(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 801 到 900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Bullet wound 彈創
Bullous chicken-pox; Bullous varicella 大泡性水痘
Bullous emphysema 泡性肺氣腫
Bullous exostosis 囊樣外生骨贅
Bullous frostbite; Frosted bulla 大泡性凍瘡; 凍瘡大皰; (第二期凍瘃)
Bullous syphilide; Pemphigoid syphilide; Syphilitic pemphigus 梅毒泡疹; 梅毒天皰瘡; 梅毒水痘; 梅毒痘疹
Bunion 拇囊尖腫
Burn 火傷; 火創
Burn from lime 石灰灼傷
Burn of face 面部灼傷
Burn of skin 皮灼傷
Burning; Burn 灼傷
Bursal cyst; Synovial cyst 黏液囊腫
Bursal injury; Injury of bursa 黏液囊損傷
Bursal stone; Calculus in bursa 黏液囊石
Bursal syphilis 黏液囊梅毒
Bursal tuberculosis 黏液囊結核
Bursal tumor 黏液囊腫瘤
Bursated exostosis 囊樣外生骨瘤
Bursopathy; Disease of bursa 黏液囊病
Butter cyst; Oil cyst 脂肪囊腫; 油囊腫
Butter's cancer; Cancer of hepatic flexura of the colon 結腸肝彎部癌; Butter氏癌
Butterfly fracture 蝶形骨折
Button scurvy 球狀息肉; 球狀肉疣
Buttonhole fracture; Perforating fracture 彈穿骨折
Butyroid tumor 牛油樣腫瘤
Cabbage goiter 捲心菜中毒性甲狀腺腫
Cachectic alopecia; Cachectic baldness 惡病質脫髮
Cachectic infantilism 惡病質性幼稚型
Cachexia; Cachexy 惡病質
Cacocnemy 腿不全(畸形)
Cacopathy; Malignant disease; Dyspathy 惡病
Cadmium poisoning 鎘中毒
Caffeinism; Coffeinism 咖啡鹼中毒; 咖啡中毒
Cagot ear; Aztec ear 無耳垂
Caked kidney 無定形併腎; 塊形腎
Calcareous atheroma of scrotum 石灰化陰囊粉瘤
Calcareous incrustation 表面性石灰沉?; 石灰結痂
Calcareous infiltration; Calcium infiltration 石灰浸潤
Calcification of pleura; Pleural calcification 胸膜石灰化
Calcification; Calcareous infiltration; Calcipexy; Calcareous deposition 石灰沉?; 石灰化
Calcified fibroma 石化纖維瘤
Calcified goiter 骨化性甲狀腺腫; 石灰化性甲狀腺腫
Calcified lipoma 石化脂瘤
Calciprivic hemophilia 缺鈣性血友病
Calcium deficiency; Calcium hunger 鈣缺乏; 鈣飢
Calcium oxalate stone; Calcium oxalate calculus 草酸鈣結石
Calculoid 類結石
Calculous diathesis; Lithic diathesis 結石素質
Calculous disorder 結石病
Calculus of calyces renalis 腎盞石
Calculus of ductus choledochus; Calculus in bile dust 膽總管石
Calculus of gallbladder; Gallbladder stone 膽囊石
Calculus of renal pelvis 腎盂石
Calenture; Tropical heat-stroke 熱帶熱射病
Callosal agenesia 胼胝體發育不全
Callosity of corium ?皮胼胝
Callosity of knee;Genual callosity 膝部胼胝;膝墊
Callosity of skin; Cutaneous callosity 皮膚胼胝
Callosity; Weal; Induration; Bunion 胼胝; 硬皮
Callus formation 骨痂形成
Callus substance 骨痂質
Calomel poisoning 甘汞中毒
Camp disease; Army disease 軍營病; 營房病; 戰場病
Camp measles 流行性軍營麻疹
Camphor poisoning; Camphorism 樟腦油中毒
Can poisoning; Tin sickness 罐頭食物中毒
Cancer bodies 癌體
Cancer cell 癌細胞
Cancer depression; Cancer umbilication 癌臍
Cancer from gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍癌
Cancer juice 癌汁
Cancer nest; Cancerous cellnest 癌巢; 癌細胞巢
Cancer nodule 癌節
Cancer of antrum Highmore 頜竇癌
Cancer of bile duct 膽管癌
Cancer of cheek 頰癌
Cancer of corpus uteri 子宮體癌
Cancer of gall bladder 膽囊癌
Cancer of glans penis 龜頭癌
Cancer of gravid uterus 妊娠子宮癌
Cancer of labia pudeni 陰脣癌
Cancer of lacrymal gland 淚腺癌
Cancer of larynx; Laryngeal cancer 喉頭癌
Cancer of lingual basis 舌底癌
Cancer of mucous membrane; Mucomembranous cancer 黏膜癌
Cancer of nipple; Mammillary carcinoma 乳頭癌
Cancer of parotid glands 腮腺癌
Cancer of peritoneum; Peritoneal cancer 腹膜癌
Cancer of pleura; Pleural carcinoma 胸膜癌
Cancer of salivary glands 涎腺癌
Cancer of skin; Skin cancer; Cutaneous cancer 皮膚癌
Cancer of small intestine; Cancer of small gut 小腸癌
Cancer of the face; Facial cancer 面癌
Cancer of the scalp 頭皮癌
Cancer of urinary bladder 膀胱癌
Cancer plugs 癌索; 癌塞
Cancer tissue 癌組織
Canceration 癌化