(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 6401 到 6500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Temporary callus; Provisional callus 暫時骨痂
Temulence; Drunkenness 成癮
Tendinous contusion 腱挫傷
Tendinous injury; Injury to tendon 腱損傷
Tendinous osteoma 肌腱骨瘤
Tendinous outgrowth; Tenontophyte 腱贅疣
Tendon sheath rupture 腱鞘破裂
Tendon tumor 腱腫瘤
Tendovaginal hygroma 腱鞘水囊腫
Tendovaginal swelling 腱鞘腫
Tenontography 肌腱論
Tenontology 肌腱學
Tense tumor 緊張瘤
Teratogenous blastoma; Heterochthonous blastoma 異原腫瘤
Teratogeny; Development of monster 畸胎形成
Teratoid cystoma 畸胎囊瘤
Teratoid tumor; Systemoid tumor 類畸胎瘤; 類系統瘤
Teratology; Science of monsters 畸形學; 畸胎學
Terminal infection; Agonal infection 終期傳染
Terpene poisoning ?中毒
Tertian malaria; Tertian ague; Benign tertian malaria; Marsh fever; Tertian fever; Tertian malarial fever 間日瘧; 良性瘧
Tertiarism; Tertiary syphilis 三期梅毒
Tertiary syphilide 三期梅毒疹
Testicle cyst 睾丸囊腫
Testicle Hyperplasy 睾丸發育不全
Testicle osteoma 睾丸骨瘤
Testicle tuberculosis 睾丸結核
Testicle tumor; Tumor of testis; Tumor of testicle 睾丸腫瘤
Testicle-cell ovarial tumor 睾細胞性卵巢腺瘤
Testicular actinomycosis 睾丸放線菌病
Testicular cancer; Cancer of testicle 睾丸癌
Testicular embryoma; Testicular teratoma 睾丸畸胎瘤
Testicular encephaloma 睾丸髓質癌; 睾丸腦質癌
Testicular injury; Injury of testicles 睾丸損傷
Testicular lipoma 睾丸脂瘤
Testicular myeloma 睾丸骨髓瘤
Testicular ossification 睾丸骨化
Testicular rheumatism; Charcot's pain 睾丸風濕; Charcot氏疼痛
Testicular sarcoma 睾丸肉瘤
Testicular scirrhus 睾丸硬癌
Testicular spongioma 睾丸海綿腫
Testicular syphilis 睾丸梅毒
Testicular toxicosis; Testigenous poisoning 睪丸原中毒; 睪丸結紮性中毒
Testicular tubercle 睾丸結核節
Tetanus 破傷風
Tetrabrachial dicephalus 四臂雙頭畸胎
Tetrabrachial dipygus 四臂雙臀畸胎
Tetrabrachial ileothoracopagus 四臂腸骨胸骨聯胎
Tetrabrachial monster 四臂畸胎
Tetrabrachial thoracopagus 四臂胸聯胎
Tetrachiral monster 四手畸胎
Tetrachlorethane poisoning 四氯乙烷中毒
Tetramaty; Tetramazy 四乳畸形
Tetraoty 四耳畸胎
Tetrapodalic dipygus 四足雙臀畸胎
Tetrapodalic ischiopagus 四足坐骨聯胎
Tetrapodial dicephalus 四足雙頭畸胎
Tetrapodial monster 四足畸胎
Tetraskelic monster 四腿畸胎
Tetrastichy 四列睫
Tetrophthalmic diporosopus; Tetraophthalmic monster 四眼雙面畸胎; 四眼畸胎
Tetrotic diprosopus 四耳雙面畸胎
Thallium poisoning 鉈中毒
Thanatology; Thnescology 死因學
Thelosteophyte 乳頭狀骨贅
Theophylline poisoning 茶鹼中毒; 茶中毒
Theory of sterility 不孕論
Therapeutic names 治療學名詞
Theriacology 動物咬傷學
Thermic lesion 高?性損傷; 高熱受傷
Thermorphy; Thermorphous monster 獸形畸形
Thermorphy; Thermorphous monster 獸形畸胎
Thick foot; Pachypody; Foot thickening 足肥厚; 足皮肥厚
Thick pannus 厚血管翳; 肉樣翳
Thickening in region of a joint 關節部肥厚
Thickening of articular ligaments; Ligamentous thickening ?帶肥厚
Thickening of bone; Bone thickening 骨肥厚
Thickening of capsula lentis 晶狀體囊肥厚
Thickening of cartilage; Cartilage thickening 軟骨肥厚
Thickening of costal pleura; Pleural thickening 肋膜肥厚
Thickening of eye-lid; Palpebral thickening; Pachyblephary; Macroblephary 瞼緣肥厚
Thickening of iris; Iridic thickening 虹膜肥厚
Thickening of lung-tissue 肺組織肥厚
Thickening of mucous membrane; Mucomembranous thickening 粘膜肥厚
Thickening of nails; Ungual thickening; Pachyonychy; Hyperonychy 爪甲肥厚; 巨爪甲
Thickening of periosteum; Periostal thickening 骨膜肥厚
Thickening of prickle-cell layer 棘皮層肥厚; 棘皮病
Thickening of skin; Thick skin; Pachydermy 皮膚肥厚; 厚皮病
Thickening of stomach; Gastric thickening 胃肥厚; 胃壁肥厚
Thickening of tendon; Tendinal thickening 腱肥厚
Thickening of tongue; Lingual thickening 舌肥厚
Thickening of tympanic membrane 鼓膜肥厚
Thickening of vocal cords 聲帶肥厚
Thickening; Condensation; Induration 肥厚
Thickness of ear 耳郭肥厚
Thlipsencephalic monster 腦壓出畸胎
Thoracal malformation 胸部畸形
Thoracic cleft; Thoracic fissure 裂胸(畸形)
Thoracic injury; Injury of thorax 胸部損傷
Thoracic scrofulosis 胸部瘰?