(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 22761 筆資料,顯示第 14101 到 14200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
nursing gown 看護服
nut 螺絲母,螺帽
nylon 耐隆,尼龍
nylon 6.10 耐隆6.10
nylon 6.6 耐隆6.6
nylon bearing 耐隆軸承
nylon crimp-set 耐隆鬈曲定型工程
nylon dye 耐隆用染料
nylon fibre 耐隆纖維
nylon stretch yarn 耐隆伸縮絲
nylon yarn 耐隆紗
nytril 含?基纖維(高性能纖維,屬聚偏氰乙烯纖維)
o-dichloro benzene 鄰二氯苯
O-fading 臭氧褪色
o-phenyl-phenol 鄰苯基苯酚
o/w emulsion 水中油滴形乳化液
oak silk 柞蠶絲
oakleaf braid 橡樹葉瓣帶
oakum 填塞用油麻絲
oatmeal 燕麥花紋布
oatmeal cr?pe 燕麥紋縐
oatmeal weav 燕麥紋組織
Oats-cotton 燕麥棉(美國產)
OBA(fluorescent brightening agent) 螢光增白劑
Obermaier dyeing machine 歐伯麥亞堆積式染色機
object colour 物體色
object glass 物鏡
OBM(original brand manufacture) 自有品牌生產
occupational disease 職業病
occupational hazard 職業危險
ochro 秋葵纖維
octagon design 八角形圖案
octyl alcohol 辛醇
octyl benzene sulfonate 辛基苯磺酸鹽
odd course 奇數橫列
ODM(original design manufacture) 代人設計生產
odor 氣味
odor intenisty index 氣味強度指數
OE yarn(open end yarn) 開端紗;羅陀紗
oeillet 梭眼(法語)
OEM(original equipment manufacture) 代工生產
off colour 不對色
off grade 等外,級外
off shade 色差
off shade yarn 黃白紗
off shoulder 露肩
off-colour batch 染缸色差
off-grade cotton 級外棉
off-grain 經緯歪斜布
off-pressing 大燙
off-side 換梭側;關機側
off-size 等外尺寸
off-specificatioon goods 不合規格產品
off-square fabric 經緯線收縮不平衡織物;經緯密不同織物
off-stanfdard 規格不合
off-the-arm bed sewing machine 出臂車頭衣車
off-tone fading 變褪色
official moisture content 公定函水率
official moisture regain 公定回潮率
offset twill weave 編帶形斜紋組織,非正則斜紋組織
OI(oxygen index) 臨界氧指數
oil absorbent fibre 吸油纖維
oil absorption 吸油量
oil and fat content 油脂含有量
oil and water repellent finishing 撥水撥油加工
oil bath 油浴
oil can 油壺
oil chamber 油倉,油室
oil cleaner 濾油器
oil colour 油溶性染料
oil content 油份
oil cup 油杯
oil dripper 滴油器
oil emulsion 油乳膠
oil filter 濾油器
oil hole 油孔
oil immersion 油浸
oil in water type 水中油滴型
oil palm fibre 油棕櫚纖維
oil pipe 油管
oil pressure gauge 油壓計
oil proofing 防油性
oil pump 油幫浦
oil repellency 撥油性
oil repellenet 撥油
oil repellent agent 撥油劑
oil repellent finishing 撥油加工
oil reservoir 儲油器,油箱,油罐
oil separator 油分離裝置
oil soluble colour 油溶性染料
oil spot 油漬,油污
oil sprayer 噴油器
oil stain 油漬,油污
oil tannage 油鞣革
oil tube 油管
oil-borne stain 油媒污漬
oil-cloth 油布;漆布
oil-combed top 加油精梳毛條
oil-in-water emulsion 水中油滴型乳化液