(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 22761 筆資料,顯示第 17401 到 17500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
scouring bowl 精練槽
scouring in lap 吊練
scouring in sack 袋練
scouring liquor 精練液
scouring loss 精練損耗
scouring machine 精練機,水洗機
scouring plant 洗毛廠
scouring process 洗滌,精練
scouring refrigeration system 冷凍洗毛法
scouring tank 洗毛槽
scouring waste 精練廢液
scout cap 童子軍帽
scrambler-box 勻整針距裝置
scraped mark 擦痕;刮漿痕
scraper 刮刀;刮漿刀
scraper roller 剝取羅拉,清潔輥
scraper-bar 刮棒
scraping knife 刮刀
scrapper guide 清紗器
scratch 抓痕
scratch combing 半精梳,簡易精梳
scratch felt 仿駝絨織物
scratchiness 搔癢感
scray 摺疊裝置
screen 帳慕;遮蔽物;篩網
screen aperture 篩孔
screen box 篩選箱
screen cage 塵籠
screen filter 篩濾板
screen frame 篩網架;篩濾機
screen gauze 網板用紗
screen potential 屏蔽電位
screen printing 網板印花
screen ruling 網目線數
screen selecting 篩選
screen stencil 網板花紋版
screening 篩選
screening effect 屏蔽效應
screening test 屏蔽試驗;篩選試驗
screw 螺釘
screw axis 螺旋軸
screw bolt 螺栓
screw press 螺旋壓榨機
screw pump 螺絲泵
screw rod 螺旋桿
screw shaft 曲柄螺旋軸
screw softening machine 螺旋揉布機
screw stirer 螺旋攪拌器
screw threaded rod 螺紋桿
screw winder 螺桿式絡筒機
scribbler 預梳機
scribbling 預梳
scrim 條子稀洋紗
scrim-bonding 紗布結合
scrimp 篩縮;摺縐,摺紋
scrimp rail 擴幅軌
scrimp roller 擴幅羅拉
scrimper bar 擴布棒
scroll 渦形管;渦輪;渦形板;螺旋輸送器
scroll disc 渦輪溝盤
scroll gimp 渦紋嵌芯狹辮帶
scroll pick 渦輪式投梭
scroll roller 擴幅羅拉
scroll tappet 渦輪式踏綜盤
scroll tube 假撚管
scroop 絹鳴,絲鳴
scroop finish 絲鳴加工
scrooping 絲鳴加工
scrooping agent 絲鳴增效劑
scrub solution 洗滌液
scrubbed wool 刷淨皮板毛,拉絨織物
scrubber 洗滌器
scrubbing 擦洗,手工擦刷
scrubbing tower 洗塵塔
scruff-resistance 抗擦痕性
Sctoch dressing 蘇格蘭漿紗法
Sctoch feed 蘇格蘭式中間餵毛裝置
sculptured effect 泡泡紗花紋效應,浮雕效應
sculptured pile 浮雕式毛絨織物
scum 泡沫;浮色;渣滓
scum thread 跳紗,浮線(織疵)
scumming 剝皮;浮雕;印漿附著
scutch 打絲,切絲
scutch card 頭道梳棉機
scutched flax 打清亞麻,淨亞麻
scutched hemp 打清大麻,淨大麻
scutcher 清棉機;打麻機;開幅機
scutcher lap 清花棉卷
scutching 清棉;打麻;開(布)幅
scutching blade 打麻刀片
scutching handles 人工打麻機
scutching machine 打麻機;清棉機;開幅機
scutching room 清棉間
scutching rug 打麻下腳
scutching tow 打麻下腳
scutching wheel 人工打麻機
scye 袖籠
SDC(society of dyers and colourists) 英國染料及色彩師學會
Sea Island cotton 海島棉
sea otter fur 海瀨毛皮