(計算時間: 0.011秒, 共找到 22761 筆資料,顯示第 20601 到 20700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
thread tracing 記號縫
thread trimmer 修線員
thread trimming device 修布邊裝置
thread-chain cutter 線環切斷裝置
thread-shank 釦線腳
threadbare 露底;毛絨磨損(織疵)
threading 穿線;穿導布
threads per unit length 每單位長度[緯紗]根數
threads per unit width 每單位寬度[經紗]根數
thready cloth 線紋細布
three blade beater 三片打手
three dimensional colour space 色立體,色空間
three dimensional printing effect 立體印花效果
three elementary weave 三原組織
three for one twister 三合一撚線機
three foundational weave 三原組織
three misthread defense 防止三緯錯織裝置
three pickterry 三緯毛巾
three ply 三股;三層織物
three ply cloth 三層布,三層織物
three primary colors 三原色
three principal weave 三原組織
three-cord-thread 三股線
three-dimensional crimp 三維捲曲
three-guarter sleeve 七分袖
three-leaf filling twill 三枚緯面斜紋
three-leaf warp twill 三枚經面斜紋
three-pick terry cloth 三緯毛巾布
three-piece dress 三件式套裝
three-piece skirt set 三件式裙裝
three-piece slacks set 三件式褲裝
three-piece suit 三件式套裝
three-quarter bleached 3/4漂白
three-roll temple 三刺輥撐邊器
threonine 蘇氨酸
throat 針頸,針脖
throat plate 針板,面板,喉板
throttle valve 減壓閥
through 接頭經紗
through and through 織花雙面織物
throw 輕布;撚絲;圍巾
throwing 撚絲工程
throwing silk 加撚絲線
thrum 上機接頭紗或布;了機接頭紗或布
thrum waste 了機或上機回絲
thrust bearing 止推軸承
thumb lever 拇指桿
thymol 茴香油
thymol blue 百里酚藍
thymolphthatlein 百里酚
thymot 茴香精
tiara 教皇法冠
Tibet wool 西藏羊毛(中國產)
tibet wool 薄呢片再生毛
tick 被套;床褥布;枕套
tick-tack effect 鳥眼織紋
ticking 被套料
tidy 椅被套
tie 編織;綁帶;領帶;領結
tie bar 領帶夾
tie clasp 領帶夾
tie clip 領帶夾
tie dyeing 紮染
tie molecule 緊伸分子
tie pin 領帶別針
tie point 結織點
tie silk 領帶綢
tie-and-dye 手工紮染
tie-back 鬆緊條痕
tie-band 紮絞線
tie-up 穿吊法
tieing-in 經紗接頭
tiered flounces 複層裙
tiered skirt 複層裙
tiers 紗架層
tietack 領帶扣針
tight end 緊經
tight feeder 短少喂紗
tight filling 緊緯
tight list 緊編(織疵)
tight pick 緊緯(織疵)
tight selvage 緊邊
tight spots 未解撚點
tight-and-loose pick 鬆緊緯
tight-and-loose pulleys 緊鬆皮帶盤
tightness factor 被覆係數
tights 緊身衣
tillandsia 短毛絨(西班牙產)
tilt angle 傾斜角
Timadit 提瑪牴綿羊(摩洛哥產)
time and motion study 動作時間研究
time delay relay 延時繼電器
time lag 時間滯後
time of half dyeing 半染時間
time switch 定時開關
timer 計時器
timing corrector 時間調整器
timing dial 調節針盤
tin chloride 氯化錫
tin cylinder 白鐵滾筒