(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 6301 到 6400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Suture suppuration 線縫化濃
Sweat-gland cystoma; Robinson's disease 汗腺囊瘤; 汗腺囊腫
Swelling of capillary vessel 毛細血管腫脹; 毛細血管擴大
Swelling of cervical gland 頸淋巴腺腫
Swelling of feet 足腫大
Swelling of inguinal gland 腹股溝淋巴腺腫; 橫?
Swelling of leg; Crural tumor 腿腫大
Swelling of lymphatic gland 淋巴腺腫
Swelling of vein 靜脈腫脹
Swine teniasis 豬絛蟲病
Swing sickness; Lift sickness; See-saw sickness 秋千病; 空中震盪病
Symblepharal pterygium 結瞼性翼狀?肉; 瞼結合性翼狀?肉
Symbrachydactyly 短指黏連(畸形)
Symmetric monocephalus 對稱單頭聯胎
Sympathetic embryonale ganglioma 胚性交感神經節瘤; 交感神經節胚細胞瘤
Sympathetic ganglioma 交感神經節瘤
Sympathetic neuroblastoma 交感神經胚細胞瘤
Sympathetic neuroma 交感神經瘤
Sympathetic paraganglioma 副交感神經節瘤
Sympathicopathy 交感神經系病
Sympathicotonic constitution 交感神經過敏性體質
Sympexion 氮質精囊石
Symphysic teratism; Symphysic teratosis 黏?畸形
Symphysiocephalic monster; Cephalopagy 頭部聯胎
Symphytic teratism 黏連畸形; 黏?畸形
Sympodial acardius 併足無心寄生胎
Sympodial acephalus 併足無頭畸胎
Symptomatic alopecia; Symptomatic baldness 症狀性脫髮
Symptomatic disease 症狀性病; 症
Symptomatic dwarf 症狀性矮小
Symptomatic erysipelas 症狀性丹毒
Symptomatic infantilism 症狀性幼稚型
Synadelphous teratism 頭軀聯胎
Syncopal pernicious malaria; Syncopal remittent 暈厥性惡瘧
Syndactylic monster 併指(趾)畸胎
Syndactyly; Webbed finger; Syndactylism; Aschistodactylism; Symphalangism; Palmature; Zygodactyly 併指(趾)(畸形)
Synencephaly; Monocephalic twin-monsters 單頭聯胎; 併頭聯胎
Synetion; Synaetion; Cooperative cause; Constellation cause 複湊因; ?因
Synochal measles 稽留熱性麻疹
Synophridy 連眉; 一字眉
Synorchidism; Fusion of testis 併睪丸(畸形)
Synousiology 房中學
Synovial rheumatism 滑膜風濕
Syphilemia 梅毒螺旋體血症
Syphilidography; Syphilography 梅毒論
Syphilis by conception; Conceptional syphilis 胎結梅毒
Syphilis; Bad disease; St. Job's disease; St. Sement's disease; Syphilitic disease 梅毒; 梅毒病; 花柳惡病質
Syphilitic adenopathy 梅毒腺病
Syphilitic alopecia; Syphilitic baldness 梅毒性脫髮
Syphilitic cachexia; Venereal cachexia 梅毒惡病質; 花柳性惡病質
Syphilitic callosity 梅毒胼胝
Syphilitic corn 梅毒釘胼
Syphilitic diathesis; Hereditary syphilis 梅毒素質; 先天梅毒
Syphilitic elephantiasis 梅毒象皮病
Syphilitic exanthem; Syphilitic rash 梅毒疹
Syphilitic hair disease 毛髮梅毒; 梅毒斑禿
Syphilitic hygroma 梅毒水囊腫
Syphilitic lymphoma 梅毒淋巴瘤
Syphilitic nodule; Gummy tumor; Gummous tumor; Syphilitic growth 梅毒腫
Syphilitic primary affection 梅毒首發病
Syphilitic spongioma; Syphilitic fungoid growth 梅毒海綿腫
Syphilitic testicular spongioma 梅毒睾丸海綿腫
Syphilitic tophus 梅毒性骨膜腫瘤
Syphilitic white swelling 梅毒白腫
Syphilogeny 梅毒發生
Syphiloid 類梅毒
System disease 系統病
Systematic lesion 系統性損傷
Systematical affection; System disease 脊髓索病; 系統性脊髓病
Tabacco pneumoconiosis; Pulmonary tabacosis 肺煙草末沉?病
Tabetic arthropathy; Charcot's disease; Charcot's joint; Neuropathic arthritis; Charcot's arthropathy 脊髓癆關節病; Charcot氏病
Tactile affection 觸覺病
Tangetial wound; Tangetial shot 正切彈創
Tape-worm disease; Teniasis 絛蟲病
Tar cancer 煤膠癌
Tar poisoning 煤油焦中毒
Tar rash 柏油疹
Tarabagan disease; Tarabagan plague 土撥鼠病
Tardy rickets; Late rickets 遲發佝僂病
Tarsal cyst; Meibomian cyst 瞼板腺囊腫; 霰粒腫; 瞼胼胝病
Teak wood poisoning 柚木中毒
Tear stone; Dacryolith; Dacryolite; Lacrimal calculus 淚石; 淚腺石
Tear-duct atresia 淚管閉鎖
Tearing of mucous membrane 黏膜皸裂; 黏膜裂
Tearing of umbilical cord 臍帶破裂
Tecnology; Pedonosology; Pediatrics; Paidonosology 嬰兒論; 嬰兒病學
Telangiectatic carcinoma; Fungoid cancer; Fungous cancer; Hematoid cancer; Telangiectatic cancer; Erectile carcinoma 毛細管擴張性癌; 蕈樣癌; 血腫海綿腫
Telangiectatic elephantiasis; Neuromatous elephantiasis; Neurofibromatous elephantiasis 神經瘤性象皮病; 毛細管擴張性象皮病; 神經纖維瘤象皮病; 厚皮瘤
Telangiectatic fibroma 毛細管擴張性纖維瘤
Telangiectatic glioma 毛細管擴張性神經膠瘤
Telangiectatic lipoma 毛細管擴張性脂瘤
Telangiectatic neuroma; Nevoid neuroma 毛細管擴張性神經瘤; 痣樣神經瘤
Telangiectatic warts 角化血管瘤; 血管角質瘤
Teleangiectatic myoma 血管肌瘤; 毛細管擴張性肌瘤
Teleangiectatic myxoma 毛細管擴張性黏液瘤
Teleangiectatic wart 毛細管擴張性疣
Telegonic heredity; Telegony 異父遺傳; 感應性遺傳
Temperament 氣質; 稟賦
Temporal lobe tumor; Temporal tumor 顳葉腫瘤
Temporal-bone fracture 顳骨骨折