two-headed monster; Double-headed monster; Dicephalous monster 雙頭畸胎; 雙顱畸胎
Two-headed monstrosity; Diplocephaly 雙頭畸形
Typhemia; Typhohemia 傷寒菌血(症)
Typhlology; Study of blindness 盲學
Typhoid ascariasis 傷寒型蛔蟲病
Typhoid creotoxism; Typhoid meat poisoning 傷寒型肉中毒
Typhoid pellagra 傷寒型玉蜀黍紅斑
Typhoid state; Bell's disease; Bell's mania 傷寒樣症象; 傷寒燥狂; 傷寒譫妄
Typhoid toxicosis 傷寒菌毒症
Typhoid zootrophotoxismus 傷寒型動物性食品中毒
Typhoidal bacillosis 傷寒型桿菌病
Typhoidal pernicious malaria; Typhoid remittent 傷寒型惡瘧
Typhoidal scarlet fever 傷寒型猩紅熱
Typhoidal smallpox 傷寒型天花
Typhoidette 輕傷寒
Typhomalarial fever; Chickahoming fever; Slow fever 傷寒瘧熱; 傷寒瘧合併症
Typhopaludism 傷寒型瘧
Typhorubeoloid 麻疹樣傷寒
Typhoxin poisoning 傷寒菌毒素中毒
Typhus; Typhus fever; Hungarian disease; Mexican typhus; Tabardillo (Mexico); Hildenbrand's disease; Petechial fever; Maxcy's disease; Exanthematous typhus 斑疹傷寒; 斑傷寒; 瘀血點熱
Typical disease 常型病
Typical hyloma 常型髓質瘤
Typical lepidoma 常型皮質瘤
Typical lymphoma 常型淋巴瘤
Typical radialis fracture; Colles' fracture; Silverfork fracture 常型橈骨折; 橈骨下段骨折; Colles氏骨折
Typical tumor 常型腫瘤
Ulcerated frostbite 潰瘍性凍瘃; (第四期凍瘃)
Ulcerating lupus 潰瘍性狼瘡; 侵蝕性狼瘡
Ulcerative blastomycosis 潰瘍性釀母菌病
Ulcerative carcinoma; Ulcerocancer; Malignant ulcer 潰瘍性癌
Ulcerative cicatrix; Scar from an ulcer 潰瘍瘢痕
Ulcerative constitution 潰瘍性體質
Ulcerative cowpox 潰瘍性牛痘
Ulcerative dermal leishmaniasis 潰瘍性皮膚Leishman氏蟲病
Ulcerative granuloma 潰瘍性肉芽腫
Ulcerative leprosy 潰瘍性麻風
Ulcerative lesion 潰瘍性損害
Ulcerative miliary lupus 潰瘍性粟粒狼瘡
Ulcerative perforation 潰瘍穿破
Ulcerative pulmonary tuberculosis 潰瘍性肺結核
Ulcerative scrofuloderm 潰爛性皮膚瘰?
Ulcerative skin-disease 潰瘍性皮病
Ulcerative syphilis 潰爛性梅毒
Ulcerative tuberculosis 潰瘍性結核病
Ulcerative xerosis 潰瘍性乾皮病
Ulcerotive miliary skin-tuberculosis 特有皮膚結核; 潰爛性粟粒皮結核
Ulcerous elephantiasis 潰瘍性象皮病
Ulegyry; Gyrous cicatrix 腦回瘢痕
Uloid cicatrix; Spurious cicatrix 類瘢痕; 假瘢痕
Ultimate cause 最遠因
Umbilical adenoma 臍部腺瘤
Umbilical anus 臍部肛門
Umbilical calculus; Omphalolith 臍石
Umbilical cicatrix 臍瘢痕
Umbilical cyst; Vitellointestinal cyst 臍囊腫
Umbilical disease 臍病
Umbilical emphysema 臍氣腫
Umbilical fissure 裂臍(畸形)
Umbilical fungus 臍海綿腫; 臍肉芽腫
Umbilical granuloma; Fleshy navel; Fleshy tumor of umbilicus 臍肉芽腫; 臍海綿腫
Umbilical sarcoma; Fleshy navel 臍肉瘤; 臍海綿腫
Umbilical tumor; Tumor of navel 臍腫瘤
Umbilical wound 臍創傷
Ungual contusion 爪甲挫傷
Ungual injury; Injury of nail 爪甲損傷
Ungual mycoma 爪甲黴菌腫
Ungual mycosis 爪甲黴菌病
Ungual oidiomycosis 爪甲卵黴菌病
Ungual paraplasia 爪甲位置異常; 爪甲異位生長
Ungual pterygium 爪甲翼狀?肉
Ungual scabrity 爪甲粗糙
Unicentric blastoma 單中心腫瘤
Unicentric carcinoma 單中心癌
Unicornuate uterus 單角子宮(畸形)
Unilateral baldness 半邊脫髮