(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 201 到 300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Adhesion of limbs; Web-feet 併肢(畸形)
Adhyoid cyst 舌骨黏連性皮樣囊腫
Adiathesy 非素質性疾病
Adiposogenital dystrophy; Froehlich's syndrome 肥胖性生殖無能性榮養障礙
Adipous dyscrasia 脂肪性體液不調; 脂肪惡液質
Adnexal tuberculosis 子宮附件結核
Adnexal tumour; Adnex tumor 子宮附件腫瘤
Adolescent goiter 青年甲狀腺腫
Adolescent rickets 青年佝僂病
Adonidine poisoning; Adonidinism 側金盞花中毒; 側金盞?中毒
Adrenal adenoma 腎上體腺瘤
Adrenal constitution; Adrenotropism 腎上體體質
Adrenal cortex hyperplasy; Interrenalism 腎上體皮質增殖
Adrenal syphilis 腎上體梅毒
Adrenalin poisoning 腎上腺素中毒
Adult rickets 成人佝僂病
Adult scurvy 成人壞血病
Advanced disease 久遠病; 增劇病
Adynamic measles 衰弱性麻疹
Adynamic remittent 衰弱性惡瘧
Adynamic scarlet fever 衰弱性猩紅熱
Aedoeology; Edeology 生殖器學
Aerial infection; Air-borne infection 空氣傳染
Aerocoly; Gas in colon 結腸積氣
Aerogastry; Gastric flatulence; Gas in stomach 胃積氣
Aerogenic tuberculosis 氣原肺結核
Aerolymphogenic tuberculosis 空氣淋巴原肺結核
Aeropathy; Caisson-disease; Diver's disease; Tunnel disease; Compressed-air disease 潛水夫病; 高氣壓病
Aesthematology; Esthematology; Aesthesiology; Esthesiology 覺官學; 觸官學
Aetiology; Etiology; Nosetiology; Nosazontology 病原學
Afebrile measles 無熱性麻疹
Afebrile scarlet fever; Apyretic scarlet fever 無熱猩紅熱
Afebrile typhoid fever; Apyretic typhoid 無熱性傷寒
Affection of auditory meatus 外耳道病
Affection of chorioid 脈絡膜病
Affection of ciliary body 睫狀體病
Affection of horny layer 角質層病
Affection of infraspinous muscle 岡下肌病
Affection of nailbed 爪床病
Affection of nose; Nasal affection; Rhinopathy 鼻病
Affection of optic disc; Disease of opticus-nerve 視神經病
Affection of pons 橋腦病
Affection of portal vein 門靜脈病
Affection of prickle layer 棘細胞層病
Affection of prostate; Prostatopathy 前列腺病
Affection of sebaceous gland; Steatopathy 皮脂腺病
Affection of smell; Olfactory affection 嗅覺病
Affection of tympanic membrane; Disease of tympanic membrane ?膜病
Affection of uvula 懸雍垂病
African cachexia; Negro cachexia; Earth eating; Dirt-eating; Chthonophagy; Geophagy 黑人惡病質; 食土癖
Amyloid goiter 澱粉變性甲狀腺腫
Amyloid infiltration 擬澱粉浸潤
African human trypanosomiasis; African lethargy; Negro lethargy; African sleeping sickness; Dutton's relapsing fever; Gambian sleeping-sickness; Gambian trypanosomiasis; Nelavan; African sickness; Congo trypanosomiasis 非洲錐蟲病; Dutton氏病; 非洲睡病; Gambia(河)錐蟲病; Gambia(河)錐蟲性睡病
African relapsing fever; African tick fever 中非洲回歸熱; Dutton氏螺旋體病
Agaster; Absence of stomach 無胃(畸形)
Agenesomy 無生殖器(畸形)
Agenetic fracture 骨發育不全骨折
Agenital monster 無生殖器畸胎
Agerasy 駐顏老人; 不老容顏
Aglossostomy 無口舌(畸形)
Aglossy; Tonguelessness; Absence of tongue 無舌(畸形)
Agmatology; Science of fracture 骨折學
Agnathic monster 無頜畸胎
Agnathy 無頜(畸形)
Ague-cake 瘧痞; 瘧性脾腫;痞塊
Ainhum; Ecrodactyly; Sukkla pakla 自發性指脫落; 阿洪病
Air in pleural cavity 氣胸; 胸膜腔積氣; 胸膜積氣
Air-sickness; Aerial sickness; Aviation sickness; Aviators disease 航空病; 飛行家病
Air-tumor; Aerification; Distention with gas 氣腫; 氣瘤; 氣腹
Albigenic ringworm 變白色癬; 變白色髮癬菌病
Albumin deficiency 蛋白質缺乏; 蛋白質飢
Albumin deposition ?蛋白沉?
Albuminous calculus 蛋白質結石; 蛋白核結石
Albuminous infiltration ?蛋白浸潤
Alcoholic poisoning; Alcoholism; Drunkenness; Inebriety; Intoxication; Alcoholic intoxication 醇中毒; 酒中毒
Aleukemic splenomegaly 非白血病脾增大
Aleukenic lymphadenoma 非白血病淋巴瘤
Algal disease 藻病
Algid cholera 冷霍亂
Algid malaria; Shaking ague 寒冷瘧; 寒戰瘧
Algid pernicious fever 冷性惡瘧
Alimentary osteopathy; Hunger osteopathy; Starvation osteopathy; War osteopathy 榮養性骨病; 飢餓骨病; 戰場骨病
Alimentary toxemia 食餌性毒血症
Alimentary toxicosis; Food-intoxication; Pabulum poisoning; Food-poisoning; Bromatotoxism; Bromatoxism; Sitotoxism 食餌中毒; 食品中毒
Alkaloid poisoning 膺鹼中毒
Allergic disease; Anaphylactic disease 異應性病; 過敏性病
Allergic skin-disease 變態反應性皮病
Allotriodonty 齒異位生長
Allotriolith 異位結石
Alternating calculus 相間層結石
Alum pneumonoconiosis; Pulmonary aluminosis 礬土肺; 肺礬土沉?病
Aluminium poisoning 鋁中毒
Alveolar acanthoma 泡形棘皮瘤; 上皮瘤
Alveolar adenoma; Acinous adenoma 泡狀腺瘤
Alveolar carcinoma; Cavernous cancer 蜂窩狀癌; 海綿狀癌
Alveolar emphysema; Vesicular emphysema; Alveolar ectasia 肺泡氣腫
Alveolar endothelioma 泡狀內皮瘤
Alveolar sarcoma 泡狀肉瘤
Amasty; Absence of breast 無乳腺(畸形)
Ambulatory typhoid; Walking typhoid fever; Peripatetic typhoid 最輕傷寒; 逍遙傷寒