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英文名稱 中文名稱
Acormous monster 無軀幹畸胎; 無體形畸胎
Andrology 男科學
Arhiny 無鼻(畸形)
Blue cross gas poisoning 刺激鼻咽毒氣中毒; 藍十字毒中毒
Bug-bane 臭蟲咬傷
Cancer juice 癌汁
Cerebral anthrax 腦炭疽
Corn 釘胼; ?眼
Dental malformation 齒畸形
Dog-head 狗頭畸胎
Enterology 腸學
Flank meteorism ?腹部鼓脹
Hemicephaly 半頭(畸形)
Hydrocyst 水囊腫
Keloid 瘢痕瘤
Mammary calculus; Lacteal calculus 輸乳管石; 乳石
Melicery 蜜樣囊腫
Mucomembranous leishmaniasis 粘膜Leishman氏蟲病
Oral scurvy 口腔壞血病
Ovarial adenoma 卵巢腺瘤
Parapathy 下身病
Pathognomy 病徵學
Perineal anus 會陰肛門
Pleural tumor 胸膜腫瘤
Septic exanthem 膿毒疹
Syphilology 梅毒學
Varnish rash 漆疹
Abdominal actinomycosis 腹放線菌病
Abdominal bladder pubic split 裂腹膀胱恥骨(畸形)
Abdominal cicatrix 腹壁瘢痕
Abdominal complaints; Abdominal disease; Celiopathy 腹病
Abdominal contusion 腹(部)挫傷
Abdominal diastematia; Diastematogastry 縱裂腹(畸形)
Abdominal fissure; Celioschisis; Celoschisis; Schistocelia 裂腹(畸形)
Abdominal injury; Injury of abdomen 腹部損傷
Abdominal paratyphoid fever 傷寒型副傷寒
Abdominal tuberculosis 腹部結核病
Abdominal tumor; Celioma; Celioncus 腹腫瘤; 腹壁腫瘤
Abdominal typhus; Typhoid fever; Typhoid; Cesspool fever; Lent fever; Enteric fever; Enteromesenteric fever; Collapsing typhus; Phthogenic fever; Autumnal fever; Typa fever; Nervous fever; Orthotyphoid; Night-soil fever; Peyerian fever 傷寒; 腸熱病
Abenteric typhoid; Abenteric typhoid fever 非腸性傷寒
Abernethy's sarcoma 軀幹脂肉瘤; Abernethy氏肉瘤
Ablephary 無瞼(畸形)
Abnormal bone formation 骨發育異常; 假骨發生; 骨發育障礙
Abnormal dryness 乾燥; 乾燥病
Abnormal ossification; Osthexy 異常骨化; 骨化異常
Abnormal situation of hair 異部生毛; 假多毛病
Abnormal vessel formation 血管發育異常
Abnormality of development; Abnormal development; Abnormal formation 發育異常; 成形異常
Abortive disease 頓挫性病
Abortive pneumonia 頓挫性肺炎; 退化性肺炎
Abortive smallpox; Miliary smallpox 頓挫性天花; 粟粒性變痘
Abortive tuberculosis 頓挫性結核病
Abortive typhoid; Abortive typhoid fever 頓挫性傷寒
Abrachial fetus 無臂畸胎
Abrachiocephaly; Lipobrachiocephaly; Acephalobrachy 無頭臂(畸形)
Abrachy; Abrachialism 無臂(畸形)
Abrasion; Rubbing off 擦破
Absence of limb; Amely 無肢(畸形)
Absence of ovary; Anovarism 無卵巢(畸形)
Absence of pancreas; Defect of pancreas 無胰腺(畸形)
Absence of pupil 無瞳孔(畸形)
Absolute idiosyncrasy 絕對特應性
Acanthocephalic disease ?頭蟲病
Acanthotrial cysticercosis 三?囊尾蟲病
Acapnial alkalosis 碳酸缺乏性鹼中毒
Acardiac monster; Omphalosite 無心寄生胎; 無心畸胎; 臍營養畸胎
Acardiac monstrosity 無心畸形
Acaulium disease 無莖黴菌病
Accessory cause 旁因
Accidental lesion; Accident trauma 意外傷; 偶傷
Acclimating fever; Acclimation fever 風土熱
Accumulation of gas 積氣; 積氣病
Accumulation of tartar 齒石積聚
Acelious monster; Acelius 無腹畸胎
Acelious monstrosity 無腹(畸形)
Acephaloacardiac monster; Acephalocardy; Acephalic acardius 無頭無心寄生胎
Acephalobrachial monster 無頭臂畸胎
Acephalochiral monster 無頭無手畸胎
Acephalochiry 無頭無手(畸形)
Acephalogastric monster 無頭胸上腹畸胎
Acephalogastry 無頭胸上腹(畸形)
Acephalopodial monster 無頭無足畸胎
Acephalopody 無頭無足(畸形)
Acephalorachidial monster 無頭無脊畸胎
Acephalorhachy 無頭無脊(畸形)
Acephalostomic monster 無頭無口畸胎
Acephalostomy 無頭無口(畸形)
Acephalothoracic monster 無頭胸畸胎
Acephalothoracy 無頭胸(畸形)
Acephalotrachely 無頭無頸畸胎
Acephaly; Acephalism 無頭(畸形)
Acetic acid poisoning 醋酸中毒
Achily; Absence of lip 無脣(畸形)
Achiral fetus 無手畸胎
Achiry; Absence of hand 無手(畸形)
Achondroplastic dwarf 軟骨榮養障礙性矮小
Adenoid vegetation 腺樣增殖體; 腺樣體增殖
Achondroplasty; Achondroplasy; Chondrodystrophy; Cartilagineous ateliosis 軟骨發育不全; 生長不良性軟骨榮養障礙
Acid poisoning; Acid intoxication; Oxypathy; Acidism 酸類中毒; 酸中毒
Acidophilic adenoma 嗜酸織腺瘤