(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 7201 到 7300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Wart; Warty growth; Fleshy excrescence; Carnosity; Proud flesh 疣; 肉贅; 肉贅生物
Warty cicatricial tumor 瘢痕疣樣腫瘤
Warty erysipelas; Verrucose erysipelas 疣性丹毒
Warty linear nevus; Lichenoid nevus; Ichthyosiform nevus 苔癬樣痣; 鱗狀痣; 乳頭狀痣; 線狀鱗?
Warty smallpox; Hornpox 疣狀天花
Wasp poisoning; Wasp sting poisoning 黃蜂中毒
Wasp-sting 黃蜂刺傷
Water-borne cholera 水媒霍亂
Water-borne infection; Infection through water 水傳染
Waterborne disease 水媒病
Watery itch; Lymphatic itch 淋巴性疥瘡
Waxy cyst 蠟樣囊腫
Waxy infiltration 蠟質浸潤
Weak-point fracture 弱點骨折
Web-eye 翼狀?肉; 結合膜翼狀?肉
Webbed finger-tips 併指端(畸形)
Webbed penis 陰囊陰莖黏連(畸形)
Wedgeshaped head; Sphenocephalic monster 楔形頭畸胎
Well gas poisoning 井泉氣中毒
Wet beriberi; Dropsical beriberi 溼性腳氣; 浮腫性腳氣
Whipworm disease; Trichocephalic disease 鞭蟲病
White dysentery; Mycodysentery 白痢; 黏液痢
White lead poisoning 鉛白中毒
White leprosy; Leprous vitiligo 白麻風; 白斑麻風
White mycetoma 白色足菌病
White pox; Amaas; Para-smallpox; Milkpox; Glasspox; Kaffirpox; Cuban itch; Philippine itch; Samoa pox; White pocks; Sanaga pox; Pseudosmallpox; Cuba itch 乳白痘; 小痘變痘; 小痘
White ringworm 白癬
White sponge nevus of the mucosa 黏膜白色海綿狀痣
White spongioma; White fungous growth 白海綿腫
White stria after pregnancy 妊娠瘢痕; 妊娠白線
White swelling 白腫
White swelling; Articular fungus 關節海綿腫; 白腫; 海綿腫關節炎
Whooping-cough; Hooping-cough; Chin-cough; Kink-host 百日咳; 天哮嗆; 哮咳; 痙咳; 窒息咳; 獸音咳
Wind-contusion; Windage 飛彈拂傷
Winter cholera 冬季霍亂
Wolffian cyst Wolff氏管囊腫
Wollsorter's disease; Rag-sorter's disease; Rag-picker's disease; Pulmonary anthrax 肺炭疽; 毛工病; 襤褸病
Worm-tumor 蠕蟲腫
Wormwood poisoning 苦艾中毒
Wound 創傷; 傷口
Wound by cut; Wound by stroke 鞭創; 抽創
Wound by electricity 電創
Wound cavity 傷口腔洞
Wound diphthery; Surgical diphthery 創傷白喉; 外科白喉
Wound from chisel 鑿創
Wound from supping; Wound from scarification 劃破刺傷
Wound of a section 串線樣彈創
Wound of abdomen; Abdominal wound 腹部刺傷
Wound of bladder 膀胱創傷
Wound of bone; Bone wound 骨創傷; 骨創
Wound of chest; Thoracic wound; Blowing wound 胸部創傷
Wound of cornea; Corneal wound 角膜創傷
Wound of eye 眼外傷
Wound of finger 指創傷
Wound of foot; Foot wound 足創傷
Wound of frontal region; Frontal wound 額部創傷
Wound of head; Head wound 頭部創傷
Wound of intestine; Intestinal wound 腸創傷
Wound of joint; Articular wound 關節創傷
Wound of kidney; Renal wound 腎創傷
Wound of knee joint 膝關節創傷
Wound of lip; Lip wound 脣創傷
Wound of liver; Hepatic wound 肝創傷
Wound of neck; Cervical wound 頸部創傷; 咽部創傷
Wound of nerve; Nerve wound 神經創傷
Wound of nose; Nasal wound 鼻創傷
Wound of skull; Cranial wound 顱頂創傷
Wound of spinal cord; Spinal wound 脊髓創傷
Wound of spleen; Splenic wound 脾創傷
Wound of stomach; Gastric wound 胃創傷
Wound of testicle; Testicular wound 睾丸創傷
Wound of umbilical cord; Umbilical wound 臍帶創傷
Wound of uterus; Uterine wound 子宮創傷
Wound of vertebra; Vertebral wound 脊椎創傷
Wound of vessel; Vascular wound 血管創傷
Wound of wrist 手關節創傷
Wound on leg 股創傷
Wound produced by caustic 苛蝕創
Wound secretion 創傷分泌; 傷口分泌
Wound suppuration 創傷化濃
Wounding 受創; 負傷
Wrist disease 腕病
X-disease; Mackenzie's disease 無名病; Mackenzie氏病
X-ray burns X光灼傷; X光原病
X-ray cancer; Roentgenologist's cancer X光癌
X-ray lesion; Roentgen ray lesion X光損傷; X光受傷
X-ray sickness; Radiation sickness; Roentgencater X光病
Xanthelasmoid; Pigmentary urticaria 類黃瘤; ?色蕁麻疹
Xanthelasmoidal lymphangioma 黃瘤樣淋巴管瘤
Xanthic calculus; Xanthin stone
Xanthomatous diathesis; Bowland's diathesis 黃疣素質
Xanthomatous sarcoma 黃肉瘤; 黃骨髓瘤
Xenemboly 異物存在; 異物阻梗; 異物侵入
Xenogenous siderosis 異物性鐵質沉?病
Xiphopagy; Siamese twins 劍突聯胎; 暹邏孖胎
Y-dysentery Hiss氏菌痢疾
Yeast-fungus disease; Busse-Buschke's disease; Buschke's disease 釀母菌病; 芽生菌病
Yellow cancer 黃癌
Yellow fever; Yellow jack; Tropical fever; Kendall's fever; Acclimation fever; Bulam fever; Amarylism; Panama fever; Barbados distemper 黃熱(病); 美洲膽病; 惡性疸熱病; 黑吐病; 膽石病
Yellow spot coloboma 裂黃斑(畸形)