(計算時間: 0.006秒, 共找到 22761 筆資料,顯示第 5401 到 5500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
condenser spun 搓條紡紗
condensing reed 集紗筘
condition 含濕量;平衡水份
conditiond weight 公定回潮重量
conditioner tibe 蒸氣管
conditioning 給濕
conduct 傳導,導管,套管
conducting fibre 導電纖維
conducting trunk 輸送管,輸棉管
conduction of heat 傳導熱
conductivity 傳導率,傳導性,傳導係數,導電性
conductometric analysis 電導定量分析
conductometric titration 電導定量滴定
conductor 導體,導條器
cone 圓錐輪,圓錐管;錐形管子紗;斜筒紗;鐵砲
cone belt 圓錐輪皮帶
cop 紙管,管紗,緯管
cone clutch 圓錐咬合器,圓錐式離合器
cone dish 圓錐盤
cone drum 圓錐輪,圓錐皮帶筒;鐵砲輪
cone dyeing 筒子紗染色
cone package 筒子紗
cone pulley 圓錐輪皮帶盤,鐵砲皮帶盤
cone pulley system 圓錐輪皮帶盤
cone stud 圓錐鐵軸
cone winder 斜筒式絡筒機
cone winding machine 斜筒式絡筒機
confection 流行女裝
confidence coefficient 信賴係數
confidence interval 信賴區間
confidence limits 信賴限界
configuration 組態,構型
configurational entropy 構型熵
conformability 順應性,適合性,貼身性
conformance 一致性
conformation 構造形態,構象
congeal 凍凝,凝固
congo red 剛果紅
conical hat 圓錐形帽
conical roller 圓錐形羅拉
conjugate fibre 複合纖維
conjugate linkage 共軛鍵
conjugate spinning 複合紡絲
matrix 基質
conjugated acid and base 共軛酸鹼
conjugated polymer 複合聚合物
conjugated yarn 複合絲
connecting arm 連接臂,連接棒,連桿
connecting bar 連接棒條,連接桿
connecting lever 連接桿,連接棒
connecting link 連接鏈,連桿
connecting pin 曲柄臂固定梢,梢釘
connecting pin twill tappet 斜紋踏綜盤梢子
connecting pointer 觸桿連桿
connecting rod 連接桿,連桿
connecting rod end 連接棒尾端,連桿尾
connecting wire 連接鐵絲
consistency 稠度,濃度
consistency property 相容性質
consistometer 稠度計;濃度計
consolidation 凝固,硬化
constant 常數,定數
constant boiling mixture 恆沸點混合物
constant boiling point 恆沸點
constant displacement pump 均勻送料量泵,計量泵
constant drying condition 恆乾燥狀態
constant length system 定長制
constant load 定載荷
constant load-rate tensile testing machine 恆速載荷強力試驗機
constant number 常數
constant pressure 恆壓
constant proportion 定比;恆比
constant rate of elongation machine 恆速伸長檢驗機
constant rate of extension 定速伸張,定速拉張
constant rate of extension test 恆速伸張試驗
constant rate of loading 定速負載,定速荷重
constant speed 定速,恆速,等速
constant stress type tester 恆應力型試驗機
constant temperature and humidity 恆溫恆濕,定溫定濕
constant temperature bath 恆溫浴
constant temperature oven 恆溫烘箱
constant temperature regulator 恆溫調節器
constant weight 恆重,恆量,絕對乾燥量
constant weight system 定重制
constituent 組分,成分
constituent of fibre 纖維成分
constitution cord 闊綾厚燈芯絨
constitutional formula 結構式
constitutionals 裝飾用厚燈芯絨
constitutive property 結構性質
constrained motion 限制運動,強制運動
constrictor 凝集器
construction 構造
consumer goods 消費品
consumer movement 消費者運動
consumption 消費
contact angle 接觸角
contactor 接觸器
container 貯藏器,容器
contamination 沾污