(計算時間: 0.010秒, 共找到 22761 筆資料,顯示第 19501 到 19600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Stazenu 斯塔捷努仿毛加工
steady dial linking machine 固定盤式接縫機
steady flow 穩定流
steady load 固定負荷,穩定負荷
steady state diffusion 穩定態擴散
steady-state viscosity 穩定態黏度
steam 蒸氣
steam accumulator 蓄氣器,貯氣箱
steam age 蒸汽蒸化
steam ager 蒸化機
steam atomizer 蒸氣噴霧器
steam bath 蒸汽浴
steam blowing machine 蒸呢機
steam boiler 蒸氣鍋爐
steam box 蒸箱
steam brushing machine 汽蒸刷呢機
steam cans 蒸汽圓筒烘乾機
steam chest 蒸氣箱,蒸汽櫃
steam condenser 蒸汽冷凝器
steam cooking 蒸汽煮練,蒸煮
steam cottage 蒸箱
steam cracking 蒸汽劣解
steam cure 蒸汽熟化
steam damping machine 蒸汽給濕機
steam developing 蒸汽顯色
steam distillation 蒸汽蒸餾
steam drain pipe 冷凝水排泄管
steam drier 蒸器烘乾器
steam electric iron 蒸汽電熨斗
steam engine 蒸氣機
steam filature 繅絲廠
steam gauge 蒸氣壓力計
steam heat dryer 蒸汽熱烘機
steam iron 蒸氣熨斗
steam jacket 蒸汽夾套
steam jet blower 噴汽鼓風機
steam nozzle 蒸汽噴嘴
steam press 蒸汽壓燙
steam pressure 汽壓
steam pressure regulator 汽壓調節器
steam puffer 脹模整燙機
steam setting 蒸汽定型
steam shrunk (呢絨)蒸汽預縮
steam supply pipe 供汽管
steam trap 卸水器,凝汽筒
steam twills 斜紋交棉織物織(英國產)
steam valve 蒸汽瓣,汽閥
steamer 蒸處機
steaming 蒸處
steaming and brushing machine 蒸刷機
steaming chamber 汽室,汽蒸箱
stearate 硬脂酸脂
stearic acid 硬脂酸,十八烷酸
stearyl 硬脂醯,十八烷醯
steatile 滑石,蠟石
steel bars 長條鋼梳櫛(花邊針織機用)
steel helmet 鋼盔
steep bleaching process 浸漬漂白法
steep twill 急斜紋
steeped silk 浸漬絲
steeping 浸漬;前洗工程
steeping and pressing tank 浸鹼壓榨機
steeping bowl 浸毛機
steeping lye 浸漬鹼液
steeping wool 脫脂羊毛
stem 針桿;莖
stem fibre 韌皮纖維
stencil 刻花模板,印花紙板
stencil cloth 篩板
stencil lacquer printing 鏤(花)板漆印
stencil printing 刻板印花
stenter 擴幅機
stenter books 細薄書面布
step 踏板;位移;間距;節距;拖腳杯;梯形;級
step effect 梯形效果
step number 飛數(緞紋組織用語)
step pulley 級輪
step rack 梯形齒桿
step-index optical fibre 階梯式折射率光纖
step-ins 寬管女內褲
stepped cam 寶塔凸輪
stepped plate 階梯板,段板
stereoregular polymer 立體規則性聚合物
stereoscan microscopy 立體掃描式顯微鏡
steric effect 立體障礙效應
sterile 滅菌劑,消毒劑
stick 投梭棒;手杖
stick buffer support 投梭板緩衝支撐
stick pin 領帶夾;插式別針
stick slip 黏滑
stick spring 投梭板彈簧
stick umbrella 手杖傘
sticker 鬆緊條痕
sticking temperature 黏著溫度
sticking-in 嵌花筒(織疵)
sticky cotton 粘著(羅拉)棉
stiff collar 硬領
stiffener 挺硬布
stiffening 硬漿或重漿加工,氈呢硬挺加工
stiffening agent 硬挺劑